#loki thor ragnarok


Loki:Thor:Ragnarok - @asssamuraikoujaku

Worn at Great Falls Gaming Rendezxous, Oct. 2018

Loki ft. Infinity War

Friendly reminder that Loki was probably severely tortured by Thanos until he reached a mind-broken state and was controllable (and then sent to earth for Avengers 1 with the scepter).

Another friendly reminder: Loki has PTSD from Hulk’s treatment, and probable (DEFINITE) PTSD from his time with Thanos.

Final friendly reminder: Loki is now face to face with his torturer, in the face of his people being killed (and probably Thor, too). And his torturer wants what Loki has. The tesseract.

Loki: sorry I’m late! I broke down on the way here.

Tony: broke down? Oh no. Do you want me to take a look at your car?

Loki:… what’s a car?

Mobius: let’s take a look at how your future is meant to play out…. See, here you are in prison in Asgard, then you help Thor fight these creepy elves before one of them stabs you in the chest…

Loki: So that’s how I die? An honourable death in battle saving my brother’s life? Well that’s not too bad…

Mobius: You’d think that but, see, here you are on the throne pretending to Odin up until Thor finds out and threatens you with that hammer thing…

Loki: oh, Thor kills me then. I never think he’d really go through with it…

Mobius: no, no, no, he doesn’t kill you. You go to earth to find odin, meet your evil long lost sister (you have an evil long lost sister btw) and then she pushes you out of the bifrost…

Loki: my sister kills me? That’s unexpected…

Mobius: nope! Then you end up on a planet with the hulk…

Loki: that green beast kills me?

Mobius: no! You go back to Asgard and you free a giant fire demon

Loki: *gasp* Sultur?

Mobius:… Doesn’t kill you either. In fact, you escape with the other Asgardians and you head to earth. But then you try to stab Thanos with a butter knife.


Mobius: that’s… That’s how you die.


Loki: oh fuck off.

“Your saviour is here!”

So they’re going to show him Ragnarok loki aka what was meant to be his future. How’s loki going to react? Is he going to be angry that he becomes somewhat good in the future? Will he be proud?

My theory is that they will show him is death and he will be determined not to die at the hands of Thanos so he keeps going back in time to save himself but fails, creating multiple Lokis like classic loki, and Vote Loki.

Coulson: You killed me! I was clinically dead for 7 minutes!

Loki, sipping on a slush puppy: Big deal. I’ve been emotionally dead for a thousand years.
