#learning spanish



  1. Tú vas a mirar. - You are going to see.
  2. Lo voy a reconocer. - I am going to recognize it.
  3. Él va a pedir agua. - He is going to ask for water.
  4. Voy a llamar a la policía. - I’m going to call the police.
  5. Lo voy a comprender. - I am going to comprehend it.
  6. Voy a servir el arroz. - You are going to serve the rice.
  7. No vas a creer esto. - You are not going to believe this.
  8. Usted va a mirar al niño. - You are going to see the boy.
  9. La voy a llamar mañana. - I am going to call her tomorrow.
  10. No te van a comprender. - They are not going to understand you.
  11. No lo vamos a reconocer a él. - We aren’t going to recognize him.

  1. Lo voy a reducir. - I am going to reduce it.
  2. La voy a escuchar. - I am going to listen to her.
  3. Ella me va a olvidar. - She is going to forget me.
  4. Ellos no van a venir hoy. - They are not going to come today.
  5. ¿Te vas a quedar en casa? - Are you going to stay at home?
  6. Está bien, vamos a continuar. - Fine, we are going to continue.
  7. Creo que me voy a quedar aquí. - I believe I’m going to stay here.
  8. Nosotros vamos a empezar a comer. - We are going to start eating.
  9. Muy bien, vamos a continuar. - Very good, we are going to continue.

  1. Va a aumentar. - It is going to increase.
  2. Esto me va a ayudar. - This is going to help me.
  3. Lo vamos a abandonar. - We are going to abandon it.
  4. ¿Cuándo van a aprender? - When are they going to learn?
  5. Ellos van a acabar la comida. - They are going to finish the food.
  6. Ellas van a ofrecer su casa. - They are going to offer their house.
  7. ¿Cuándo lo vas a superar? - When are you going to overcome it?

  1. Voy a usar esto. - I am going to use this.
  2. Ella lo va a aplicar. - She is going to apply it.
  3. ¿Cómo vas a elegir? - How are you going to choose?
  4. Ellos se van a recuperar. - They are going to recover.
  5. Ahora voy a demostrar. - Now I am going to demonstrate.
  6. ¿Vas a elegir el vino? - Are you going ot choose the wine?
  7. Voy a descubrir un país. - I am going to discover a country.
  8. La gente lo va a descubrir. - People are going to discover it.
  9. Vamos a recuperar esta zona. - We are going to recover this area.
  10. Ustedes van a controlar el coche. - You are going to control the car.

  1. Ustedes van a regresar. - You are going to return.
  2. Voy a vender mi casa. - I am going to sell my house.
  3. ¿Ustedes van a querer café? - Will you want coffee?
  4. Le voy a mostrar mi coche a él. - I am going to show him my car.
  5. Ustedes van a cerrar la puerta. - You are going to close the door.
WordBrewery is great for improving your vocabulary.  It gives you a random sentence at either beginn

WordBreweryis great for improving your vocabulary.  It gives you a random sentence at either beginner, intermediate, advanced or master level, and you can make lists of words or sentences that you’d like to learn.  

It includes the following languages:

  • Spanish
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • Korean
  • Serbian (Latin)
  • Serbian (Cryillic)
  • Hungarian
  • Greek
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian

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You guys I just found something that’s pretty cool if you’re interested in practicing listening in your target language (and learning something new altogether at the same time!)

Khan Academy has a bunch of videos in foreign languages and apparently it’s called Khan Academy International (here’s a link to their tumblr).

They have content in quite a few languages, and while some of them have mostly math and science stuff, there are a lot of channels that delve into a lot of the other content that Khan Academy English does, like art history, world history, etc.

So far I’ve found their Youtube channels in these languages (I’m sure there are more though, and if you find any feel free to add them to this post!):


















