#life choices

life choices
life choices

How our perception of time conditions our lives

It is reasonable to argue that time is a serious consideration when building a metaphysic of the world. Each moment in life is meaningless until we attach those moments to other moments. To talk about the ‘now’ is to already place the ‘now’ moment in time. This is because we have to relate it to another moment, a point of reference. We could say ‘the present moment is pleasant’, and in doing so,…

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Reusing is the easiest, cheapest, fastest way to combat climate change! Our society might lead us to believe that we need this, or we need that, but in reality that is not actually the case. Having lots of currently popular stuff is bad for the environment, bad for your wallet, promotes horrible industries like fast fashion, and takes up a lot of your time. By reusing what you already have, you’ll find that you’ll be more creative,save your cash for what is really important (such as experiences!) and will really make a wonderful impact on our earth :) Here are just a few simple household items that you can easily reuse!

1.NEWSPAPERS can be used as wrapping paper, fire starters, packing material (instead of packing peanuts or bubble wrap), paper towels, scratch paper and much, much more!

2.OLD CLOTHING can be sold on DEPOP, donated to a charity shop/thrift store, made into quilts, used as dishtowels, made into sewable patches, turned into bandanas, turned into bags, or swapped with a friend or sibling

3.WATER USED FOR COOKING (if there is no salt) can be used to water plants, clean dishes or as water for your pets (or yourself)

4.PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES can be used as pots for plants, as cups, as pen holders, as jewelry holders, and can even be made into a makeshift sprinkler (if you poke holes on the bottom and fasten to hose with duct tape!) 


5. OLD MOUSE PADS can be used as gardening knee pads, sponges, toe pads for high heels, and/or drink coasters

6.OLD BOOKS can be sold, turned into a cover for a kindle or tablet, turned into art (paint works really well), given to used book stores, or given to a friend or family member (great gift idea!)

7.BOTTLECAPS can be turned into candles, magnets, pins, buttons, art, windchimes, hair clips, turned into bracelets, earrings or necklaces, or turned into fishing lures

8.PENS AND PENCILS can be donated to local schools, re-sharpened, or turned into art!

9.OLD CELLPHONES can be sold back to many companies, given to a friend or relative, or used for electronic parts (the same is true for computers and tablets!)

10.STRAWScan be used to prevent jewelry from getting tangled during travel, to store bobby pins, to hold seasonings (like salt and pepper) if you are camping or travelling (if you tape the ends), and lastly, can be used as great cat toys :)


As always, hmu with any questions!

When you got a new job offer. The new job would involve less pay and a lot more work but would mean a lot professionally. So I don’t know what to do.

feministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and norfeministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and norfeministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and norfeministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and norfeministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and norfeministlikeme:micdotcom:Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and nor



Not having kids (by choice or by chance) is a perfectly healthy and normal thing to do. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just listen to the women who attended the first-ever Not Mom Summit, a safe-space conference for those who are childfree. They put forward a solid list of what you should never say to people who don’t have children.

I have had zero desire to have a child my entire life. My dreams were never filled with white picket fences or a host of small children clamoring about my feet. Instead I dreamt of traveling, of exploring new places, of my partner and I having lazy sleepy Sundays with our furbabies curled in fluffy balls on the bed, of creating a beautiful and rewarding career in my passions (photography & feminism); not changing dirty diapers, morning sickness, crying toddlers, jam hands, bullies at school torturing my child, agonizing over college savings,.. I could go on like this for days. (Not that I think there aren’t amazing, wonderful, magical aspects to motherhood; they just aren’t worth the downsides for me, personally. There are just as many people who would say the same of my dream described above).

I have had people tell me I am selfish, self-absorbed; that I would make a great mom, that I’ll change my mind; how would I feel if my parents had done the same? My dreams don’t seem to matter if they don’t adhere to what society has come to expect of my anatomy. Just because I don’t ascribe to the expectations you have placed upon me does not make me somehow lesser or worse of a person, and certainly not any more selfish than the woman over the moon about having her child and th

I am a woman first and foremost,which obviously gives me the potential to be a mother, but why would you expect I must be a mother as well as a woman, if we do not assume the every adult male should also be a father?

I have been waiting for the day since I was 13 that I wouldn’t be told I’ll change my mind; I’m 26 now, and still my knowledge of myself and my desires is still constantly combated and always questioned. Maybe 2 decades will be enough to convince others that I know myself and what I want from my own life better than you.

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