
#whatsapp #personal #record ..

#whatsapp #personal #record ..

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Dauermüde - aber immer wach.

Dauermüde - aber immer wach.

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do not bother holding on to that thing that does not want you, you cannot make it stay.

You can either pimp the situation or you can fall victim to it

Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front.

I just need you and some sunsets.

Stay close to people who feel like sunlight

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have & the decisions we waited too long to take

Hast du gute Sprüche wenn man sich in den Armen einer Person wohl fühlt und gleichzeitig in sie verliebt ist?

“Every part of me wants you.”

Ich schaue in deine Augen, wie kann ein Mensch nur so schön sein?

Denn du und ich, das ist wahre Liebe

Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.

Show me your emotions, tell me all your feelings.

Corna su WhatsApp: Micacce.Le Donne sono più intelligenti degli uomini… quindi inutile far fi

Corna su WhatsApp:Micacce.

Le Donne sono più intelligenti degli uomini… quindi inutile far finta di minacciarle di divorzio dopo l’ennesimo Tradimento quando non si aspetta altro… e cominciare godersi in pieno le agrodolci gioie delle Corna…

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Mis amigas, aguantándome de lover

Mis amigas, aguantándome de lover

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You and your friends came up with this ‘’stupid’’ brilliant game.

To take voyeur pics of hot women. You all made an whatsapp group where you’d share the pics and chat about the best ones.

This included upskirts, girls running at the park wearing leggings or hot women plain and simple.

A random Saturday, you and 2 other friends spent the afternoon working on  school project….who am i kidding, you spent all your time playing video games.

One of your friends went for a piss so you took this chance to cheat and win the match.

Next morning you woke up and found over 200 messages on ur whatsapp group. It seems they all seem to say pretty much the same thing, ‘’We have a winner !’’

When asked who won they simply shrug it off and told you to not scroll up.

You did and you couldn’t believe what you found !


It was your mom ! Fresh from the shower chillin on her phone on her bed. Wearing nothing more then her blue thong, bra and glasses.
It seems your friend when going for a piss saw the shower was wet meaning your mom just showered. The sneaky and smart bastard put his phone through her bedroom door and snapped that pic.

Messages upon messages about your mom’s thick juicy ass. On what they would do to it keep raining and raining !

You decide to leave the group, only to have your friend send you this:

Friend: Hey dude i’m sorry lol. We never said any rule against not snapping other people’s mom and what not but anyway look. I know you’re mad that i posted that pic of your mom, reality is your mom caught me taking the pic. I’m actually going to meet her tomorrow. Don’t be salty dude, hey at least you won the match ;)
