#lotr amazon


A month ago when we first saw that the Elves have short hair in the new show I was like “ew not wtf this is an abomination” but then I cut my own hella long elven hair off irl and now look like Amazon Elrond and am nowlike

And am now accidentally all for the short hair elf thing

I’ve become my own worst enemy in this fandom

Dropping all this Rings of Power news makes me feel like Dionysus giving new campers the orientation, but here you go — enjoy your new Celebrimbor *pops a Diet Coke angrily*

Don’t worry guys he is just in his padawan phase,

As his hairs are gonna grow so is his grief


what did they do with Celebrimbor my poor boy he looks much MUCH older then Galadriel wtf

and MALE elf with short hair AGAIN *sigh*

Charlie has now been officially confirmed by Vanity Fair as Celebrimbor (who I will always write as Celebimbo asdfgsdh) the Delf (di1fy elf) in LOTR: ROP

Twitter is having a breakdown, as expected. The power of cedwards has brought down the fandom assgsgfhdhdh

Let them have a moan and a whinge, it’s actually quite hilarious.

Sorry but this crusty old man of 52 is what Amazon chose, so they’ll have to just suck it up.

(Celebrimbor apparently got recast because production seemed to have an issue with the actor preceding him, so they brought Charlie in, and they kept him.)

(Dont tell the Twitterati he’s filming more LOTR in the summer lmao)

Charles Edwards foreshadowing his Rings of Power casting in Under the Vines S01E03 (2021).
