#funny texts


This seems like a conversation I would have

“Do you want to see my pecker???”

*puckers my lips and pecks you on the corner of the mouth* my lips!!! hahaha.. jokes for days - Lame joke Dujour - eUë

When you invest everything in crypto

History teachers describing 2020

empty cups in my room looking at me when I bring another cup

when your crush says I love those boys who can cook

when your best friend makes plans with someone else

Behind the scene of Man vs Wild

One time I tried complimenting a cute girl, and I was trying to tell her that she was really nice and sweet but I wanted to sound romantic so instead I blabbered out, confidently, “You are the kind of person who will not make it to judgement day.” And we never spoke again :)

I’m so fucking high right now, I really just went to make a PB&J sandwich and took a spoonful of peanut butter and slathered it all over my hand, and then said, “Which do you put first, the bowl or the milk?”

Forgive me Lord for I have taken the arms and legs off of my Barbie doll as a child and super glued them to the opposite sockets. I know the Bible doesn’t mention it but I just know that’s a sin.

Rating Comments on Wattpad books:

6/10 extra points for the emoji

7/10 honey that’s how wattpad works

8/10 we all love getting rescued by our favorite fictional character don’t we ( and yes this comes from a Harry Styles fanfiction)

100/10 i would already give it 10/10 points without context. Sentence this comment was under:

when bae won’t join your pity party

when bae won’t join your pity party

Post link

Ever since this Covid thing started my sex drive has skyrocketed. Fuck, Now it’s like every time I insert a tampon I moan a little.

Send help.


Къщата голяма

В почти всяка стая с огледала

Сутрин ставаш

Оглеждаш се и оправяш

Всичко онова, което не е стандартно

Влизаш в следващата стая,

Обличаш се за работа

Оглеждаш се отново

- Как ми стоят?, започваш да се чудиш

Вече идва време за тръгване

Отиваш до вратата и пак се оглеждаш

И така продължава всеки следващ ден

Всяка седмица, месец, година…цял живот

Докато гледайки през чуждите очи и оглеждайки се в изкривени огледала

Изживяваш нечий чужд живот без да си огледал своя дори отдалеч.)


I don’t take hints. Throw a rock at me

Me neither, but don’t throw a rock at me. I’m fragile.
