#levi x reader angst


One and Only - Levi Ackerman x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama

Welcome to the fourth of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Fourth up is Levi Ackerman with the candy heart saying “One and Only”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt:Humanity’s strongest soldier never thought about settling down with anyone - but when he sees you? He can’t stop wondering about what a life with you might look like.

A/N: Hi guys! Here is the fourth part of the Valentine’s Day event! Another fic should be up later tonight, so be on the lookout for that. But yay! Levi! Our fav captain! I hope you all enjoy <3

Word Count: 1.4K


Considering he was a man with a constant struggle against insomnia, Levi Ackerman didn’t rest much. While he was always willing to lay down with you for a bit until you drift off to sleep, but after he was sure you were deep in dreamland, he’d carefully let you go and move his arms - leaving you on the bed curled up under covers and allowing him to tiptoe out of your shared room and into his office directly adjacent to it. But while his physical self strayed a bit farther from you, his mind surely did not. In fact, when he wasn’t flying in the air with blades unsheathed, his eyes set dead on the nape of the titan in front of him, his thoughts only seemed to be of you.

It was odd, he used to think, that you had chosen him of all people to be interested in. He didn’t fit the bill of primary requirements that women might want; sure he was athletic, built, and had a pretty face - but he was also short, working most of the time, and harsh. You liked to joke that you didn’t choose and that you were just stuck with him through some twist of fate, but every time before the two of you would leave for a mission, you’d leave him with the same words: “I’d always choose you.” And he, without hesitation, would always choose you too.


You were a clear leader amongst your colleagues and the scouts, but held an understanding that Levi lacked. You were able to note the relationships between the cadets and what made them tick, you knew what meal day tended to be their favorite, but most importantly, you knew him

Levi was a difficult person to understand. Buried deep under layers and layers of hard cold exterior was a most vulnerable and sensitive human being. The memories of his mother, his first two friends, and his squad were pushed down so he didn’t have to relive it every thirty seconds. And you knew all of it. You knew that when he tipped his head down a bit, just so that his hair covered his eyes, it would be so that no one could see the tears threatening to spill from them. You knew when he wanted a hug, he needed one. You know he loves you.

It was another one of those nights where sleep couldn’t grace him. He was left to stare at the ceiling while you buried your face into the crook of his neck. Your breathing tickled the skin there and it blew back the tips of his hair just a little bit, but he didn’t mind. Not one bit. In fact, tonight, he held on a bit tighter to you instead of slipping away to make a dent in his ever growing pile of paperwork. He turned his head just a bit to look at you. Your face was clear of the stress and worry lines that held purchase on your skin during the day. Your eyes weren’t scrunched in frustration or confusion at the new squad formation blueprints. You looked so peaceful, it almost made Levi want to cry.

This was how he wanted you to be every day. Not in the sense of you shouldn’t be a part of the survey corps - he knew you would never be happy sitting around in a house while there was something you could be doing to help the cause. He wanted the titans to be gone and for the two of you to live in a little cottage in the countryside, where the only thing you would hear in the mornings would be the bluebirds singing and the little stream in your yard rushing. He wants to see you smiling as the two of you read in chairs outside, rocking back and forth on your front porch. And then when he looks down at your hands and sees the rings on both your fingers- woah.

“Where the hell did that come from.” He thinks aloud, whispering the words. He looks back to the ceiling, then glances at you again. Marriage was something that was always on his no-no list. Too big of a commitment in the world he was currently living in. Just the notion of what the ring brought along with it made him nervous and unsteady. He despised the thought of finding a severed hand with a ring on it even more. So why was he thinking about it? Finally, he resumed his usual nightly routine. He unwound his arms from you, making sure you were still sound and asleep, lightly snoring against your pillow, and then he made his way out of the room and towards his desk.

He all but collapsed into his office chair, blowing out air from his puffed cheeks as he retraced his mental steps. Obviously, he loves you. He would be a fool to try and think otherwise. But where did that urge for that sort of future come from? It’d be ideal for both of you to make it alive and out of this hell the two of you were privy to. But marriage? Dressing up and having a little ceremony, him in his best clothes and you in a sweet white dress with a little bouquet of flowers in your hand. It was all so domestic, so carefree. Not at all feeling like there was an invisible time limit on it all. No sand from an hourglass falling, no time on a watch ticking.

Levi’s eyes darted around his desk. Papers were stacked in tidy piles, pens lined up neatly along the left side. He pulled open all his drawers except for the big one at the bottom, leaving that one completely alone. There wasn’t much to be seen within them - a magnifying glass and loose leaf paper being some of the only things in it. Then, he finds it. One of the two things he kept from his mother. The first was folded nicely atop a stack of fresh clothes tomorrow, the ivory white cravat that was cut from the cloth of his mother’s dress. And now, in his hands, was the second. It was simple, not nearly polished enough, and without any kind of stone or adornments welded on to it. The little ring that his mother had worn on a necklace ever since he was a baby. If he could imagine it hard enough, he could remember trying to grab on to it as a toddler and twisting it between his little fingers. He played with it in his palm, now. Letting it roll around and settle into his palm, leaving faint tracks of dust all over it. Rubbing at it a little with the handkerchief relieved it of some of the grime, leaving a matte, but nice, looking ring.


Levi stood, a clean ring in his hand and a view of you sleeping in his eyes. He took a deep breath and stepped towards you, moving without any desire to shove the small piece of jewelry back into the depths of his desk. You’re still sleeping and don’t even stir when he climbs back into bed and blows out the candle, carefully peeling back and then covering himself in the blankets you were tucked into. Like a puzzle piece, he maneuvers himself so that he’s back to where he was before with your head in the crook of his neck and your left hand played across his chest. But now, instead of trying to find a way to sleep, he gently lifted your hand. With a shuddering breath, he plucks the ring from his hand and begins to slide it slowly onto your ring finger. It fits perfectly. And then, like a butterfly, he holds your hand in his - and a smile crosses his face. A silent, sappy smile that he would be shocked to find on himself if he looked into a mirror. But looking at what he wanted his future to be in the flesh was overwhelming to him in the best way possible.

Of course, though, you had to stir awake. Blinking the sleep away from your eyes slowly, you register something on your hand that wasn’t there before.

“Did you put a ring on my finger?” You mumble, wiggling your left ring finger and looking at the man whose arms you were in.

“Yeah.” He says simply, looking down at you now with a neutral expression.

“Hmm,” you hum, closing your eyes and snuggling in closer to him. “Okay.” With that, he closes his eyes too and, like a miracle, Levi finds sleep that night.  Tucked into bed, no thoughts of the dangers ahead, and with you. His one and only.


Event Taglist:

❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist


Flood my inbox, pleaseee

Send whatever you got my way. Whether it be angsty, smutty, or fluffy. Super specific scenarios are cool too. As long as whatever it is can be feasibly written in drabble format, which for me, is 500-1k words.

Idk why I’m having such a hard time writing for Levi atm, but I’m hoping that busting out a few quick drabbles will break my writing block spell for him.
