#lost motivation


I hate the fact that every time I even think of my TEFL course it gives me stress and anxiety.

I haven’t picked it up in months and sometimes I even cry.

I’ve tried to keep motivated but its not there anymore and I try to think of reasons why I should give it another go but even that is coming up slim.

I know it’s what I want to do and I know it will be worth the fight but for now I haven’t got the energy for it.

Like a lot of things I feel stuck and I can’t move

I hope its not passion and money wasted.

7 Steps for Maintaining Motivation

1. Grasp that it’s YOUR life, and no-one else’s life.

2. Decide to “live on purpose”.

3. Recognise that achievement has a price tag attached to it – and decide you’ll pay that price.

4. Work on constantly maintaining your focus.

5. Chose a skill or a field and become competent, or an expert, in that area.

6. Find other people who will hold you to your goals – and will believe in, and encourage you, to strive to reach your dreams.

7. Consciously notice the progress you are making, and remind yourself “it’s worth it” as you’re further on the path.
