#lgbtqia positivity


chubby lesbians are cute. fat lesbians are beautiful. butch lesbians are amazing. hairy lesbians are radiant. trans lesbians are gorgeous. unfashionable lesbians are superb. older lesbians are powerful. lesbians who aren’t considered attractive by society are brilliant. you don’t need to fit the standards of what men find “hot” in girls to be valid as a lesbian, a girl out there is going to think you’re the best person she’s seen in her life and that’s what matters.

(anybody can reblog)




Y’all I have missed the hell out of this blog, and I’m legit sorry I’ve been away so long, long enough not to comment on the unfortunate porn ban, among other issues, but let me try to explain.

From the very beginning of all of this, wearing skirts and panties and such as an AMAB (Assigned Male at Birth for those who don’t know) person, I’ve never been 100% sure of my gender identity. For a long time, I just assumed I was a guy with a feminine side. And if that’s you, that’s totally fine! And certainly some times I felt that suited me, but other times I wanted more. But I also didn’t hate my masculinity, which for the purposes of this blog you haven’t seen, but I assure you exists, so I never quite felt like a trans woman. Cut to a few weeks/month or so ago. I’ve been talking to this really awesome guy as well as some really close girlfriends of mine, and with their love and acceptance I decided to mess around with the identity of Non-Binary. Somewhere in between, who knows where? At least so far, it feels like it fits me perfectly, and I love it. It doesn’t invalidate my identity as gay either, so I can still be attracted to men exclusively, without feeling the need to perform as something I’m not.

Anyway, all of this to say, I love all you guys, and I’d like to think this means I’m back despite the changes to tumblr! I hope you will all continue to enjoy the content I create and support not just me, but your fellow gender nonconforming friends! And if you don’t have one, now you do! I’m still very new to being an “enby” (Non-Binary=nb=enby) But I promise to try my best if you have any questions. And if you’re struggling with your gender identity, I’d encourage you give Non-Binary a try! There’s so many different kinds of NB out there that you might find one that suits you! You don’t have to be male or female if you don’t want to!! (But if you want to, that’s super cool too!!) I just encourage everyone to explore their gender identity a little, it’ll only give you a greater appreciation for things.

I you all!!! Hope to hear from lots of you soon, and hope you look forward to a new age of content on the blog. I can’t make any promises, but if you have requests, I’ll try and take some of those too!

-Love, M

P.S. Yes my room is a mess, don’t sue me my life was/is a mess. At least I’m finally figuring gender out :)


Just a gentle reminder that being naturally polyamorous or naturally monogomous is okay, but bashing someone else for the types of relationships they have is not!

Love this.
Relationships come in lots of different forms - there’s the whole spectrum of sexuality re: the people you’re attracted to and, to me, there’s also a bit of a spectrum with regard to monogamy and ethical non-monogamy. Love isn’t one-size-fits-all. If people are being loved and respected and all parties are consenting (which is part of love and respect, but obviously worth explicitly mentioning), it’s really no one’s job to judge.
For me, I feel trapped by heterosexuality. It’s like wearing a sweater that’s a little too warm and a little too snug. It’s not wrong, exactly, it’s just not quite right. That doesn’t mean heterosexuality is bad or wrong - it means I’m not heterosexual and it doesn’t work for me.
Similarly, monogamy feels like I’m trapped - more like being in an elevator with someone that’s making you a little uncomfortable but you can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s not that there aren’t times where I only have one romantic partner, but I feel safe and happy knowing that it isn’t mandatory.
I imagine living as a pansexual would feel similarly “off” for many who identify otherwise. Same for polyamory. No one should feel like they’re being forced to participate in a relationship that isn’t right for them.


You are enough.

You are gay enough.

You are lesbian enough.

You are bi enough.

You are pan enough.

You are polysexual enough.

You are ace enough.

You are aro enough.

You are trans enough.

You are nonbinary enough.

You are lgbtqia enough.

And no one can say you aren’t

Happy new year and all that good stuff! Sorry I’ve been a little absent lately, I’ve been in a weird place and having a hard time figuring things out. I have a new Pride art piece, hopefully, coming in the near future (๑>◡<๑)

I’m proud of all of you and remember to always be proud of yourself!!

Working towards accepting yourself can be really hard, especially if you grew up in a homophobic or transphobic household, so I’m really proud of you for trying.

I know it’s tough, but you’ve already come so far, and there’s a wonderful future in front of you.

You are brave. You are strong. You are loved.

You are not burdening anyone by using your correct pronouns.

You are not burdening anyone by using your chosen name.

You are not burdening anyone by wearing what you want.

You are not burdening anyone by being who you are.
