#aot angst


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama

AOT Masterlist-Main Masterlist

Warnings: Angst, Weapons, Season 4 spoilers

Requested by: Anonymous

Hi! Could you do a one-shot of Jean/Girlfriend. His lover drank the wine and turned into a Titan after Zeke screamed. Then could you show everyone’s reaction and what they decide to do. :D

A/N: Sorry this took a little bit, but I’m really happy with how this turned out! Also had to catch up on the last two episodes that came out (including the one today omg it was so good). I did take some liberties with the second part of your request, as I focused more on Jean’s reaction.  I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!

Word Count: 1.2K


You weren’t one to enjoy alcohol. Usually, you would avoid having even a single glass of wine because you didn’t want to risk the possibility of you being drunk. The thought of being out of your own control in a world that was already so messed up plagued your mind enough to the point that when you and your buddies were passing around a bottle, you’d pass on the opportunity. Plus, the taste of it wasn’t fantastic enough to warrant you actively seeking a sip of the purpley-red liquid.

However, that one night where you wanted to just forget about the fact that your comrades, your family, and your closest friends were six feet under - and you were only nineteen yourself - you found yourself with a flush on your cheeks and a giggle in your throat. It felt so good at the moment, like you were flying in the sky. It was that same adrenaline and completely pleasant feeling that you remembered experiencing when you first mastered using ODM gear; playing hide and seek in the training forests with Connie, Jean, and Sasha. It made you feel like a fifteen year old again. You felt like your old self. Now, it just made you miserable.


The little armband that was affixed to your overcoat did nothing to weigh you down, but you felt like it was constricting your arm. It was hard to process what Commander Pyxis had told you - that the wine you had sipped from was contaminated with Zeke Yeager’s spinal fluid. That the one time, the one instance in which you had let yourself have a drink, it would be the biggest mistake of your life.

At the moment, you were stuck in a cell, swinging your feet on a little stool and trying not to think too hard about what was almost certainly to come within the next few days, maybe in the next few moments. The second that Zeke would yell, it would be over for you. You would transform into the very monster that you had been slaying for the last several years. But, could you really still call them monsters? They were people with lives who had been at the beck and call of Marley. They could have been someone’s Connie, someone’s Sasha. Someone’s Jean… oh god Jean. What would he say when he finds out? Would it be too late, would you have already transformed before you got the chance to say goodbye? And if that did happen, would he even be able to tell if you were a titan? You’d seen it happen before with Armin. A strange, mutated version of the human they once were is projected onto the titan’s face. You almost began to tear up at that possibility - that a gangly titan version of you had your Y/H/C hair, your Y/E/C eyes. A ‘you’ that was so deformed, but still held the characteristics that would prompt someone to say, ‘that’s Y/N’s titan.’

You felt sick. You leant to reach for a bucket, but the locked door that imprisoned you and several others swung open.

“Let’s go, come on. We need you all.” You didn’t bother to look up at the speaker. You were a soldier, and you knew how to follow orders, so you immediately fell into line. A gun was shoved into your hand and there was a pat to your back as you were ushered out of the building and into the usually busy cobblestone streets. A gasp fell from your lips as you looked around you. All over, Marlyeans and Eldians were battling, and in the center of it all, Eren’s titan. That short boy with the raven colored hair that you used to share jokes with and poke fun at, held a stance and stature that felt so wrong. But you didn’t have time to linger or hold onto that thought. Instead, the Beast titan made you freeze in your movements. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe. And yes, while that was part of the titan’s power, this was purely your own body’s actions. An overwhelming fear struck through every one of your nerves that you didn’t notice a Marleyean take aim at you. However, someone else did. In a flurry of movements, Jean killed the man instantly and turned towards you, running as fast as he could. All you could do was watch him. Immediately, Jean gathered you into his arms, clutching and grasping at your arms, your clothes, your hair - like you were water slipping from his hands and he was doing everything he could to keep you there with him.

“Y/N, where the hell have you been, Armin and I have been trying to get everyone of our group back together and you have been the one person to be missing.” He says into your hair, breathing you in and tucking your face into his chest. Again, you find yourself not being able to do anything, so he pulls back to look at you from an arm’s length. “Y/N?”

Your gaze flickers down to your armband and then back to him, which he mimics. You find it truly impressive how many emotions his face shuffles through in one second. Confusion, denial, anger, sadness. He was just missing one to have gone through the whole cycle of grief. Instead, he shook his head.

“No, no. Tell me you didn’t, this has to be a mistake. You hate wine, you hate alcohol in general. It’s probably because you were just with them that they made you wear it.”

“Jean…” you finally croak out, giving him a sad smile and locking your eyes with his. “You… you should go. You need to get away from me. Please.” Pushing him away and backpedaling slowly, you don’t let him out of your sight. He takes a step forward, but your hand goes up. “I don’t want you to be here when this happens, and I don’t think you do either.” His head turns towards the floor, and you know you’ve won. “Hey Jean? Close your eyes for me?” You say, your voice quivering just a bit. He complies. “I love you.” You say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. And with that, you’re gone, down the road and around the corner. And Zeke let’s forth one hell of a scream.

He lets his feet carry him until he’s into a spring, finally moving to use his ODM gear. Jean finds himself on a rooftop with Armin, Mikasa, and Connie. The light explodes all over the crumbling city, and Jean clamps his hands over his ears. He doesn’t want this, he never wanted this. He wanted a life with you in a little cottage. He wanted to be reading a newspaper while your baby was asleep on his chest, their little hand gripping onto the cloth of his shirt. He won’t get that. He will never get that.

“Is that?” Connie exclaims, shock and sadness taking hold of his tone.

“O-oh my god.” Armin says, his hand moving to cover his dropped jaw.

“No…” Mikasa whispered, her eyes wide. Finally, Jean looks to what they had set their eyes on. A tall, strong looking titan. Y/H/C hair was whipping fiercely in the wind. Y/E/C eyes were buried deep in its face. And quickly, just like that kiss you had given him, a soldier had sliced its nape and it collapsed on the broken, cobble street. Jean let forth a breath. Acceptance.


Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny ~ All-Flora Florist


I can’t tell you I love you

Eren Yeager x Reader

Synopsis: Falling in love when you live a life full of uncertainties isn’t always the best idea. But you’ve followed Eren this far and loved him for this long. He may be the worlds enemy, but does he really have to be yours too? Inspired by Adele’s song Love In the Dark Bc I love her and the angsty vibes suit Eren so well. Expect a Levi version.

Warning: 18+ content and mentions of blood. If you like angsty smut, this is for you:)


“Do you think he’s doing okay?”

Your question caught Armin off guard. He turns his head to see you as you remained looking up at the starry sky above. A light breeze blew the hair out of your face, revealing watery eyes and furrowed brows.

“You mean Eren?”

You nodded in reply, not daring to look away from the night sky.

“I think he is. He’s strong and determined. His letters haven’t given us any reason to believe he’s not okay, right?”

You scoffed at the thought of the letters Eren had been sending. They were filled with orders and information about Marley, not on his well-being. You missed him. You didn’t want to admit it out loud, but you needed him.

“Yeah. You’re right. He’s fine and we are going to see him soon.”

Armin nodded as he shifted closer, throwing an arm across your shoulders and pulling your head to rest against his.

“Yeah. We will.”


The day would finally come when you’d see him again.

You stood atop a building adjacent from where the Warhammer Titan stood tall, its hardened material piercing Eren’s Attack Titan through the chest.

You watched from above as Eren pulled free from inside the Titans shell and directed his vision upwards, meeting your hardened gaze.

Your expression remained stoic and calm, as did his. Relief settled in your core as you sat eyes on him for the first time in months, your heart screamed at you to reach out to him. However, something deep within screamed at you to leave. To walk away.

But his eyes….

If only he’d look away so you could.

“Y/N, you have a clear view of the Warhammer?” Jean asked as he landed beside you on the roof.

You shook your arm, feeling the weight of the Thunder Spear that made your muscles burn. Your vision tore away from Eren, your focus now locking in on the Titan standing ahead. You squinted your eyes, lifting an arm to get the nape in your sights.

“I do. But, something isn’t right about this. Look.” You pointed to the ground below the Titan, bring attention to the vein like cords that connected to the foot of the Titan and stretched underground.

Jean nodded before he jumped to stand on the edge of the roof.

“I see. Take your aim anyway. Go.”

You nodded as he zipped away, leaving you to stand on the edge as he did. You readied your spear and jumped off the edge, realizing your ODM gear hooks and soaring towards the Titan.

Lifting your arm, you closed one eye as you looked down the spear, getting the nape directly in your sights before you released it, perfectly sinking it into the nape with great force. You pulled the pin, waiting for some kind of reaction and grit your teeth in annoyance when you realized your intuition was correct.

“Dammit, Jean. Now I’ve wasted a Thunder Spear.”

A burning sensation in your right arm brought your attention away from your frustration. You winced when you moved it and saw a deep, four inch gash oozing blood down your uniform and soaking the black material.



You held your breath as you climbed into the airship after Jean, rolling on your side as you made it inside and releasing the air you held. Your eyes shut for a moment, relishing in the feeling of safety when footsteps stepped by your head. A foot gently nudged your unhurt arm, making you open your eyes in a squint.

“Oi, let me take you to get that looked at.”

You took Floch’s outstretched hand, allowing him to pull you up.

He cheered with the other soldiers as he made a path for you, bringing you to the metal door on the other end of the ship.

Once it was opened, your eyes met his. You froze in place, blood dripping from your fingers to the wooden panels beneath your feet.

“Y/N,” Eren’s words mumbled out through pale, emotionless lips. His eyes traveled from your face to the wound and down to the dripping blood on the floor.

He rose to his feet, face remaining stoic and unbothered.

“Let me help y-”

“No,” you adjusted your posture as you cut him off. “I don’t need your help. Don’t bother. Just sit back down, Eren.”

“But, you’re arm-”

“I don’t need your help. I. Don’t. Need. Your. Help.”

Your assertive tone had the entire rooms attention on you. Everyone stopped their movement and directed their eyes at you. The quiet drips of blood thumping against the wood being the only sound along with the hum of the ship.

You didn’t miss the glint of hurt in his eyes at your words. How could you? It was like looking at a kicked puppy. But, sometimes it’s easier to be cruel rather than show kindness.


You hadn’t realized the boy had been standing behind you. You were so focused on Eren that you failed to feel the boy’s presence.

You watched as a tear fell down his cheek, fear clouding his eyes as he stared straight ahead.

“It’s Sasha. She’s dead.”

Heat took over your body, making you forget the dizziness in your head from the loss of blood. You heard someone mumbling behind you as Connie answered, but it was just background noise that couldn’t be heard over the ringing in your ears.

One of your best friends was…. dead?

You froze as laughter was heard from behind you. Slowly turning, your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes welled up with tears. Hot, angry tears that boiled over like an overflowing kettle.

“Eren…you’re a monster.”

His laughter died down at your words, eyes meeting yours, once again filled with hurt.

Like you thought, it’s easier to be cruel than to be kind.


“We need to talk.”

Eren had grabbed you from behind, pulling you into an empty room outside the room filled with holding cells where his Jeagerist friends resided.

You stumbled into the desk as he tossed you inside. Wincing at the impact, you grit your teeth as you looked up at him.

“What do you want?”

He leaned against the door in front of you, leaving an infinite amount of space between you both. You felt so far away from him. You wanted to reach out to him. To hold him. Kiss him.

But, you wanted to hate him. Needed to hate him.

“Like I said. I want to talk.”

“Then talk,” you replied, folding your arms across your chest.

Eren leaned his head against the door behind him, looking down at you through hooded eyes.

You took in his appearance.

How dare he look so handsome.

His hair was pulled back into a messy bun, stray hairs perfectly framing his beautiful face. The frown he wore usually had pulled up into a soft smile on one end as he sized you up.

“I missed you.”

You swallowed at his words. The thick lump in your throat caught. You felt sick.

“You did.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. You didn’t believe him. How could you? He was so focused on bringing down the people on the other side of the ocean, so how could you believe he had time to miss you?

“I did. You know I love you. I meant every word I said those years ago.”

You remembered that day. Of course you did. You replayed that memory over and over for the first few months Eren left you behind. But, months turned into a year. You never heard from him. Never saw him. You tried to be strong and brave, but your heart wasn’t in it anymore.

He just left you in the dark. Never mentioned that day or those words again for years. Not until now.

You needed to move on.

“I…can’t…love you, Eren. Not anymore. I know what you plan to do-”

“It’s for the best, Y/N! I’m doing this for you. For Mikasa and Armin. For our future….don’t you want that? A future with all the love and happiness you deserve?”

The sickness settled in your stomach now. Maybe at one time you would have dropped everything and said yes. Deep down, you still wanted to. You didn’t want to live without him, but you needed to.


“You called me a monster.”

His words cut you off in a hurt tone. He tried to mask them with a bitter smile, but his glossy eyes didn’t hide the disbelief that you would ever say something to him like that.

“I did. I’m sorry.”

“You’re probably right. I am a monster to some people. But I truly am doing all of this for you. I love you. I want you to live a long, happy life. One without-”

“One without you?” The bitterness in your tone cut him off this time. You glared up at him with burning eyes, causing his chest to burn.


“I should. I should live my life far from you. You’re going to hurt me, and everyone else in your wake of you do what you’re about to do. Your friends, your family, your people…by staying around you, we will only know pain.”

Eren visibly deflated at your words. He knew he was hurting you, but he was hurting too. He needed you much more than you needed him.

“Don’t. Don’t say anymore. No more fighting. Just please let me kiss you. I need to before…before….” His words drifted off. You know what he was going to say. You knew what he needed to say before he carried out his mission.

You reached your hands towards him, cradling his face between your hands.


You did let him kiss you.

Your lips met his in a perfect kiss like two puzzle pieces. You molded together, holding each other close as if the other would be ripped away at any moment.

And it was true. Either one of you could be ripped away at any moment. Eren was destined for death, whether it be the end of his term, or dying in the hands of a determined soldier. You knew this would be the last time you did this.

His hands found their way to the back of your thighs as he lifted, allowing you to jump slightly as he plopped you on the empty desk behind you.

You spread your thighs, grabbing the collar of his jacket as you pulled him into you, slotting him between your legs as you brushed your nose against his, lips barely grazing each other.

“I can’t tell you I love you.”

Eren swallowed, leaning forward to rest his head against yours.

“I know. It’s okay.”

His words were cut short as you pulled him into another kiss, tears burning in your eyes, threatening to spill over as you moaned into his mouth.

His name left your lips as he lurched forward, grabbing onto your hips as his hips met yours. His hard on poked at your core, begging for more friction. A groan left his lips as he kissed you again, silencing his noises with your mouth.

Your legs twisted around his hips, bringing him impossibly closer as he kissed down your jaw to your exposed neck. Reaching the collar of your white button up, he reached a hand up to undo your buttons.

After undoing the top two, he paused, pulling back slightly to look at you, eyes shifting between each of yours.

“Is this okay?” His question fell on almost deaf ears as you nodded frantically, desperate to feel more of him. Your eyes remained on his puffy lips, silently begging for him to put them on you again.

“Eren, please. I need more.”

He chuckled as he leaned forward, planting a quick kiss to your lips.

His hands worked all your buttons, moving down to your pants as his lips made their way to your chest.

Your back arched as he kissed your breasts, your hands playing with the loose hairs at the nape of his neck.

Quick fingers pulled your pants down, his following soon after along with his shirt. He left your button up on and undone, eyes admiring the old bra you wore. He thought about how cute it was. How cute you were. How unbelievably beautiful the woman he loved had grown to be.

“I love you.”

Those words he whispered to you as he slowly pushed inside you made your heart do flips.

We’re you using him? Did the think you were using him? He loved you, and you refused to say it back.

You didn’t love him, right?


But every thrust he delivered, every kiss he placed so delicately to your burning skin made you want to cry.

His pace was relentless, sweet praises leaving his lips.

“You’re so beautiful. You feel so good, Y/N. God, I love you.”



No, no. You couldn’t say it. You didn’t want to admit it.

You bit your lip, tears pricked your eyes again. Both from the pain and the words Eren spoke. And the words your couldn’t…wouldn’t speak.

His pace quickened as he pushed deeper, causing your legs to tighten around his waist. He placed kisses all over your face, no plan or pattern to his actions. He just needed to kiss every inch of that beautiful face.

“I’m so close.”

He hummed at your words, keeping his pace and reaching a hand down to rub your clit with his thumb, his other four fingers pressing into your stomach to feel himself.

He leaned into you further, lips brushing yours as his other hand gripped your chin, bringing your eyes to his.

“Let go, my love.”

You did as he commanded. Your body melted at the feeling, his body collapsing on top of yours as he reached his high as well.

Once the relentless sounds of moans and slapping skin ceased, the only sounds that filled the room were from you both panting and the creaky floor beneath Eren’s feet.

Your thighs refused to let him go. At least, you blamed it on your thighs.

And whether it be post-high syndrome or the fact that you knew something big was coming, you couldn’t deny your heart and brain that were screaming at you along with your aching core.


You cradled his face yet again, allowing a single tear to fall from your tired eyes.

“I love you too.”

A smirk tugged at his lips, bringing life back to those sparkling, green, puppy dog eyes.

“I know.”


Thank you all so much for reading! I hope I executed this idea well and I hope you all enjoyed it.

Also holy shit thank you for 990 followers??? That’s like…almost 1000….. I am so so thankful for you all and I love you guys. Thank you for all the support you have shown me. You are all so wonderful❤️

Aight so I’ve been listening to Love in the Dark by Adele over and over this week and all I can think about it S4 Eren Yeager and/or Levi Ackerman. The song just fits them so well??? The words and the music just sounds like a tragic love story.

Soooo should I write a lil something about that?? Probs will do it anyway, but I need someone else to hear me out on it because I’m obsessed with the idea of an angsty love story with one or both of them.

I’m fucking sad y'all a man broke my heart I believe I manifested this life by reading angst for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Daddy’s Home


Pairing: Eren x reader x Jean

Genre: smut, pwp for the most part, teensy bit of angst

Warnings: this is filthy, NSFW, minors DNI, BDSM dynamics, emotional manipulation, daddy kink, breeding, unprotected sex, double penetration, oral sex, degradation, praise kink, dacryphilia, dumbification, overstimulation, impact play, choking, threesome, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Eren’s a bit of a dick surprise, surprise

Word count: 4.2k

“I bet you like this, don’t you, whore?” Eren’s long fingers seized your neck, squeezing the sides of your windpipe as he pulled your back flush against his chest. His other hand held a death grip on your hip, guiding your body to meet his thrusts as he fucked up into you from where he sat on the couch. “Bet you want him to walk in here and see this tight little cunt of yours getting stuffed full with my cock, hmm?”

“N-no, Sir,” you mewled breathlessly, closing your eyes to try and focus on not coming undone until you could get his permission, which he’d been denying for so long now. “My pussy s'just for you, Sir.”

His lips curled into a smirk against your shoulder, sinking his teeth in as he tightened his grip on your neck, “Such a good slut today, aren’t you? You really wanna cum, huh? Wanna cream all over this cock?”

“Yes. Yes, please. Wanna cum so bad, Sir,” your voice pitched up into whine, barely hanging on as he continued to pound into you.

“Well that’s really too fuckin’ bad,” his hips stalled, leaving you teetering right on the edge of euphoria that you almost thought he was going to let you taste. “Gonna have to wait a little longer, princess. You can cum when I feel like letting you, got it?”

His lips were roaming your neck, sucking and tugging at the sensitive skin with his teeth as he held your hips in both of his capable hands. Your head lolled to the side, giving him easier access while you suppressed a whimper, not daring to challenge his authority in this situation.

“I see you’re finally learning some self-control,” his words were muffled by the way he spoke, with the skin of your neck between his teeth. He kissed the reddened area, swiping his tongue over salty skin to soothe the love bite. “I might have to reward you for being such a good bitch for me for once.”

“Just wanna cum, Sir, plea–,” you cried out as his hips resumed their assault. This time, two fingers joined his efforts, toying with your clit as his breath fanned over your ear. The sound of keys turning was drowned out by your needy exclamations. Your eyes were snapped shut too tight to see the tall brunette entering the room, the way his eyes widened upon witnessing how easily you were bouncing up and down on top of the man who was now locking eyes with him with a sinister smirk on his face.

“Cum for me, baby,” Eren’s husky command was enough to finally send you tumbling over the edge, blissfully unaware of the third party who had entered the room and was now taking in the sight of your violent orgasm, selfishly unable to look away and entirely unsure of what to do. “Look, babygirl. Daddy’s home,” his dark tone remained hushed, nothing more than a sensual whisper into the shell of your ear as you began drifting down from you high, still bobbing up and down on Eren’s length.

It was so hushed that you weren’t quite sure you caught what he had said, but you opened your eyes anyway, your mouth still slack and spilling forth moan and after groan as you lost yourself in how fucking good you felt after being edged for so long. The shock of seeing his roommate, your friend, standing there, his eyes drinking in every inch of your naked and penetrated body, wasn’t enough to stop the pleasure coursing through you or the sounds that fell from your lips. You jerked momentarily, as if you were trying to stop, to pry yourself away from Eren and into the nearest hiding spot, but you couldn’t. It felt too good, and the way that Jean’s eyes were trained on your pussy, still pulsing and gushing around Eren’s thick cock as it stretched your walls, suddenly seemed so, so hot.

“You wanna play with him, princess?” Eren’s lips feathered kisses between your shoulder blades as he slowed the motion of his hips, whispering against your skin, so that only you could hear his sinful proposition. “I know you do. Consider it your reward for being such a good girl. Go ahead, ask your new Daddy real nice and I bet he’ll fill any hole you ask him too.”

Was this a trick? A test? Some sick joke Eren was playing on the both of you? You didn’t know, but you were still too horny to care. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, after all.

“Daddy,” you mewled, locking eyes with Jean. “Wanna play with you.” Your hands cupped your breasts, massaging them as you grinded your hips on Eren’s, feeling his cock rock inside of you as you begged, “Please, Daddy, can I play with your cock too?”

“Wha-what?” He closed his eyes and shook his head, as if he were trying to wake himself from a dream, but when he opened them again, he saw you, hand now outstretched, looking so desperately at him. He took a cautious step closer, flicking his gaze to Eren to study his face.

“It’s okay, she’s into this kind of shit,” Eren jutted his chin toward you, his hands stilling your hips before smacking your thigh. “Aren’t you, baby?”

You nodded, biting your bottom lip as you stood and reached for Jean’s hand, taking it as you dropped to your knees in front of him.

“Whoa, uh, are you—are you sure about this?” He flashed his palms and as looked down at you, watching you already working to remove his jeans.

“Mhmm,” you hummed in response as your pressed your lip to his now exposed v-line. “Can I taste you, Daddy? Wanna put you in my mouth so bad . .”

He shuddered at your touch, watching intently as your slowly tugged down his pants, boxers and all, until his cock sprung free, bobbing in front of your face.

“Fuck, Daddy,” you licked your lips, squirming in anticipation at the sheer size of it. Eren’s size was more than satisfactory, but this was another level. “It’s so big,” you grabbed his hips, placing soft kisses along his his thigh as you looked up at him through your lashes, “Can I please play with you, Daddy? I’ll be such a good girl, I promise.”

“Oh my God, yes,” his hands ran through your hair before taking a small step back to kick off his bottoms and peel off his shirt. He took his cock in his hand, stroking it a few times before bringing it to your lips, flicking the tip onto your tongue as you exposed it, “Yes, you can baby. Oh fuck, you’re so fucking hot.”

“Grab her hair,” Eren spoke up from his spot on the couch, his eyes settled on the pair of you as he languidly stroked his member. “She’ll be dripping for you in no time if you fuck her face. Little bitch loves it.”

“Mmhmm,” you moaned as you took his length into your mouth, bobbing your head as you stroked him with your hand, spreading saliva along his shaft to help ease him down your throat.

“Holy shit, you’re so fucking good at that, baby,” he groaned, rocking his hips forward into your wet mouth, slowly helping you take his length as he fisted his hands into your hair. “Tap my leg when you need to breathe, okay?”

He took a moment to look down into your eyes, angling your chin up, so he knew you were hearing him. You thought you heard Eren scoff and you missed the way he rolled his eyes, but neither of you paid him any attention. When you nodded in agreement, he began sinking his cock deep into your throat, only hesitating when you gagged, but you pushed further, holding your breath as you took him nearly to the hilt.

His eyes rolled back as he quaked, his whole body shivering in pleasure as he tightened his grip on your hair, holding you there for a moment and then pulling your head back carefully, his cock exiting your lips with a pop as you sucked in a deep breath.

“You’re such a good girl, sweetheart,” he combed his fingers through your hair, guiding your lips back to his length, which you eagerly took into your mouth, eyes fixed on his, wanting to hear more of his sweet praise.

He watched you so intently, his mouth falling open into an ‘O’ as you hollowed your cheeks, fisting his length as you sucked and swirled your tongue around the tip.

“Fuck, fuck,” he held the back of your head, not guiding your motions, but just letting you set your own rhythm as he stared down, mesmerized by the way his cock disappeared into your throat. “FUCK,” his arms tensed, fingers grasping your hair tightly as you managed to suck his entire length down, feeling it fill your airway as you struggled to hold him there, contracting your throat around him.

“That’s my fucking girl,” Eren shifted in his seat, pumping his hand faster as he watched you squirm.

Tears sprung to your eyes as your lungs began to burn, your jaw becoming sore from the position it was in. You tapped at his thigh with two fingers and he immediately let go, cupping your face as you sputtered and panted for air.

“Are you all right?” He held your chin between his thumb and forefinger, “Just catch your breath. It’s okay, babygirl.”

“You’re real fuckin’ sweet aren’t you? In and outta the sack,” Eren stood, waltzing over and grabbing your hair harshly, tearing your gaze from Jean’s kind eyes and bringing them to focus on his cold, unforgiving orbs. “It’s a wonder how a guy like you never manages to bring any bitches home.”

Your throat was suddenly full again, gagging around Eren’s cock as he fully sheathed himself between your lips. Jean’s eyes widened as Eren scrutinized your pathetic expression, tears streaming down your cheeks as your hands braced his hips. He thrusted them forward, fucking into your throat as lewd squelching noises and the sound of you choking and pleading for a breath filled the air.

He finally relented, groaning loudly and yanking your head back by your hair as he smirked over at Jean, “She can take more than you think,” his fingers freed your tresses, opting to trail along your jaw, smearing the saliva pooling around your mouth as you chased your breath. “You wanna be used tonight, baby? Wanna get fucked until you can’t see straight?”

You nodded eagerly, folding your hands into your lap as you stared up at him, completely submissive to his will. Your pussy clenched around nothing, soaked and throbbing from the assault on your throat and his sinful words.

“See?” Eren stepped back, letting Jean take a step closer to you as you shifted your eyes to him, waiting for further instruction. “She’ll do damn near anything you want. I guarantee her pussy’s fucking soaked. Am I right, bitch? Fuckin’ show him how ready you are for that horse cock of his, if you want it so bad.”

You did as you were told, leaning back as you spread your legs, using two fingers to part your folds, swirling them around your entrance as you moaned, teasing yourself by slipping a single finger in. Jean winced, his cock twitching as his watched your ministrations, biting his lip to suppress a moan of his own.

“Fuck her, if you think you can satisfy her,” Eren smirked and took a seat on the smaller sofa, getting comfortable as he returned to stroking his own length.

“C’mere,” Jeans voice was still noticeably softer than Eren’s but it had an air of authority to it this time as he curled two fingers at you, while making his way to the couch.

He sat down, spreading his legs and patting his thighs as you padded over to him. Your hands rested on his shoulders as you straddled his lap, your knees on either side of his body as his cock stood at attention between you. You moved to stroke it, but he stopped you, clasping a hand around your wrist as his fingers slipped between you, reaching up to dip into your slick, groaning as he sank two fingers into you with ease.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he leaned forward, kissing your neck as he whispered, “you want me to fill you up, babygirl? Want me to fill this tight little pussy up, Hmm?”

You nodded, your breath already shaky when you wrapped an arm around his neck to steady yourself as his fingers started fucking up into you, “Please, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” he kissed your temple, swiping his thumb repeatedly over your clit as he rested his forehead against yours, trying to create a more intimate moment for the two of you while Eren groaned at the sight from the other couch. “I’ll make sure you feel good, baby, I promise.”

You felt your cheeks flush, a smile creeping across your face that you were grateful Eren couldn’t see from his angle. Jean tucked himself into the crook of your neck, opposite the side Eren could view, and tugged on your ear with his teeth as he whispered, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

You took your lip between your teeth, flushing an even deeper shade of crimson that Jean was just able to see before his lips collided with yours, slow and sweet, as he sighed through his nose.

“Jean,” you kissed back needily, mumbling against his lips in a soft whine as he fingers sank deeper inside you.

“Is that his fucking name?” Eren barked and you corrected yourself, tensing against Jean, who grabbed your hip, rubbing his thumb against it as a soothing gesture.

“Daddy,” you whimpered, shifting your hips on top of his, “Please, fuck me, Daddy.”

“C’mere, babygirl,” he retracted his hand from your core, grasping beneath your thighs with two strong hands as he lifted you up and hovered you over his cock. “Go as slow as you need, okay?”

He held your waist as both your arms encircled his neck, pulling your torso closer to his as you captured his lips, kissing him deeply as you felt his tip push into you. You moaned as his tongue began exploring your mouth, his impressively thick cock stretching your walls so tightly around him as he choked out a groan, which became amplified as you clenched around him.

“‘Atta girl, baby, taking that fucking dick like a champ,” Eren growled, a sheen of sweat glistening on his torso as he stroked the head of his dick, eyes glued to the way your cunt was sucking in Jean’s massive cock, your juices dripping along the length that you had yet to take.

“Fuck, it’s so big, Daddy,” you whined, pushing a hand into his hair as you brought your torso flush with Jean, who ran a soothing hand up your spine shushing you quietly as he held the back of your neck.

“You can do it, baby,” he pressed a kiss just below your ear as he subdued the urge thrust upwards into you, closing his eyes tight as he let out a deep grunt when finally took all of him in.

“Oh my God,” you panted, feeling so incredibly full that you almost forgot where you were until his hands caught your hips, slowly guiding them up and down, the sensation driving you absolutely wild as you tightened your grip on his hair. “Faster, please, Daddy. Fuck, you feel so good inside me.”

“Shit, baby,” he complied without hesitation, helping you bounce on his lap, his cock carving space within your walls that you didn’t realize was there to claim. “Such a good fucking girl. You’re so fucking perfect, babygirl. Takin’ me so well like this,” his soft whispers of praise, swallowed by the moans you were exchanging, had you reeling.

His words, coupled with the glorious sensation of him being driven so deep inside you, rendered you useless for anything besides your fluttering pussy. Words failed you, any other thoughts escaped you. All you knew was the feeling of Jean beneath you, muttering such gentle coos of kindness while his hips mercilessly thrusted in time with yours, pushing him up against your womb over and and over and over again until your eyes rolled back, the pressure becoming too much from penetration alone. Your orgasm came on so suddenly that you almost didn’t recognize it’s arrival until you were spasming around him, choking out nonsensical streams of explicatives as your chest heaved, void of breath.

Eren stood, making his way over to you both on the couch as Jean held you tighter, rocking his hips beneath you as he fucked you through your release, his strong arms holding you steady as you lost all your senses.

“You. Lay down,” Eren nodded towards the far side of the couch and Jean reluctantly complied, groaning quietly while he picked up the both of you and turned, laying back as he kept you close to his chest. “Fuck yeah, that’s perfect. Keep fucking her and don’t you dare fucking cum yet, Kirstein.”

Eren settled one knee onto the couch, taking his stance behind you as he gripped your ass with both hands, striking each cheek suddenly, making you cry out as you looked behind you. His face was deceptively soft as he smiled at you, his palms rubbing the marks he’d left, feeling the jiggle of your ass each time Jean thrusted into you.

“You won’t mind if I take this tight little hole of yours, right, princess?” His thumb came to rest against your asshole, the tip of it nearly plunging in each time your hips came back against it. You mewled, watching in excitement as he slowly dipped a finger in, groaning at the slight sting. “Of course you don’t. Dumb little cocksleeve. You want both of your filthy holes stuffed full of cum tonight, don’t you, slut?”

“Yes, Sir,” you breathed, clinging to Jean tighter, whimpering in his ear as Eren added a second digit, slowly stretching your puckered hole with the excess fluid that had pooled around it from your sloppy cunt.

Jean groaned as he watched, moving his hips more slowly until they stilled to allow Eren to line himself up with your other entrance. A long string of saliva stretched from his lips as he spit onto his cock, spreading the fluid across his length as he slowly pushed inside of you.

“Oh, f-fuck,” you stuttered, nails digging into Jean as he hushed you with more of that honeyed praise that you’d come to crave.

“It’s okay, baby. Think of how good it’s gonna feel. You’re doing such a good job, princess.” A large hand started rubbing circles on your back while another tucked beneath your chin. “Hey, look at me.”

Your glassy eyes met Jean’s, a soft cry leaving your lips as he leaned in and swallowed it, kissing you gently as you moaned, feeling the first wave of pleasure hit you as Eren rolled his hips for the first time.

After that, he didn’t give you much more time to adjust. He set a steady pace right away, growling from behind you as he snapped his hips back and forth. Jean held himself still, his hands returned to your hips as he helped you met Eren’s thrusts. He panted heavily beneath you, his cock growing somehow harder inside you as you rocked along his length, a mixture of ‘yes, sir’s and ‘yes daddy’s being pounded out of your mouth and Eren picked up his rhythm.

“You like this, bitch? Like being used like a stupid little fuck toy?” He struck your ass hard, not bothering to wait for a response before he did it again, even harder. “Like feeling useful to me for once, you fucking whore?”

“Yes! Ah—fuck, Sir! Yes, yes, yes,” you propped yourself up by a hand on either side of Jean’s face, shoving your hips back harder against both of their cocks as you begged, teetering on the edge of another orgasm. “C-cum inside me, p-please. Oh, pretty please, Sir. Wan’all your cum, please. Use me, Sir, fucking use me all y’want.”

Jean stared up at your fucked out face, losing his ability to hang out as he exploded inside of you, his hips stuttering as he took over thrusting for you, fucking his hot load deeper into your greedy cunt while Eren’s cock rutted against his inside of you, pulsing as he neared his own high.

“Tell me who fucking owns you, you stupid bitch,” one last harsh strike feel on your behind as Eren’s grip on your ass became brutal, fingers digging into your soft flesh.

“You, Sir!” You yelped, locking eyes with him as you looked back, your mouth hanging open as you struggled to keep your focus while your body wracked with pleasure, sending convulsions through you as you cried out in complete ecstasy.

“You’re damn right.” His eyes fell into a hooded daze as he followed suit, pouring his sticky sweet substance deep into you and thrusting a few more times before he pulled out, marveling at the way it poured back out of you. “Dammit, baby, you look so fuckin’ good like this.”

He leaned down, soothing one cheek with his palm as he pressed a kiss to the other before he sat back on the other end of the couch, allowing you the room to sit up and off of Jean, who held your hand as your legs wobbled. He sprung up to steady you, hands holding your hips as you regained your composure, catching your breath as you stumbled on unsure legs towards Eren, who caught your waist and pulled you down into his lap.

“Thank you, baby,” he smiled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear as he leaned down to kiss the top of your head while your eyes fluttered closed. “You did so good for us. Gonna help clean you up and take you to bed with me, okay?”

Jean stood and began gathering his clothes, suddenly feeling awkward in his post-nut clarity as he watched your embrace. He felt a twinge of jealousy as he witnessed you nuzzle into Eren’s chest, a small, soft smile on your lips.

“Love you,” it was barely a whisper, but Jean heard you mutter the words against Eren’s neck as you placed a kiss to it, and he wished that he hadn’t.

But more than that, he wished that he hadn’t looked over to see Eren’s smug grin. He was staring straight at Jean, eyes narrowed as he spoke in the softest voice that he had ever heard him use as he drew lazy circles against the skin of your shoulder.

“Love you too, baby.”

Without another word, Eren stood, lifting you and carrying you effortlessly into his bedroom. He laid you down on the bed, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he whispered in your ear that he would be right back to take care of you.

Jean was tugging his boxers back up when Eren reappeared, stepping in front of his door, so that he could quietly close it behind him, lest you should hear what he had to say.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” He seemed almost bored when he asked the question, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“Uh, yeah, guess so,” Jean shrugged, silently wishing that the conversation would end right there.

“Good, I’m glad you had a good time,” he wandered closer, looking disinterested as ever. “ Because, I want you to understand something. Now that you know exactly what you’re missing,” Eren came to stand toe-to-toe with him, eyes hard as he spat his next words. “You should also know that you’ll never have her.”

Jean narrowed his eyes, jaw unhinging to protest, but he was cut off by more of Eren’s venom-laced words.

“Save it. I’ve seen the way you look at her. I’ve heard you moaning her name while you stroke your dick alone in your room like the bitch that you are. I know all the details about your pathetic little crush on her.”

Jean looked away, unable to find the words to counter Eren’s verbal assault, because he couldn’t feasibly deny a single word.

“That’s what I fucking thought. You couldn’t even help yourself from sweet-talking her while I was right fuckin’ there. Well, now you don’t gotta wonder what her cunt feels like anymore. How good she feels pressed up against you. What a good girl she really is. Now you know. I bet she’s everything you hoped for and then some, huh? Sure hope you’re able to get over her for your sake, because if you so much as breathe in her general direction again, I will fucking end you. Got it?”

Jean grit his teeth, shaking with anger, but unwilling to challenge him as Eren stared him down, “Got it.”

With a smug expression, Eren spun on his heel, tossing a half-hearted salute over his shoulder, not bothering to look back at Jean, “Have fun fuckin’ your fist from now on.”

Flood my inbox, pleaseee

Send whatever you got my way. Whether it be angsty, smutty, or fluffy. Super specific scenarios are cool too. As long as whatever it is can be feasibly written in drabble format, which for me, is 500-1k words.

Idk why I’m having such a hard time writing for Levi atm, but I’m hoping that busting out a few quick drabbles will break my writing block spell for him.
