#love my friends



Fuck me she needs a cock in that mouth

1925 Followers, Smoker

My beautiful cat Oreo didnt want to jump on my bed to look out the window so she decided to stand up. My sister took a picture and I shared it with my friends and family and this is one of their responses.



My celebratory “I have the next 4 days off!” tumblr pic.

If you know me at all, you know I’m a straight up champion of women I admire. @monchichitamberine is the epitome of beauty inside and out, and she’s hella cool too. I’ve missed her, and seeing this on my dash made my day!!

Gangsta, we have some catching up to do!!! Welcome back. Now, y’all smash that follow button. You won’t regret it

@prayertoprofanity You always make me feel so loved! ❤❤❤ I’ve missed the fuck outta ya, homeslice!

If you’re not following my girl, do yourself a favor and follow this chick. Hilarious, blunt, sarcastic af, gorgeous, smile that can light up the entire universe…. the list goes on and on!

I had so much to drink last night that I apparently took selfies of myself that I clearly don’t recall taking!
