#levi x reader fluff


I’m Yours - Levi Ackerman x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama

Finally, we have arrived to the last work (7/7) of the Candy Heart Club! Levi Ackerman is our last boy up with the candy heart saying “I’m Yours”. Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this even, you guys are the best! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt:Candlelight dinners and moonlight strolls are something you and Levi do so rarely, you don’t even remember the last time either of you had the time to do something so peaceful and lovely. So, when Levi suggests to do both in the same evening? Something’s gotta be up.

A/N: Firstly, I would like to say I am so sorry that this is getting out so late. Some IRL stuff came up that I had to deal with, so that had to take my priority. Secondly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for consistently supporting me throughout this event! I had a lot of fun with these prompts and making fun stuff for Valentine’s Day and the month of February. And, lastly, thank you all so so much for 800! I really have so much fun writing these works and being a part of this fun community online and I look forward to many more things in the future. For now, I hope you enjoy this fic!

Word Count: 1.4K


Biting into the roll, you almost groan at the taste. After it was warmed and slathered with butter, a delacy within the Scout Regiment, it was practically the best thing you’ve ever tasted.

“Don’t choke on it,” Levi’s voice from across the table interrupted your chewing, an “are you kidding me” look present on his face.

“It’s so good,” you say, almost in awe of how it seemed to hug your taste buds, “how’d you get it?” Levi shook his head and smiled, passing you the second half of his roll towards you wordlessly. You looked up at him and down at the roll and then back to him. He confirms his intentions and you scoop the roll onto your plate.

“I just talked to a few people to find out where they were.” He says nonchalantly, his gaze fixated on the little candle burning on the small table you were seated at.

“What’d you tell them this time - you’ll make them trim every blade of grass with a pair of scissors, one by one?” You quip, sighing happily into the perfectly cooked meal all laid out before you. Levi’s hand settles gently atop yours, brushing your skin with his calloused thumb. Silence settles as the two of you eat, savoring the delectable food that only comes around once in a while. Even though the both of you were high ranking soldiers within the scout regiment, really good food was hard to come by. So, tonight, it was a gift - an expensive one. 

“I don’t want you to rush, so just keep enjoying your dinner, but I was thinking we could take the horses out for a bit tonight.” Raising a brow and pronging another morsel onto your fork, you wave it around a bit, gesturing to him.

“What is all this? Candlelight dinner, a moonlight ride… it’s very romantic.” Rolling his eyes, he pinches your hand a bit.

“We’ve both been busy and we haven’t had time to do either in a while, so I figured we could just do both tonight.” You give him a grin as you pop the last bit of food, part of the roll that you had saved, into your mouth. You didn’t feel the need to mention that the two of you went out for a long walk the other night, soaking up the fresh air and the presence of each other just two weeks ago.

“Okay then,” you say, swallowing the last bit of food. If Levi wanted to be romantic and gentlemanly and sweet, you weren’t going to stop him. It’s not a side of him you get to see often. To you, he was like a street cat that had to be slowly tamed. You knew he had a much more vulnerable center but the shell he kept around himself was scrappy and protective. But, with enough trust, that little cat would roll onto its back and expose its soft underbelly, longing for affection. Swallowing the last of your food, you flip your hand so that it rests now completely in his palm. You tug him up from his seat a bit and the two of you walk down the quiet corridor of the unofficial scout HQ, finding your way towards the stables.

Brushing your horse’s mane was something so subtly calming that you found yourself unraveling every strand for hours. Thus, your dapple gray horse was always in peak condition - its ivory and taupe mane and tail always flowing and a very happy animal that would take you anywhere you wanted to go.

“That animal is spoiled.” Whipping around from where you were situating your saddle to the man who was already seated atop his black horse, there was Levi.

“She is not spoiled, she just looks pristine. As opposed to yours, even though I brush him from time to time. I told you that you needed to be more consistent with his care or else he’ll buck you off.” Levi exhales out of his nose a little harshly, hard enough that you could hear it, and he pats his horse on the neck.

“Hurry up, we’re losing moonlight.” He says, drawling a bit on the last word. Your laugh, which sounded like a short snort, came out of your mouth as you buckle the girth of the saddle, situate your foot in one of the stirrups, and hoist yourself up and onto your mare.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get going. You lead the way, since you’re so eager to get out there.” Levi turns his horse around a bit and taps it with his heels, encouraging the black stallion into a steady trot. You fall in place beside him easily.

The ride was lovely, the warm summer air wrapping around you like a hug. There were fireflies, their lights flickering on and off, dotting yours and Levi’s way as he led you deeper through the plains and into the woods.

“Levi, where are we going? We’ve kinda strayed off course from the regular riding path,” you ask, both of your horses now at a languid walking pace. His chiseled face maintained a steady gaze forward.

“Let it be a surprise, will you?” He huffs, a quiver of a smile flitting across his lips. A similar one spreads across your face as you twist your horse’s mane in between your fingers alongside the reins.

“Okay, Levi Ackerman. Surprise me.” Finally, he looks at you. He guides his horse closer to you and pulls your arm, giving you a quick kiss.

“You’re a smartass. Now, hop on behind me and I’ll guide your horse there. Close your eyes, and don’t peek.” Giggling, like you’re twelve years old, you hop onto your hot boyfriend’s horse and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek into his back. Oh if little you could see you now. You could almost feel him roll his eyes, but he shakes a bit as a chuckle reverberates through him. You two stay like this for a couple more minutes until, finally, you feel the both of you pause.

“Okay, can I open?” You ask, eager to see what Levi has tried keeping a secret for the entire evening.

“Yeah,” he says, dismounting and holding your hand, helping you off while still keeping your eyes closed. “You can open ‘em.” As your Y/E/C eyes flutter open, you have to inhale a huge breath because of the scene around you. Like it was plucked out of an award winning painting, an enchanting setting fell across your view. A pond full of lily pads and a grove of willow trees, the most gorgeous field of flowers befell you. It was like the petals were born from the starry sky, the color pulled from the very moon beams that nurtured it. It was such beauty, such calmness that you didn’t think you could ever find in nature, in this world. Slowly, you sink into the beds of flowers and draw your hands over them, marveling at both their strength and delicacy.

“Levi, I… I don’t even know the words to describe this place.” Overwhelming your senses, you feel the tears in your eyes well. For the first time, you think in your entire life, happy tears start trickling down your face. Wordlessly, he cups your face with both of his hands and stares into your eyes, his own dull gray capturing every speck of color in yours.

“Y/N, I know I’m not easy to love. I never have been, and I don’t know if I ever will be. But I know that I love you, and dammit, I want you to love me.”

“I do love you-”

“Just let me finish.” And you do. “I want you to love me for the rest of your lives. And I know that I will love you. So, just…” Levi pauses, a little lost for words. “I’m yours - completely yours, if you’ll be mine.” It’s not a storybook proposal by any means. There’s no ring, no promise of a wedding, no ‘will you marry me’. But you know what this means, and it means more than any of those things could.

“I’m yours,” you promise, kissing him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “I am yours.”


Event Taglist:

❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





@galactict3a​ (just for Levi)

Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny ~ All-Flora Florist


One and Only - Levi Ackerman x Reader


Back to Navigation ❀ - ❀ Candy Heart Club Masterlist

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama

Welcome to the fourth of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Fourth up is Levi Ackerman with the candy heart saying “One and Only”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt:Humanity’s strongest soldier never thought about settling down with anyone - but when he sees you? He can’t stop wondering about what a life with you might look like.

A/N: Hi guys! Here is the fourth part of the Valentine’s Day event! Another fic should be up later tonight, so be on the lookout for that. But yay! Levi! Our fav captain! I hope you all enjoy <3

Word Count: 1.4K


Considering he was a man with a constant struggle against insomnia, Levi Ackerman didn’t rest much. While he was always willing to lay down with you for a bit until you drift off to sleep, but after he was sure you were deep in dreamland, he’d carefully let you go and move his arms - leaving you on the bed curled up under covers and allowing him to tiptoe out of your shared room and into his office directly adjacent to it. But while his physical self strayed a bit farther from you, his mind surely did not. In fact, when he wasn’t flying in the air with blades unsheathed, his eyes set dead on the nape of the titan in front of him, his thoughts only seemed to be of you.

It was odd, he used to think, that you had chosen him of all people to be interested in. He didn’t fit the bill of primary requirements that women might want; sure he was athletic, built, and had a pretty face - but he was also short, working most of the time, and harsh. You liked to joke that you didn’t choose and that you were just stuck with him through some twist of fate, but every time before the two of you would leave for a mission, you’d leave him with the same words: “I’d always choose you.” And he, without hesitation, would always choose you too.


You were a clear leader amongst your colleagues and the scouts, but held an understanding that Levi lacked. You were able to note the relationships between the cadets and what made them tick, you knew what meal day tended to be their favorite, but most importantly, you knew him

Levi was a difficult person to understand. Buried deep under layers and layers of hard cold exterior was a most vulnerable and sensitive human being. The memories of his mother, his first two friends, and his squad were pushed down so he didn’t have to relive it every thirty seconds. And you knew all of it. You knew that when he tipped his head down a bit, just so that his hair covered his eyes, it would be so that no one could see the tears threatening to spill from them. You knew when he wanted a hug, he needed one. You know he loves you.

It was another one of those nights where sleep couldn’t grace him. He was left to stare at the ceiling while you buried your face into the crook of his neck. Your breathing tickled the skin there and it blew back the tips of his hair just a little bit, but he didn’t mind. Not one bit. In fact, tonight, he held on a bit tighter to you instead of slipping away to make a dent in his ever growing pile of paperwork. He turned his head just a bit to look at you. Your face was clear of the stress and worry lines that held purchase on your skin during the day. Your eyes weren’t scrunched in frustration or confusion at the new squad formation blueprints. You looked so peaceful, it almost made Levi want to cry.

This was how he wanted you to be every day. Not in the sense of you shouldn’t be a part of the survey corps - he knew you would never be happy sitting around in a house while there was something you could be doing to help the cause. He wanted the titans to be gone and for the two of you to live in a little cottage in the countryside, where the only thing you would hear in the mornings would be the bluebirds singing and the little stream in your yard rushing. He wants to see you smiling as the two of you read in chairs outside, rocking back and forth on your front porch. And then when he looks down at your hands and sees the rings on both your fingers- woah.

“Where the hell did that come from.” He thinks aloud, whispering the words. He looks back to the ceiling, then glances at you again. Marriage was something that was always on his no-no list. Too big of a commitment in the world he was currently living in. Just the notion of what the ring brought along with it made him nervous and unsteady. He despised the thought of finding a severed hand with a ring on it even more. So why was he thinking about it? Finally, he resumed his usual nightly routine. He unwound his arms from you, making sure you were still sound and asleep, lightly snoring against your pillow, and then he made his way out of the room and towards his desk.

He all but collapsed into his office chair, blowing out air from his puffed cheeks as he retraced his mental steps. Obviously, he loves you. He would be a fool to try and think otherwise. But where did that urge for that sort of future come from? It’d be ideal for both of you to make it alive and out of this hell the two of you were privy to. But marriage? Dressing up and having a little ceremony, him in his best clothes and you in a sweet white dress with a little bouquet of flowers in your hand. It was all so domestic, so carefree. Not at all feeling like there was an invisible time limit on it all. No sand from an hourglass falling, no time on a watch ticking.

Levi’s eyes darted around his desk. Papers were stacked in tidy piles, pens lined up neatly along the left side. He pulled open all his drawers except for the big one at the bottom, leaving that one completely alone. There wasn’t much to be seen within them - a magnifying glass and loose leaf paper being some of the only things in it. Then, he finds it. One of the two things he kept from his mother. The first was folded nicely atop a stack of fresh clothes tomorrow, the ivory white cravat that was cut from the cloth of his mother’s dress. And now, in his hands, was the second. It was simple, not nearly polished enough, and without any kind of stone or adornments welded on to it. The little ring that his mother had worn on a necklace ever since he was a baby. If he could imagine it hard enough, he could remember trying to grab on to it as a toddler and twisting it between his little fingers. He played with it in his palm, now. Letting it roll around and settle into his palm, leaving faint tracks of dust all over it. Rubbing at it a little with the handkerchief relieved it of some of the grime, leaving a matte, but nice, looking ring.


Levi stood, a clean ring in his hand and a view of you sleeping in his eyes. He took a deep breath and stepped towards you, moving without any desire to shove the small piece of jewelry back into the depths of his desk. You’re still sleeping and don’t even stir when he climbs back into bed and blows out the candle, carefully peeling back and then covering himself in the blankets you were tucked into. Like a puzzle piece, he maneuvers himself so that he’s back to where he was before with your head in the crook of his neck and your left hand played across his chest. But now, instead of trying to find a way to sleep, he gently lifted your hand. With a shuddering breath, he plucks the ring from his hand and begins to slide it slowly onto your ring finger. It fits perfectly. And then, like a butterfly, he holds your hand in his - and a smile crosses his face. A silent, sappy smile that he would be shocked to find on himself if he looked into a mirror. But looking at what he wanted his future to be in the flesh was overwhelming to him in the best way possible.

Of course, though, you had to stir awake. Blinking the sleep away from your eyes slowly, you register something on your hand that wasn’t there before.

“Did you put a ring on my finger?” You mumble, wiggling your left ring finger and looking at the man whose arms you were in.

“Yeah.” He says simply, looking down at you now with a neutral expression.

“Hmm,” you hum, closing your eyes and snuggling in closer to him. “Okay.” With that, he closes his eyes too and, like a miracle, Levi finds sleep that night.  Tucked into bed, no thoughts of the dangers ahead, and with you. His one and only.


Event Taglist:

❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist


Candy Hearts Club ~ Masterlist


Welcome to the Candy Hearts Club where the candies are sweet and the boys are sweeter! Here you will find seven works inspired by the sayings on candy hearts, all leading up to the loveliest of all days, Valentine’s Day! Be on the lookout for when they appear and let me know if you’d like to be tagged to be notified when they get posted! Like a box of chocolates, there will be something for everyone to pick and choose from - and if not - you can always leave a little note asking for another! Stay sweet!


❤ Melt My Heart ~ Shoto Todoroki ❤


Everything he does is just so sweet. Whether it’s holding your hand on the way back to Heights Alliance or leaving you flowers. You notice a little something that’s missing - that passion to melt your heart. 

❤ Kiss Me ~ Katsuki Bakugo ❤


Katsuki Bakugo loves you, he knows he does, but just why is he having trouble saying it? No matter how many times the two of you are alone and the scene is just right, he gets too in his head and can’t say it. So, what else can he do?

❤ Be Mine ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ❤


Shinso doesn’t do overly lovey-dovey stuff. He’s not a ‘show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers and a heart box full of chocolate’ type of guy. But now he has you, and well… he’s just a little more romantic nowadays.

❤ One and Only ~ Levi Ackerman ❤


Humanity’s strongest soldier never thought about settling down with anyone - but when he sees you? He can’t stop wondering about what a life with you might look like.

❤ Love Bug ~ Shoto Todoroki ❤


Shoto Todoroki is all cool and collected until you come into the picture. Now his stomach flips when you give him a smile and he feels his cheeks flush when you give him a high five after training. It’s official - he’s got the bug.

❤ XOXO ~ Hitoshi Shinso ❤


The little notes slipped onto your desk by a secret admirer have you hiding your smile and twirling your hair. Just who is writing his way into your heart?

❤ I’m Yours ~ Levi Ackerman ❤


Candlelight dinners and moonlight strolls are something you and Levi do so rarely, you don’t even remember the last time either of you had the time to do something so peaceful and lovely. So, when Levi suggests to do both in the same evening? Something’s gotta be up.



Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist!





@shoutocakie (just for Shoto)

@galactict3a (just for Levi)


Flood my inbox, pleaseee

Send whatever you got my way. Whether it be angsty, smutty, or fluffy. Super specific scenarios are cool too. As long as whatever it is can be feasibly written in drabble format, which for me, is 500-1k words.

Idk why I’m having such a hard time writing for Levi atm, but I’m hoping that busting out a few quick drabbles will break my writing block spell for him.

Teaching Levi how to eat pussy for the first time

Minors DNI

Levi x fem!reader

Warnings: smut, oral sex (fem receiving), mentions of sex, first time having oral sex

A/N: this is quite rushed :/ & barely edited, idk whether to make a part 2 sorry for any mistakes! Lmk if I missed anything in the warnings

“Have you ever had sex before?”

A mere eyeroll came from the raven haired man sitting on the far end of the couch. 

Not even tearing his eyes away from the screen. 

Making sure not to show any kind of response to your question. 

Or to any of them as a matter of fact. 

It was something he had quickly equipped to doing after being your roommate for 2 months.

If he had known you’d be throwing absurd questions at him like this he would’ve much rather live alone and struggle to pay the bills himself. Perhaps he saw it as karma for asking Hange for find a roommate for him.

He let out a sigh, clearly not in the mood for one of your stupid conversations. He simply ignored you, an arm propped up on the armrest of the couch holding his head up with his grey eyes glued to the screen in front of you.

All he wanted was to watch a movie. In peace. Just for once. Without your stupid questions, stupid nagging ,without  listening to your stupid voice about your stupid problems and your stupid-

“Oi.” you poked at him with your feet, immediately met with his classic death glare, “It’s rude to ignore people ya’ know.”

He let out another sigh this time rubbing his hand across his face in exhaustion of not only you but everything else in his fucking life.

“What’d you want?” he replied quieter than usual yet you noticed that the aggravation was still in his voice.

“I asked you if you’d ever had sex before.” you repeated playfully.

“Yes. “ he muttered, questioning to himself exactly when would be an appropriate time to retreat back to his room. “Why does it matter to you?” 

You shrugged keeping your eyes on the sullen figure, “Just curious…you just look like someone whose never had sex.”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” he uttered, finally pulling away from the screen to glance at you threateningly.

“I’m kidding! Jeez.” you teased, “It’s so easy to get you riled up.”

“Who wouldn’t get annoyed listening to you and your stupid questions every day.” he deadpanned.

To this you struck your chest, feigning pain “Ouch. That one hurt Levi.”

“Good.” Grey orbs returned back to the screen, hoping to put an end to the conversation and to finally watch his movie in peace.

Key word. Hope.

“How’d you have sex?”

If Levi would roll his eyes all the way back into his head and die, he would gladly do it right now. “How do you think people have sex.” he snapped, voice growing thick with irritance.

“No, no… I mean what do you do during sex?”

Levi pinched the bridge of his nose; a sign that his patience was wearing thin. “Why you sure care a lot about my sex life. Now, you’re starting to act like someone who doesn’t have any sex.”

 “My sex life is perfectly fine thank you very much, even better than perfect.” you barked back.

He raised a brow doubtfully “Is that so?”

“I don’t need to prove myself to you.” You crossed your arms and faced back to the movie. At this point you didn’t even  understand what was going on.

“Neither do I.” Levi sighed, grateful to put an end to the conversation.

“Yeah, well you look like you have boring sex anyways. You’ve probably never eaten a girl out.”

A long pause filled the room.

You took a double take at him, noticing how his expression hadn’t changed and the fact that he had yet to correct you.

“Oh my God…”

Levi has never been more eternally grateful that the lights were off right now. He knew he wouldn’t have heard the end of it if you saw the red glow that swept across his face.

“I’m not talking to you anymore.” he merely muttered.

“Wait, wait, wait are you being serious right now?.” you moved out of your seat to crawl closer towards him.

Intimidated by your movement he suddenly stood  before you could notice his face burning up. “I’m going to my room.”

Hastily, you grabbed his wrist and you weren’t entirely sure why. 

Perhaps it was the guilt of teasing him to the point where you had embarrassed him but the first time ever as you made eye contact with him you became speechless for a split second.

“I- I can help you if you want” you blurted, the words spilling out of your mouth before you could even comprehend them.

He raised a brow with an unusual face of confusion that you had rarely seen.

“I mean I could teach you I guess…” you corrected, awkward with the way you had to word it. Levi stood silently glancing away from you. You saw him questioning himself intensely. You noticed how a crease formed in the middle of his brows. 

For a second Levi opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it the next. He shut his eyes and sighed, finally coming out with the words that he wanted to say.

“I don’t want to make things weird.”

“Well it wouldn’t be.” you reassured him. “It’s not like we have feelings for each other. I’m just helping you out.”

“Right.” he lied. He took a seat next to you on the couch. An obvious awkward aura was in the air, neither of you knowing how to make the first move.

“You don’t have to do this.” he mumbled, addressing the hesitation. His voice was softer than usual like a few moments before.

“I want to.” you replied with a reassuring smile, “You don’t have to be embarrassed about it.”

A short pause passed before you moved back on the couch, laying down beside him. He watched you briefly contemplating deeply for a moment before positioning between your legs.

Swiftly you pulled down your sweatpants along with your panties and laid back head resting upon the pillow.

If you were told two months ago that you would be lying bare in front of your new roommate, teaching him how to please a girl, you would’ve laughed in their face.

You distracted yourself from your inner thoughts by staring up at the ceiling wondering which shade of white the landlord picked for this room, soon distrubed by Levi’s hand nudging your knees. You flinched slightly at the sudden contact but brushed it off by acting like you were trying to get more comfortable.

Quicker than you had anticipated he was positioned right in front of your core, and a slight shiver swept across your body as he gravelly spoke.

“How should I start?”

You took a short breath before you explained, “S-start off slow, warm up to her a little bit. Be assuring but also gentle too.” you desperately hoped he didn’t notice your stutter, “Don’t be too hesitant about it otherwise she might be insecure, you know?”

He hummed in response. You swallowed unsure why a vibration swept through you.

Levi positioned his hands at the back of your thighs, startling you, “Is this okay?”

“Uh huh” you nodded, unknowingly biting your lip patiently waiting for the moment he would make the first move. The room was quiet apart from inaudible sounds from the tv playing in the background, you tried to focus on the dialogue distracting yourself from the booming  of your heartbeat in your ears.

Following your instructions he slowly dragged his tongue across the entrance of your lips once and then twice. You held your breath at the action, hands clasped into a tight fist. 

He continued licking over your core again slowly and howagonizinglyslow he was as his tongue parted your folds; his llicks turning to soft kisses.

A heavy sigh left your mouth and your body was still tense, unsure whether it was from the fact that you were still feeling awkward or that your roommate was between your thighs. Most likely both.

Soft and gentle just like you told him. You wonder whether it was a mistake telling him to start off slow as your breath starts to hitch at every touch.In an attempt to free the tension in the room; voice still breathy as you spoke, “You sure you know where the clit is?”

Without warning Levi’s toungue brushed over your slit as he hummed into your pussy forcing a sharp gasp to spill out of your mouth. A muffled sound escaped from his mouth which you took as a classic “shut up”’.

He remained at a gradual pace, his tongue exploring your cunt letting your sweet taste electrify his body. You were addictive and different, is this really what he’d been missing out on? 

Even so he wanted more and he made sure you’d know this by moving on to sucking your clit earning in another surprised gasp from you, your hips jerking into his mouth.

As soon as you glanced between your thighs you were met with harsh grey eyes staring back at you relentlessly. He had a look in his eyes that you’d never seen before. It was a mix of lust, hunger and desire. Another whine left your mouth as he circled your clit with your tongue causing your thighs to tremble.

“You’re so wet” he purred, stopping briefly before returning back to your cunt now letting his sloppy noises spill into the room.

“Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” you murmured, noticing how he now turned to a rhythmic pace, stroking over your clit. Your hands now gripped onto the flesh of the couch every now and then rolling your hips into his mouth as he hungrily devoured you.

“Am I doing this right?”

“Uh huh.” You nodded, once again speechless. Skin burning up as you felt a tension arise in your abdomen.

You noted how Levi was a quick learner, his short long strokes now turning into desperate, quick strokes. You no longer held back your satisfied moan; throwing your head back as you shut your eyes in ecstasy.

He hummed into your cunt, eyes never leaving your frame. He observed which spots made you squirm against him pushing his tongue deeper to gain a choked whimper from you. No more did he find your voice irritating, no instead he lapped at your soaked cunt in order to gain more sweet notes from you.

The way you repeated his name endlessly, soft pleas of him to not stop. Not that he ever could if he tried. He noticed how your back arched and how your muscles tightened as he brought you closer to your finish.

He didn’t want to miss this moment, eyes locked onto you, barely blinkling. “Look at me.” he purred, hoarse voice catching your attention. “Do you want me to stop?” 

You shook your head whimpering, “No, don’t stop please… please, just like that.” your hips now rolled in synch with his tongue your moans spiraling with every glide as he fucked you with his tounge. Your hand reached down, gently caressing his undercut with your fingertips as he ate you as if you were his last ever meal.

With your juices now running down his chin he met a hungry tempo listening to your pleads to go faster and faster. Your warning of your orgasm approaching came nearer and nearer.

With a simple hum of “Cum for me.” vibrating your cunt, your whole body tensed gripping his locks. A broken mess of moans spilled from your mouth, Levi still softly lapping at your pussy cleaning you up bringing you down from your climax.

One last shudder of your hips he pulled away from you, a glossy mix of your juices and your cum smeared across his lips.

“How was that?” he asked innocently, face impassive as if he didn’t just eat you out for the first time.

For what seemed like the thousandth time tonight you had no words, brain unable to construct a single sentence.

“Uhh…that was good.” you muttered, thighs still shaking unaware that you were still gripping the couch.

“Can we try that again?”

Morning routine part 1

A/N: I will probably never ever ever EVER stop writing about mornings waking up next to Levi it’s embedded in my brain

“Hmmm writers block? That’s okay just write about mornings with levi.” I could write a novel on this shit.

But I wont.

anyways no warnings just fluff but suggestivethemes

Part 2

“Stop it.”


“I said stop.” the voice repeated muffled.

“What?” you said, attempting to act clueless.

A mess of dark locks rose from his pillow, eyes still shut yet his eyebrows furrowed imitating his well known glare. “Stop tickling me.” he spoke, voice gruff and low.

“M’ not tickling you.” you murmured, eyeing the raven haired as he laid back down onto his stomach. Immediately your fingers reached for his shoulder slowly stroking his skin.

“That’s tickling” he mumbled, eyes still shut.

“Stop accusing me of things that I’m not guilty of, Ackerman.”

A soft sigh left his mouth as he finally opened his eyes, purposely aware that his first view would be you and whatever scheming idea you had in your head. Slightly confused on how you woke before him but chose not to question it as he sat up leaning onto his elbow.

He stared at your mischievous face, eyebrows furrowed letting his grey eyes wash over your bare skin.

“What?” you mumbled, hands now creeping to his chest gently as if he could break at any possible moment.

He was fragile to you, not physically but mentally. It took many, many months to peel back at the layers he had nailed to himself. Making sure that no one could ever read his weakness.

Or that’s what he thought until he met you.

You tore down his walls, not caring about the rules or the ‘ugly’ truth he had hidden. You didn’t care about the past because right now in the present all you had was the future.

Lazily, a hand wrapped around your figure.

“Look who’s being touchy now.”

“Shut up.”

You hummed in response letting his fingertips run across your skin the same way you had been doing to him not too long ago.

A few short giggles escaped past your lips, not unnoticed by your lover of course.

“Told you this shit was ticklish.”

“Yeah well, I had no idea before you did it to me” you defended, taking note of how the corners of Levi’s lip lifted in a subtle smile.

A look over his shoulder had him squeezing your waist. “Oi, it’s nearly 9 get up.”

“Do we have to?” you groaned, shutting your eyes dramatically, desperate to grasp onto the last rope of your slumber.

“Yes. Unless you want to make it your fourth late to work in a row?”

“Hey!” you exclaimed suddenly sitting up right, “the third time was yourfault!”

This time he didn’t bother hiding his smirk, “And it;s not my fault youcan’t resist me in the morning.

You huffed, stretching your legs a little before a reminder popped into your head.

“Whatever, I claim dibs on showering first.” you announced.

“You can’t call dibs on my shower.”

“I can. I’m your girlfriend.”

“But you take literal years to shower.

“It only takes 15 minutes!”

“Yeah 15 minutes of me hearing bird screeching every morning

Just as he had expected a playful hit landed on his chest.

“Keep talking like that Ackerman and I won’t invite you to join me.”


You hummed, “Well…?”

“I guess I can’t refuse.
