#little girl


Here’s two cute pictures since I’ve been pretty lazy about posting pictures of myself!

Hi old friends I’m starting up my snap again for the first time in moooonths hmu for access (((: miss u all

Im totally a princess 24/7! Come watch me play ʚ♡ɞ Message me for more details on how to purchase my

Im totally a princess 24/7! Come watch me play ʚ♡ɞMessage me for more details on how to purchase my private snapchat 

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Come watch me on my private snapchat ʚ♡ɞ Message me for more details on how to purchase it  [ please

Come watch me on my private snapchat ʚ♡ɞMessage me for more details on how to purchase it  

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Post link

John Everett Millais (1829-1896)
Oil on canvas
Currently in a private collection

Any volunteers for marking up this little girls bum? I promise I’ll only squirm and cry a little.. I am a good girl after all..

I’m having a hard day please send all the good vibes as Daddy is currently too busy to take care of this sad baby

•Mrs/Miss/Mister when referring to anybody who isn’t a little
•Lots of whining
•Wanting all of the attention 24/7
•Baby goldfish!
•Too many blankets
•"I dun wan"
•Tugging at daddy’s sleeve/hand to get his attention
•Wanting to suck on daddy’s thumb
•Occasional kitten noises
•Wriggling my bottom
•Nibbles as heck
•Cute faces (i.e ;^; , uxu, :c, o3o, etc)
•"I’m not cute, I’m ferocious!“
•Giggles & blushes
•You ~> Chu
•Please ~> Pwease!
•Ending kisses with an obnoxious, “Mwah!”
•Slurring of random L’s and R’s (i.e friend ~> fwiend)
•"Nu-uh, naps are for babies!“
•"My stuffies made me do it!!!”
•Pretending I don’t know that daddy is referring to me. (i.e Daddy: Who’s my cute little girl? | Me: I dun know!)
•Kicking my feet randomly
•Really good manners until I don’t get what I want
•Random licks
•Wailing when I don’t get what I want
•Crying when daddy has to hang up
•Grabby hands to the max
•Little Apps! (i.e PakkaPets, KleptoCats, Clawbert, etc– highly recommend these!!)
•Sniffles to get attention/what I want
•Throwing little fits
•Sending daddy random videos of me playing with my stuffies/drawing/coloring
•"I’m a big girl!“
•"I’m too little to do [insert responsibility or something daddy asked me to do]”
•Bouncing when excited
•"Right naow”/“Right meow”
•Use of the word “angery”
•Huffing/Puffing out my cheeks
•*Daddy gives me rules, agrees to them* *Breaks a rule and gets punished* “This is an injustice?? I’m a princess??”
•Gets sad when left alone for too long
•Chewing on my favorite stuffy’s ears
•"I luh you!!“
•Acting like I’m big and bad, trying to tell daddy what to do
•Telling daddy that he’s sweet/kind/a good boy
•Pouts & puppy dog eyes
•Likes jingly things like keys
•Scared of yelling
•V smol
•Likes when daddy calls me tiny
•"Yes, daddy?” / “Yessir?”
•"Nu, I’ll behave!“
•Thinks I’m a good girl even when I’m being bad
•Lots of skipping
•Disney soundtracks, Disney movies, Disney Disney Disney!!
•Lots of Spongebob!
•Gets really excited when Rugrats/Caillou is on
•Pretending I’m not sleepy so I can get more love
•Watches my pets and plays with them more
•Wants to be pet
•Flustered easily
•Plays with daddy’s hair & wants to braid it
•Gets excited by cute things
•Likes the color pink
•Sings Disney songs until my friends get annoyed
•Getting cranky very easily
