#low carb

irrelephantlybeautiful: #lowcarb Chocolate Mint Green Smoothie Protein Shake. This was a meal into i


#lowcarb Chocolate Mint Green Smoothie Protein Shake.
This was a meal into itself. It was so good and packed with potassium, protein, and heathy fats. #primal #healthy #keto #paleo #wilddiet #potassium #healthyfats #lowsugar #diabeticfriendly #mint #chocolate #protein #eatfatlosefat #greensmoothie #shake #creamy #avocado #grainfree #dairyfree #easy #vegan #vegetarian

I was full for 6 hours after that thing haha

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I have not been productive lately. I know injury and pain impact hard on function, but I am very awaI have not been productive lately. I know injury and pain impact hard on function, but I am very awa

I have not been productive lately. I know injury and pain impact hard on function, but I am very aware that I have been putting off tasks that I could and should be making a better effort at completing, injured or not.

On the other hand, perhaps I should accept this as a time of change, recovery and renewal; embrace gentle progress without agitating for dynamism. Still, stuff needs to get done! Some things are on track: food (see last night’s healthy low-carb sesame fish and salad); my 28-day alcohol-free challenge (I have completed 3 weeks); and my daily meditation and stretching practice.

At the beginning of my @oneyearnobeer 28-day alcohol-challenge, I decided to give myself a reward for every AF week. For Week 3 I have given myself a playful pink flamingo tea infuser (the seal is great - no floaters) and a book of Zen quotations with Japanese art illustrations.

Monday’s guided mediation practice focused on the inner coach - appropriate for addressing my admin avoidance in a positive way… and lol - apparently it worked! I kicked my butt into gear to tackle the task I hate most: sorting and tallying the cash receipts. It’s not difficult, just mudane and tedious, and boy do I procrastinate! I guess I need to take a Zen approach more often…⌛

Rob bought the ‘I Quit Sugar’ book. With my alcohol challenge going on, I am not about to quit feel-good treats like mangoes and dark chocolate (the book is an 8-week reset challenge to restore the body to healthy sugar consumption levels). However, the book has some awesome recipes and great breakfast and snack ideas, so I plan to get stuck into them this week.

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There’s strict keto, lazy keto and dirty keto and they all do work of course but there’s a healthier approach to keto, a clean natural way. I don’t touch keto products such as slim fast keto or Atkins products because they all have an insane amount of carbs (I only track total carbs) but even if you track net carbs they also contain soy which is highly gmo and or bad sugar alcohols like maltitol. That’s not keto “to me” but it does work out for others, I only prefer whole natural foods and besides I don’t snack. I can be super anal about ingredients but it’s just my own lifestyle, it works for me. Many forms of keto work, choose what’s best for you.

New Schedule Fast

Going to be doing a 48 hour fast every other day, so skipping today then will be eating Friday at noon and then skip Saturday and eat Sunday and so forth. Thinking I will work on this for a month and see how it goes. Just tested my blood sugar and it was at 106.

Won’t you be starving? Nope, I’m very well fat adapted and stay satiated with water, coffee and tea.

Today’s weigh in is at 242, 30 pounds lost since I started keto on October 20th 2018. I also went from a size 42 to a size 38 and now having to wear a belt because the 38’s are getting loose..

Well Poop

I went from carbs and sugar to a high fat, low carb and moderate protein lifestyle and my body was like wait what the hell!?!?

The first few days on keto my bowel movements were gassy and runny but then it turn into help I’m friggin constipated!!!

What I’ve learned.

The switch from the standard American diet to keto can cause gassy and diarrhea because of the new fats but that eventually goes away.


On the standard American diet your body runs on a dirty fuel system of carbs and sugar so there will be a lot of waste, pooping everyday and even sometimes several times a day while on keto it’s a cleaner more efficient fuel system to where your body now begins using all the nutrients you put into your body, less waste to where you’ll think your constipated but you’re not, your just now more healthy.

Starting The Keto Lifestyle

This is the way I did it.

I heard that the keto lifestyle was a great way to reverse diabetes and even cure it. The key to this is CONTINUED LIFESTYLE because if you do reverse your type two diabetes on a keto way of eating but then go back to the standard American diet you will have your diabetes back in no time, keto is a lifestyle, no quick fix or short term diet, sugar is bad, carbs are bad unless they come from whole foods vegetable.

Sugar and Carbs bye bye bye

First thing I did was box up my kitchen with all things not keto or that would be harmful to me, I learned more along the way. Grains and Oats were tossed, bread was tossed, all oils like vegetable oils, canola oils were tossed/thrown away.

I went shopping and bought whole natural foods with no carbs or sugar, sugar free bacon, chicken thighs with the skin, pork sausage, pork chops, cheese, eggs, 80/20 burger meat along with asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, kale, veggies low in carbs. I stayed away from fruits which are high in sugar like bananas, apples etc and just didn’t buy any. I bought a daily vitamin without MALTIDEXTRIN in it along with a magnesium supplement and fish oil supplement and also bought fenugreek for the fiber content.

Keto flu/avoid it.

In the beginning I got what is called the keto flu, all I needed was to stay hydrated and electrolytes.


So, my normal morning meals were gone, no cereals, no oatmeal but now eggs with bacon or eggs with sausage. I began making eggs with spinach.

Lunch would be a burger without the bun/bread or ketchup because it has sugar. Ide throw some cheese or bacon on it and wrap it in lettuce.

Dinner would be chicken thigh with the skin along with some asparagus, a small salad with Bragg’s apple cider vinegar.

I downloaded the carb manager app and would begin tracking my macros, it serves as a guideline of what my needs were for the day.

I began learning that while insulin is raised (it raises when you eat and can take a few hours to go down) you don’t lose weight so I didn’t snack between meals.

I started with an A1C of 6.5 (type 2 diabetes) and after a month on keto it went down to a 6.2 (pre Diabetic ratio).

I began switching things up, I began having a bulletproof coffee for breakfast rather than eating a meal and just dinner and lunch until I just began eating only lunch.

I began learning about good and bad sugar alcohols, good sweeteners and bad. I began avoiding maltidextrin and maltitol as I began seeing it raise insulin, a lot of stevia mixes contain maltidextrin or even dextrose so I stay away from Splenda. Good sweeteners I’ve found were monk fruit, swerve, Truvia.

I track total carbs daily unless they come from vegetables, my usual total carbs daily is 10 or 15 with no sugar consumption.

I don’t cheat on keto or myself, I don’t snack and only eat 100% whole foods.

There are a few times a week that I will do a 36 hour liquid fast which will be tea, coffee, water.

Getting There

I started keto on October 20, 2018 with the intent of reversing my type two diabetes and listed January as a goal month - I’m getting there! Yesterday I began cutting my diabetic medication in half of what I was taking (1000mg Metformin so now 500mg). I’m making some awesome improvements on my Keto lifestyle with only 7 weeks in, weight loss in check and diabetes drifting away.

Went to the mall again today and got some lab work done, going to jump on the stationary bike for awhile!

Keeping it in the back pocket…I took a stroll in the mall today and racked up a few miles, I’ve done this before but my phone didn’t track it cause it was in my front pocket, didn’t know until then that it’s best to track steps with it in your back pocket.

I usually wake up around 6 am and stay hydrated until noon/eat and be done by 12:30 and asleep by 10:30 and repeat the following days. I started off with three meals a day and then two and now one. This image is basic intermittent fasting simplified.

Got a new air fryer today! Adli’s had these marked down from $50 to $25 so it was a steal! First thing made in it was hot wings with the slap ya mama spice, they were kicking!

Pre Diabetic

I started keto October 20th 2018 as a diabetic with an A1C of 6.5 and have had labs done last week and learned that my A1C went down to a 6.2. My lab paper work came in today and it says that with all my lab results including cholesterol is perfect and am now listed as pre diabetic, OMG I’m literally on top of the moon - Keto has been saving my life!!!! My next labs will be done in March, I’m sooooo looking forward to those results then. I learned about Keto a few years ago but did nothing, I wish I did but am now living the bacon and butter dream!

Took a stroll at the mall today, going to be doing a two day liquid fast and looking forward to Friday to where I plan to make keto cauliflower Mac and cheese for the first time!

Went for a walk at the mall, it wasn’t busy at first but then began picking up.

Fantastic Flipping News

When I started this Keto lifestyle on October 20th, 2018 my A1C was 6.5 and now with little over a month into it it I just got a call from my nurse telling me my A1C is now 6.2!!!!! My next labs will be in 4 months to where I believe I will be Diabetes free!!!!!

Last night’s dinner, keto turkey meatloaf with cauliflower mashed with cheese and bacon!

Dry Pot Cauliflower (干锅菜花)Chinese dry pot cauliflower features crispy cauliflower bites stir fried w

Dry Pot Cauliflower (干锅菜花)

Chinese dry pot cauliflower features crispy cauliflower bites stir fried with bacon and chili peppers in an aromatic savory sauce.

Recipe =>https://omnivorescookbook.com/dry-pot-cauliflower/

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Authentic Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)An easy mapo tofu recipe that creates the authentic taste of China and fea

Authentic Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)

An easy mapo tofu recipe that creates the authentic taste of China and features tofu cooked in a rich, spicy, and savory sauce that is full of aroma.

Recipe =>https://omnivorescookbook.com/authentic-mapo-tofu/

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Chinese Garlic Green BeansThis quick and easy Chinese garlic green beans recipe uses a few ingredien

Chinese Garlic Green Beans

This quick and easy Chinese garlic green beans recipe uses a few ingredients to achieve maximum flavor and a perfect texture!

Recipe => https://omnivorescookbook.com/chinese-garlic-green-beans/

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