#lets gooooo



It’s been a while but I’ve decided I’m going to do my first stream of the year tomorrow on picarto at 2:00pm CST!

Looking forward to working on WIPs and vibe with y’all

Come join!


the ocean is therapy!!!!


the GREAT and POWERFUL only!!!! SUCKS and WEAK dni

I was tagged by @immacryyowzah  (thanks bb)

RULES: Bold in what you prefer and tag ten people!

(I’m only tagging 5 cause I’m LAME but tag or don’t tag however many people you want!!)

Coffee or tea (neither really- keep your dirt/bean water. I’ll take a coke✨)

Early bird or night owl 

Spring or fall(just cause I love a bonfire and a flannel)

Silver or gold(rose gold, really. Rose Gold everything.)

Pop or alternative classic & instrumental (you betta Werkbitch)

Freckles or dimples

Snakes or sharks(only cause they stay faaaaar away from me)

Mountains or fields

Thunderstorm or lightning

Egyptian or greekmythology

Ivory or scarlet (but I’d much prefer black or pink)

Flute or lyre (both can piss off) (sorry but I really do not care for either of these lol)

Opal or diamond

Butterflies or honeybees(save the bees!!1!)

Macaroons or eclairs

Typewritten orhandwritten (just write!!1! I like handwritten sentiments, but for actual writing, it’s gotta be typed)

Secret garden or secret library 

Rooftop or balcony (I really cannot choose but probably balcony cause it’s more private?? idk.)

Spicy or mild

Opera or ballet (my adhd Brain gets bored if there are no words‍♀️)

London or Paris

Denim or leather 

Ocean or desert

Mermaidsorsirens(both are so cool!!)

Masquerade ball or cocktail party

uhh okay we taggin’ @kttnisseverdeen@acearomantic@villain-villanelle@xziggystardustxx@pesycookies

Sorry if you’ve already been tagged or if you don’t wanna participate lol:) If I’ve tagged you its cause I admire you/your blog!! If you don’t wanna play tho, no hard feelings✨

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair #1 | EASY BREEZY ISLAND FUN TIMES

Gina and Allison say hello to hope and good vibes only as we begin Danganronpa 2!

smilestimz:“I’m Dr. Phineas Waldolf SteelAnd with my purpose revealedI feel I could take over the wo


I’mDr. Phineas Waldolf Steel
And with my purpose revealed
I feel I could take over the world
I can’t believe I never saw it before
My destiny calls me and I open the door!

Dr Steel Stimboard because I’ve been listening
to his music a lot, and it makes me go stupid go crazy.


ns-f-w/18+ blogs do Not Rb/Interact with my posts.
Pls respect the banner.

Banner made by me!
Feel free to use just make sure to credit me!

Post link




Shout out to @kkloco! And to everyone else, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! ❤️❤️❤️

satelliteinasupernova:A Perpetual Estrangement: Chapter 7Newly vivid in his memory, Betty was in f


A Perpetual Estrangement: Chapter 7

Newly vivid in his memory, Betty was in front of him, her hair only half tied back behind her head, a messy fray of loose curls casting over her shoulder. She wasn’t even wearing proper shoes, she had come all the way to see him still wearing her house slippers. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

Even before she spoke the words, her eyes had been clouded over with despair. Her throat caught on the words, and with them, the tears that had been threatening to fall from her eyes cascaded down her face. While his heart closed off from her, she watched. She bit her lip to keep it from quivering.

“Jug,” she said, reaching for his arm. He shook it off. “Jug, my parents have refused to provide a dowry. I would be just a burden to you.” Later, he would remember this only as one of her many excuses. Her deciding proof that he wasn’t a good enough match for her.

Now, he could see that she had been a young woman forced to choose between her family and love. Between stability and the potential for poverty. He could recognize now how the choice had torn her apart.

ReadChapter 7 / or start from the beginning

Post link




absolutely loving the daily dracula idea let’s do lord of the rings next

my guys (gn) i’m not kidding when i tell you i’d be absolutely ready to organise this if it wasn’t for copyright laws so as it is

screenshot of a google search saying: "when does the lord of the rings enter public domain", with the first reply reading: "In the US, Tolkien's works will enter the public domain 95 years after they were published. So, 2032 for The Hobbit, and 2050 for LotR? In the UK and other “life+70” countries, Tolkien's works will enter the public domain 70 years after his death."ALT

see you in 2044

(id in alt text)

okay but what if I said fuck it and just did it anyway

im gonna say fuck it and do it anyway I just need to find a newsletter tool that won’t pay too much attention to copyright! so if anyone has any info to help me with research that’ll be much appreciated

it’s all still a few months away anyway
