#lgbt support


I think that’s pretty awesome. That’s true love right there






It does help actually, to post the whole context of Hank Green supporting sex workers

Raise your hand if you’re just incredibly fucking tired of people taking things the Green Brothers say out of context to make fun of some of the straight white dudes that use that privilege to their advantage to help marginilized people.

The Green brothers speak out about racial injustice, financial inequality, homophobia, housing issues (including homelessness), mental illness (ESPECIALLY John, who has gone through intense depression and anxiety in the past), and many other topics.

They provide dozens of free resources for students online, specifically Crash Course, and every year during the holidays they donate thousands of dollars to multiple charities.

They actively acknowledge their privilege and use it to lift other people up and provide resources for those who don’t have the same privilege.

I’m sure many people don’t know this, but John and Hank CREATED VidCon. They’re the reason VidCon exists today. They were some of the ORIGINAL YouTubers, and they’re one of the only platforms on YouTube that has stayed true to their original content idea.

People LOVE to hate on them. They love it. John was sent so many death threats and harassed so much that he gave up all social media but YouTube for a long time. The reason? People claimed he was glorifying cancer (which if you’ve actually READ the book, he doesn’t) and that he was a “pervert” for writing about high schoolers (as if LITERALLY every single book about a high schooler isn’t written by someone older than 18 I mean Jesus Christ people). Hes spoken on this a couple times but stopped because people just ignored him and dragged his name through the gutters.

The hate on Hank is, from what I’ve seen, fairly recent - he was kind of the forgotten brother for a while. Until he published a book where the main character was bisexual. And he said positive things about trans people. And then suddenly “Hank Green is just a dumb man and his opinions are trash.” Almost like people didn’t like that the “science man” was openly supportive of homosexuality

The Green brothers acknowledge when they get things wrong. They speak out on injustice, on inequality, and they always, ALWAYS try to do what’s right. They are some of the most wholesome straight white men I’ve ever come across in life in general, and it infuriates me that people reduce them to “okay? okay” and “oh didnt he do Crash Course?”

People are assholes

Hello all!

(This is being reshared months later as I know quarantine is difficult for many and who knows who may need it!)

My name is Zeno, I am new to the discord world but as I dive head first into managing my first server, I’d like to invite fellow brothers and sisters of the Transgender community to take a trip on over to my new set up!

It’s a pretty basic format of a community and its sole purpose is to be a safe space for people in all stages of transition to reach out!
DM or comment if you are interested and I will foreword the link :)
Much love from your fave gay posh boy xx
