

what’s your fav captain marvel look?

mines honestly long hair carol

Tony: what is going on here?

Morgan: *dressed in a red frilly gown* we’re playing princesses! Peter is taking his carriage very slowly by his rivals home, so that he can see his latest hat.

Peter: *driving a toy car, wearing a sequined blue dress with a matching blue hat* Eat you’re heart out Harley, you toad-eating hag.

Harley: *sipping tea from a plastic tea cup, dressed in an abysmal yellow gown* Peter, you must surely be aware that I am unable to view the roads from my castle due to the vastness of my estate.

Peter: oh, please do forgive my mistake, Harley, I had only assumed you could see from that ostentatiously high pedestal atop of which you have placed yourself.

Morgan: Ohhhhh! The girls are fighting!!!!!

Steve: *staring longingly at Bucky* I can fix him.

Tony: I can make him worse.

Sam: well I can stick magnets on his arm, and make them spell out ‘dickhead.’

Doctor Strange: you’re such an idiot!

Tony: yes! But I’m your idiot!

Tony: *pointing at his engagement ring* Fooorrrvvveeeeeeerrrrrrr!~

Loki: Gay as fuck to be a mad scientist. What are you mad about? Men? Are you just crazy about men?

Bucky: I hear that science is a man dominated field. Is that what you want? To be dominated by other men?

Tony: *confused af* I beg your pardon????

Bucky: *holding out a Bouquet of flowers* what’s not clicking?

Random Stranger: omg I love your necklace where did you get it?

Doctor Strange: oh it’s not a necklace actually it’s an amulet known as ‘the eye of agamotto’ which contains the infinity time stone. It allows the user to travel alter time, and could potentially destroy the universe if it falls into the wrong hands. But thanks

Peter: *swinging in out of no where* oh! And he got it at Claire’s!

Ned: what would happen if a werewolf and a vampire bit a human at the same time?

Harley: it turns them into a furby!

Peter: it takes a screen shot!

Morbius: …… *tied down* these are not the type of questions I expected you to ask me.

Shuri: the awkward moment when you realize the sound of nature is the sound of millions of animals, birds, and insects desperately trying to get laid.

Harley: the sweet sound of nature

Peter: sound just like high school actually.

Harley: Scientifically, it’s mad fucked up that humans drink the milk of another animals when we make our own. Like you don’t see rhinos sucking on a goat for milk. Mad fucked up. Scientifically.

Peter: how high are you?


Deadpool: I might not have “money” or “a high IQ” or “a likeable personality” or “a symmetrical face” or “a perfect smile” or “a significant other” or “a good vibe about me” or “normal eating tendencies” or “a good work ethic” or “any job prospects” or “a good relationship with my dad.”


Deadpool: No that’s about it.

Peter: I have a very annoying neighbor, can someon teach me trumpet?

Harley: that’s the best part! You don’t need to learn to play trumpet to annoy them. Just try your best and have fun!

Peter: oh wow you are so right! Thank you!

Harley: Old people? More like fold people! *makes an origami swan out of a printed picture of Ironman*

Peter: literally what is going on through your mind that motivated you to make that.

Peter: *venting* -and then, even though I saved the day, Jay Jonah Jameson called me a web slinging menace!

Eddie: Let me go see this prick, I’ll tear his head off.

Peter: Literally or Figuratively?


Loki: I really don’t understand how all of us are single because we’re all attractive and have good taste in music. Like what more do people want?




Loki: people are so demanding.

[Harley after he moves to NYC]

Harley: *talking to Peter on the phone* Does mace work on birds???

Peter: *miffed* what?

Harley: if a pigeon is attacking me will mace be an effective deterrent?

Peter: Um……… what????

Harley: *screaming into the phone as indignant and pissed off squacking of a pigeon is going on in the background* THIS IS A TIME SENSITIVE QUESTION PLEASE JUST TELL ME!!!!!!!
