
La mujer como un objeto sobre el cual echar fluídos. Es como si yo cojo una foto de un tío y comento

La mujer como un objeto sobre el cual echar fluídos. Es como si yo cojo una foto de un tío y comento: «COSAS que me gustaría llenar de flujo vaginal».

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#machismo    #machistas    #machista    #micromachismos    #violencia    
numozzarellaoftime: Nuevo modelo de vagina xo-x1y0, más compacto, manejable, y de fácil limpieza gra


Nuevo modelo de vagina xo-x1y0, más compacto, manejable, y de fácil limpieza gracias a sus materiales antiadherentes y cabezales extraíbles.

Vamos a ver: la vagina, así como cualquier otra parte del cuerpo, con un ejercicio constante no se destensa, sino que se tonifica.

La vagina, así como el pene y los testículos, se destensa por la edad, como cualquier otra parte del cuerpo. Y si te ponen las vaginas de mujeres demasiado jóvenes como para que tengan ningún síntoma de edad, eres pedófilo y deberías ir al psiquiatra porque tienes una enfermedad que es muy probable que te lleve a la cárcel.


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#machismo    #machista    #feminismo    
I don’t just enjoy it, I live it. No deodorant or cologne will touch this body, ever! Even after I s

I don’t just enjoy it, I live it. No deodorant or cologne will touch this body, ever! Even after I shower, I still permeate man-scented goodness. You can scrub me down, but you’ll never rid of my manhood. And, quite frankly, I wouldn’t change that for the world. Don’t like it? Tough! You can either learn to like it, or fuck your girlyboy, floral smelling self right off from my wonderfully masculine stinking bubble. There’s plenty of men I can proudly continue smelling natural with. Leave the ripe pitting and sweaty nut sacking to be huffed and enjoyed to the real men, while you mask your sad, self-emasculating, sociatle-conforming, perfume-scented selves out of our permanent “post-hard day at work” stinky dude lifestyle. #staycalmandkeepstinking

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#manscent    #armpits    #nutsack    #noshower    #stinky    #man smell    #manliness    #gymlife    #smell me    #jackoff    #male body    #masculinity    #masculine men    #male form    #machismo    
#clichés    #moralismo    #feminismo    #machismo    #sociedade    #mulher    
#caverna    #derecha    #ibuprofeno    #machismo    #primitivo    #ultraderecha    
Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.

Magnum Force (1973) - Ted Post.

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#magnum force    #cinema    #clint eastwood    #ted post    #harry calahan    #dirty harry    #cult film    #adele yoshioka    #action    #thriller    #machismo    #revolver    #44 magnum    #flirtation    #asian woman    #quotes    #film quotes    #movie quotes    #film text    #movie text    #dialogue    
Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAMStudents, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5,

Lesvy Berlín: Femicide Comes to UNAM

Students, workers and teachers of UNAM mobilized Friday, May 5, to demand justice for Lesvy Berlín Osorio, as well as to call for an end to machista violence and femicides in Mexico.

Lesvy’slifeless body was found outside the campus’s engineering department this past Wednesday. Due to the violent nature of her death, many have called it a femicide - or the systematic, targeted murder of women.

Authorities, however, soon took to Twitter to discredit her by suggesting she was a drinker and drug user, was living out of wedlock with her boyfriend and had dropped out of school.

Thebacklash was immediate. Women soon began using the hashtag #SiMeMatan (IfTheyKillMe) to denounce the criminalization of women who have been victims of machista abuse and femicides.

Lesvy was a daughter, friend, musician, and student. She was 22-years-old.

Editor’s note: On a day in which the Mexican woman is venerated, it is important that we as a community continue working to dismantle machismo culture. In particular, as men, we can no longer tolerate machismo within our families, our relationships or within ourselves.

¡Mata el machismo!

Image and photos and by: RexisteAcción FotográficaDesinformémonos

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Juan Gabriel, Gay Mexican Icon (January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016)With his glittery capes, slinky daJuan Gabriel, Gay Mexican Icon (January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016)With his glittery capes, slinky daJuan Gabriel, Gay Mexican Icon (January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016)With his glittery capes, slinky daJuan Gabriel, Gay Mexican Icon (January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016)With his glittery capes, slinky da

Juan Gabriel, Gay Mexican Icon

(January 7, 1950 – August 28, 2016)

With his glittery capes, slinky dance moves and ultra-romantic lyrics, Mexican superstar Juan Gabriel was an unlikely king in a country known for its machismo. He never spoke about his sexuality, yet was widely assumed to be gay. It’s no surprise that the singer was an icon in Mexico’s gay subculture.

Having sold over 100 million copies worldwide, Gabriel is among Latin America’s best-selling singer-songwriters. His eighteenth studio album, Recuerdos, Vol. II, holds the distinction of being the best-selling album of all-time in Mexico, with over eight million copies sold.

During his career, Gabriel wrote around 1,800 songs. Releasing 35 albums over the course of his45-year career, he became beloved by multiple generations of fans in Latin America, Spain and the United States. His genres varied widely, from mariachi to salsa to disco.

In 2002, a few years before Mexico City legalized gay marriage, the famously effeminate singer shut down a journalist who asked if he was gay.  “You don’t ask about what can be seen,” he said.

Although Gabriel never publicly claimed the gay community, that community certainly claimed him, with his romantic Spanish-language ballads belted late into the night in drag bars on both sides of the border.

Many have credited Juan Gabriel with opening the door to greater expression of gender and sexuality, even if he never explicitly called for it. Like Prince, or David Bowie, Juan Gabriel was known for his gender-bending clothing and occasional touch of eye makeup.

“I think he made a deep cultural change not by talking about his sexuality but by living it out on stage,” said Alejandro Madrazo, a law professor in Mexico who is an expert on the legal battle for same-sex marriage in the country. “Juan Gabriel taught us how to be feminine.”

Madrazo recalled seeing Juan Gabriel perform before a large crowd at a cockfight, a sport that exemplifies Mexico’s machismo culture.  

“He would dance in a way that was sexy and provocative in front of all these stereotypes of a Mexican man,” Madrazo said. “He would literally shake … in their faces, and they would go crazy.”

In an homage to Juan Gabriel published on the website of Mexico’s Millenio newspaper, journalist Alvaro Cueva recalled friends making fun of Juan Gabriel for his effeminate stage presence. At some schools, his name was used as an anti-gay slur.

Cueva called Juan Gabriel subversive. “You … became an idol in a country of macho men,” he wrote. “You made homophobic people sing and dance.”

Eduardo C. Corral, the gay Chicano poet, shared a story on Twitter about how it was easier for his parents to accept him after he came out to them because of Juan Gabriel. “In high school, I came out first to my mom. She told my dad when he got off work at midnight. She was nervous. Afraid of his reaction. My dad’s response? He said, in Spanish, ‘So what? So is Juan Gabriel,’” Corral wrote.

The poet relayed an experience that was common for LGBT Latinos and their families. “Over the years, Juan Gabriel became part of many Mexican families. Yes, he was mocked. But there he was. In our homes. Familiar & strange. Queerness, then, became a presence in Mexican homes. In my home. This familiarity with queerness helped my father to keep loving his son,” tweeted the poet.

In all his glory, Juan Gabriel was an incredible performer and singer-songwriter, but it is his impact on the LGBT Latino community that must not be erased from the narrative of his legacy.

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#latino    #legend    #mexican    #spanish    #mexico    #juan gabriel    #juanga    #el divo de juarez    #latin music    #rest in peace    #musician    #latinx    #history    #gay history    #machismo    #mariachi    #ranchera    #latin pop    #pop music    

Cultura de la violación… ¿Perdón?


Hoy he estado viendo las noticias sobre la campaña que ha puesto en marcha el Ayuntamiento de Madrid con motivo del Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres. Una campaña que consigue llamar la atención, aunque con letra pequeña.

La campaña es de las que da que pensar. Obliga a leer los mensajes y a hacer el ejercicio de ser conscientes de los dos mensajes…

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Growing up queer in a culture of machismo is not easy. So Latinx writer Curly Velasquez surrounded himself with his purpose and the love of an abuelita who just let Curly be Curly, Barbies and all.
Continue celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with Freeform’s Soy Yo campaign

#machismo    #viñetas    #absurder    

Galinha, cachorra,piranha, porque pra meninas sao como palavras ofensivas e para meninos motivo de se gabarem… chega de machismo e mais respeito por favor


El sábado salí de mi casa un poco antes de las 8 am, caminé cuatro cuadras para tomar el camión para

El sábado salí de mi casa un poco antes de las 8 am, caminé cuatro cuadras para tomar el camión para ir a la escuela, y cuando me bajé caminé otras tres cuadras para llegar finalmente a mi destino. En este corto periodo de tiempo (aproximadamente 40 minutos), cuatro hombres me acosaron chiflándome, diciéndome “adiós guapa” o sonando el cláxon de su coche.
El acoso callejero es una realidad a la que nos enfrentamos las mujeres de manera diaria, el aguantarlo se hace tarde o temprano una costumbre.
No es la zona, porque a mí me ha pasado tanto en la zona Oblatos como por la colonia Moderna; no es la ropa que yo vista, porque lo he experimentado usando falda, vestido, pantalón o short, inclusive en invierno cuando traigo tres o cuatro capas de ropa; no es la hora, porque me ha pasado temprano por la mañana, a media tarde o por la noche.
Es, simplemente, la falta de educación de estos hombres imbéciles, que piensan en mi cuerpo como si fuera un objeto, sexualizándolo y ridiculizándolo con sus chiflidos y palabras obscenas. El acoso callejero es MACHISMO.

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#feminismo    #feminism    #machismo    #guadalajara    #méxico    #acoso callejero    #catcalling    
unafeministames:Utilizar la palabra ‘mujer’ coml un insulto también es una forma de violencia. #fe


Utilizar la palabra ‘mujer’ coml un insulto también es una forma de violencia.
#feminismo #feminismos #feminista #violencia #stopviolencia #machismo #stopmachismo #violenciadegenero

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#feminismo    #feminista    #machismo    #violencia    #violencia de género    
Esto es relevante en un país donde diariamente siete mujeres son asesinadas, donde cada cuatro minut

Esto es relevante en un país donde diariamente siete mujeres son asesinadas, donde cada cuatro minutos una mujer es violada. Y aún así, la gente piensa que no pasa nada o que es normal. 

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#machismo    #méxico    #ciudad juárez    #tania reza    #enrique tovar    #misgoginia    #acoso laboral    #feminismo    #feminista    

It is heartbreaking to see the effects of machismo taking so many mujeres from this world, including Nancy Mederos, a 19 yr old from Los Angeles who was recently murdered by her boyfriend in a motel. We must acknowledge that violence against women of color is not only upheld by abusers but also by men of color who turn a blind eye when they see or hear about women of color experiencing violence.

For too long, us women of color have been forced to choose between our racial & gendered experiences. When we bring up gendered violence & call out men for being abusive, we are considered “divisive” and that we are threatening the integrity of men of color and, therefore, threatening the movement towards racial justice. We are perceived as traitors or we are derailed with responses like “not all men.” There cannot be racial justice without gender justice. It’s not possible. Intersectionality doesn’t work like that. 

Men of color, from the beginning of time - we have always had your backs. We are always on the frontlines of every movement fighting for you. 

We need you to step up & fight for us.

This means taking accountability for your actions. This means calling out other men you see acting in abusive ways towards women. Even if you are not the abuser yourself, you are not absolved bc being complacent is just as harmful. We demand justice for all victims of domestic violence & homicide. We must put an end to machismo in our communities NOW!

Estoy harta

de que me miren mal por defenderme


de que me tanteen el orto en plena calle


de tener que luchar por todos/es como si madre fuera


de que enseñen a niñas a creer que sacarse fotos en pelotas es “empoderante”


de que en el afán de no discrimar a nadie se olviden nuevamente de no hacerlo con nosotras


de que piensen con la pija para cualquier conversación


de no poder sacarme todos estos complejos e inseguridades que me han inculcado


de los “cerebros de nena” y “cerebros de varon”, del azul y el rosa, y el sentimiento antes de la opresión

Harta y cansada

de tener que dar clases como si no fueran capaz de agarrar un puto libro

Harta y asqueada

de la defensa del “trabajo” sexual mientras cuelgan la pancarta de “libertad para todEs”

Harta, harta, HARTA de la pelotudez, misoginia e ignorancia

Porque me harté, me cansé y me he asqueado de este “liberalismo” y posmodernidad que tanto defendí tiempo atrás.


Porque cuando vienen y te obligan a abrir los ojos no hay manera de que los puedas volver a cerrar.

#pensamientos    #radfem    #feminismo    #cansada    #estres    #personal    #uruguay    #misoginia    #machismo    #liberacion de la mujer    #radical    

Cuanta más teoría radical leo menos ganas de Tumblr me dan.

#radfem    #tristeza    #tumblr    #teoría    #pensamientos    #estres    #machismo    #patriarcado    #autoestima    #amor propio    #grlpwr    