#m talks


Enby pride y’all!!!!

Went to Pride today, got a non-binary pride flag for my wall, hung out with some friends, and had a great time! Left before the parade so we didn’t get caught in traffic, but it was still an awesome day!

Self-discovery is a journey. It took my years to figure out I was non-binary and I’m still working on coming out to friends and especially family. Understand that you are powerful and worthy of love, and you’ll find your path.

Oh man! Went to my first rave and it was freaking awesome!!!!! Also my first time out wearing a skirt for a non-pride event, which was super liberating especially since the state I’m in isn’t the most progressive!!! BIG shoutout to my gfs for getting the tickets (promise I’ll pay you back!) and encouraging me to be myself!

P.S. I scheduled a bunch of posts all at once and this is the end of that, thought hopefully by now I’ll have taken more! But if the daily posts stop or slow down to every couple days, that’s why!

Remember that convention I mentioned yesterday? Bought a really cute skirt while I was there! Super comfy, and it has pockets!!!!! Ones big enough to fit a Nintendo Switch!!!!!

I don’t have a lot of “gay” clothes, so the closest I get are my rainbow fishnets under some artistically ripped women’s jeans, but I wore this first to an EDM performance with a friend and then later at a convention since they had a LGBTQIA+ panel I got to attend!

Of all the things that changed in my life while I was gone from this blog, loving Dnd isn’t one of them! Recently I played this really awesome Magical Girl Paladin? Regularly rolled 30s on persuasion, ending fights like *that* much to my DM’s chagrin. Now I’m getting ready to play my first evil character… it’ll be interesting since I’m usually such a goody-two-shoes

You know what? Sometimes you have to take some kind of lazy pics before bed.



“ever notice how all nonbinary people are afab?”

no but i have noticed how every single amab nonbinary person ive come across is either forcibly labeled as a trans woman or a cis guy who just Loudly Gay 

Jeffrey Marsh

As someone who JUST came out as AMAB Non-binary this is so fucking relevant




Y’all I have missed the hell out of this blog, and I’m legit sorry I’ve been away so long, long enough not to comment on the unfortunate porn ban, among other issues, but let me try to explain.

From the very beginning of all of this, wearing skirts and panties and such as an AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth for those who don’t know) person, I’ve never been 100% sure of my gender identity. For a long time, I just assumed I was a guy with a feminine side. And if that’s you, that’s totally fine! And certainly some times I felt that suited me, but other times I wanted more. But I also didn’t hate my masculinity, which for the purposes of this blog you haven’t seen, but I assure you exists, so I never quite felt like a trans woman. Cut to a few weeks/month or so ago. I’ve been talking to this really awesome guy as well as some really close girlfriends of mine, and with their love and acceptance I decided to mess around with the identity of Non-Binary. Somewhere in between, who knows where? At least so far, it feels like it fits me perfectly, and I love it. It doesn’t invalidate my identity as gay either, so I can still be attracted to men exclusively, without feeling the need to perform as something I’m not.

Anyway, all of this to say, I love all you guys, and I’d like to think this means I’m back despite the changes to tumblr! I hope you will all continue to enjoy the content I create and support not just me, but your fellow gender nonconforming friends! And if you don’t have one, now you do! I’m still very new to being an “enby” (Non-Binary=nb=enby) But I promise to try my best if you have any questions. And if you’re struggling with your gender identity, I’d encourage you give Non-Binary a try! There’s so many different kinds of NB out there that you might find one that suits you! You don’t have to be male or female if you don’t want to!! (But if you want to, that’s super cool too!!) I just encourage everyone to explore their gender identity a little, it’ll only give you a greater appreciation for things.

I you all!!! Hope to hear from lots of you soon, and hope you look forward to a new age of content on the blog. I can’t make any promises, but if you have requests, I’ll try and take some of those too!

-Love, M

P.S. Yes my room is a mess, don’t sue me my life was/is a mess. At least I’m finally figuring gender out :)

Boy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to updaBoy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to updaBoy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to updaBoy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to updaBoy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to updaBoy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons! Other things I love include: actually remembering to upda

Boy I sure do love me Dungeon and Dragons!
Other things I love include: actually remembering to update this blog Oof sorry everyone!

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