#lucas steele


I saw Great Comet in April and it was the most inspirational, original, and transcendent theatre experience I’ve ever had.  It fully deserves the Tonys it won, and so many more.  There are so many beautiful geniuses who have brought that show to life, and I am in awe of them all.  I honestly left the Imperial Theatre that day knowing in my soul that I had experienced a rare and beautiful thing.

Thank you to Dave Malloy, thank you to every single person in that sparkling cast, thank you to everyone whose work made Great Comet happen because the world is so lucky to have it.


“Enter the peacocking rogue Anatole (Lucas Steele, a platinum-blond knife-blade who looks like he could have kept One Direction together singlehandedly).”

-Leah Greenblatt, Entertainment Weekly

“Anatole (Lucas Steele, so wickedly sexy he should be arrested) is a preening peacock with a platinum-blond faux-hawk, given a flashy rock-star entrance

-David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter

“Steele is charismatic as the cocky hedonist, haughtily tearing through scenes like a Disney prince off his meds.

-Robert Kahn, NBC 4

“Anatole — portrayed by Lucas Steele with irrepressible rock-star vanity and the hair of a platinum woodpecker.”

-Linda Winer, Newsday

“Lucas Steele, for instance, is ideal as the Anatole conceived here: a rock star in skintight pants and a cantilevered pompadour.”

-Jesse Green, Vulture

“Lucas Steele performs the devilishly handsome Anatole with a cocky swagger that is just as effective on this recording as it is in person at the Imperial Theatre. Steele’s sex-infused instrument uses sublime delicacy to woo Natasha and listeners alike, allowing audiences to understand how he could sweep the young girl away.”

-David Clarke, Broadway World

“Steele’s Anatole Kuragin, the androgynous Casanova with a platinum pompadour who sweeps onto the stage with a David Bowie swagger and an introductory line in the opening song that tells the audience almost everything we need to know about him: “Anatole is hot. He spends his money on women and wine.”

-Dana Schwartz, The Observer

“Steele comes across as a Disney prince who plunged into New York City in an Enchanted­-like scenario

-Dana Schwartz, The Observer

“Lucas Steele plays Anatole as a Disney villain—sky-high pompadour, skin-tight pants, slinkily thrust hips, and a singing voice that soars and swoops”

-Jil Picariello, ZEALnyc

“Anatole’s played by Lucas Steele, who reminds me a bit of a young Val Kilmer (Think Top Secret, not Top Gun)

-Laura LaVelle, Newswhistle

Basically it’s the best.


new sexuality: the way lucas steele says a love letter and fries his vocal chords on the broadway recording for letters

“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″Book, music and lyrics by Dave MalloyImperial Theatre,

“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812″

Book, music and lyrics by Dave Malloy

Imperial Theatre, 2016

Starring Josh Groban, Denée Benton, Brittain Ashford, Gelsey Bell, Nicholas Belton, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray, Grace McLean, Paul Pinto, Scott Stangland, Lucas Steele, Sumayya Ali, Courtney Bassett, Josh Canfield, Ken Clark, Erica Dorfler, Lulu Fall, Ashley Pérez Flanagan, Paloma Garcia-Lee, Nick Gaswirth, Alex Gibson, Billy Joe Kiessling, Mary Spencer Knapp, Reed Luplau, Brandt Martinez, Andrew Mayer, Azudi Onyejekwe, Pearl Rhein, Heath Saunders, Ani Taj, Cathryn Wake, Katrina Yaukey & Lauren Zakrin

Post link

Lucas Steele kissed me on stage when I saw the Great Comet and I’m dead

ily: I love you

ilysm: i love you so much

wwgimsdustjattwwamaaapmsotdprabshgawwwhuuwtaftaftaftaf: we we’re gathered in my study drinking up some tea just Anatole the two wedding witnesses and me and abacus and paper money strewn on the desk Persian rugs and bear skins hanging grotesque Anatole was walking with his uniform unbuttoned walking to and fro to and fro to and fro to and fro

Great Comet Incorrect Quotes Because I Havent Slept In 3 Days

Dolokhov: how do you feel about this? About us?

Anatole: uhh *checks mood ring* I feel green I guess


Mayra: *looking into the camera* and here we have the endangered species known as helene

Helene: *falls down the stairs, spilling her cereal everywhere*

Mayra: natural selection is coming for this one


Natasha: do you think sour patch kids get lonely without their parents?

Pierre: this is exactly why I married you


Mayra: you two better have a good explanation for this

Dolokhov: we have 3 actually

Anatole: pick your favorite


Mary: do you think I could fit 10 marshmallows in my mouth

Mayra: you are a hazard to society

Anatole: and a coward.. do 20


Sonya: *sips tea* I’m tired

Pierre: oh really? Me t-


Pierre: *holding back tears* it’s fine-


Pierre: please don’t ask but I need a human skull

Dolokhov: as long as you don’t ask why *pulls 4 pristine skulls out of a box* which one do you want


Pierre: this one will do


Anatole: I am completely straight

Helene: *gestures to dolokhov*

Dolokhov: *waves*

Anatole: *inhale* ooh GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY-


{Pierre & Mayra interrogating Anatole}

Natasha: I really love this good cop bad cop thing you have going on

Pierre: Its not really a thing, its more like Im nice and Mayra is terrifying


Anatole: I didnt want to have to do this but I know one way we could make Andrey forgive us for everything

Mayra: Youd make a decent prostitute

Anatole: *offended* Id make an AMAZING prostitute


Helene: Its my god-given bisexual right to be dramatic!


Natasha: Cousin dear can I ask you a question? You dont have to answer-

Sonya: Nat, you once caught me sneaking out of Mayras kitchen in the middle of the night half naked with a biscuit in my mouth, we have no secrets. aSk YoUr DaMn QuEsTiOn


Sonya: I like your pants

Mary: Thanks, they were 50% off

Sonya: I prefer them 100% off ;)

Mary: well the store cant just sell free stuff-

Sonya: no I meant-

Mary: thats a horrible way to run a business Sonya


Pierre: treat spiders the way you want to be treated

Dolokhov: killed without hesitation

Everyone: F E D Y A N O


Anatole: *opens a caprisun* guess Ill drink my sorrows away


Pierre: Give me some words of encouragement so I dont kill Anatole right now

Dolokhov: There are no books in prison


Natasha: *to mary* would you like to stay for dinner?

Sonya: *in the distance* WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY F O R E V E R


Mayra: I love you

Helene: why tho


Pierre: *texting dolokhov* fedya theres a possum in the house fedya what do I do

Dolokhov: uhm uhm play dad





Pierre: he can ride a bike now


Dolokhov: swear words are illegal now. If you say one you’re in big trouble

Sonya: heck

Dolokhov: you’re on thin fucking ice buddy


Dolokhov: o h n o


Anatole: we would make bomb ass lesbians

Dolokhov: agreed

[they fist bump]


Natasha: you shouldn’t be using a straw-

Anatole: I know I know it’s like bad for the environment or whatever

Natasha: no it’s just a really weird way to eat spaghetti


Anatole: *says something stupid*

Pierre: really? Right in front of my bagel?


Pierre: do you have a bag I could use?

Anatole: *imitating pierre* the only bags I have are the ones under my eyes and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence

Pierre: literally all you had to do was say no

that is all. Thank you for your time

(help I wasn’t kidding about the sleep thing)

I am fed up with being obsessed with the great comet and not being able to see any of these amazing people in person. Like?!? I want to be able to meet just ONE of them. Like Dave Malloy? Lucas Steele? GRACE MCLEAN? Just one person. I have questions about music and how long it took them to be successful. IM INTERESTED IN THEIR LIFE STORIES
