#lan sizhuis uncles


Jiang Cheng: Lan Sizhui

Lan Sizhui: yes shushu

Jiang Cheng:

Lan Sizhui:uh

—some time later—

Wei Wuxian: why are they on the ground like that, what are those noises…? Wait, have they been poisoned?!

Lan Xichen: Ah, no. Sizhui called him his shushu

Wei Wuxian:

Lan Xichen: to his face

Wei Wuxian: this is completely unfair

Lan Xichen: ???

Wei Wuxian: Jin Ling calls me ayi.

Junior Shenans Pt 3

Lan Jingyi: who is she though

Ouyang Zizhen: and why have these star-cross’d lovers not taken life by the fatal loins yet

*Wen Ning has left the chat*

Jin Ling: good the interloper’s gone

Lan Sizhui: leave a-ning out of this

Jin Ling: my father looks down on you with disappointment


Jin Ling: oh she’s Wen Ning’s sister

Lan Jingyi:

Ouyang Zizhen:

Lan Sizhui: but—

Jin Ling: yeah we almost shared an uncle it’s fine it’s not like I lie awake at night dreading this possibility or anything

Lan Jingyi: wait i thought that one was gay

Ouyang Zizhen, rolling up his sleeves: only one way to find out
