#lesbian safe


June is pride month and we as a community need to remember that our history was not a peaceful history. We did not shy away from punching police officers and destroying property because the police sure as hell did not shy away from beating and raping and killing us and raiding our bars and businesses. We did not shy away from breaking the law because our very existence was against the law. And we cannot forget that working class lgbt people of colour, especially black gays and lesbians, were and still are fundamental in the fight against the pervasive system of homophobia that still exists today. Remember and acknowledge them, and remember and acknowledge that we would not have our rights if not for riots and revolutions.

Gay culture is spending your teenage years researching the immigration policy of your long distance partners country


International dating website but it’s for us non-Americans to find an American to marry and give them citizenship to our country so they can escape whatever the fuck is happening there

Nooo y’all in the comments You guys doing okay over there?? Hmu if you wanna ditch America and come here to marry a dumb cottagewhore and raise ducks together in a little cottage, drinking tea and petting our goats

International dating website but it’s for us non-Americans to find an American to marry and give them citizenship to our country so they can escape whatever the fuck is happening there

To live in a little house with my wife…cooking dinner together every night…decorating for the holidays together wine-drunk with flushed cheeks and trading tipsy kisses…snuggling together on the couch with our blanket collection watching old movies…‘tis the dream
