#magick challenge



Monday: Altars

  • Does your practice incorporate the use of altars?
  • Are altars imperative to have for casting?
  • What are pros and cons of altars?
  • Do you prefer casting at your altar or is your place of magick not set or permanent?
  • What entity (if any) is your altar dedicated to?
  • What objects do you keep permanently on your altar? What purpose or personal meaning does it have?
  • Do you change your altar to correspond with the sabbats? 
  • Draw and label a diagram of your altar. Include an explanation of their meaning to you.

Tuesday: Sigils

  • Are sigils something you use through out your practice?
  • Choose your three favorite sigils. Include their meanings as well as any personal interpretations. Why are they your favorites? What is the most common place that you add sigils too? 
  • Research and write down the steps to take in order to create a sigil. Use these steps to create your own sigil.

Wednesday: Local Fauna

  • Create a list of your local animals.
  • For each profile be sure to include the following: Any lore, superstitions, their meanings to you, their magickal and spiritual meanings, and ways they can be incorporated into your craft.

Thursday: Seven Planes of Existence

  • What are the planes of existence?
  • How can they be incorporated into your craft?
  • Do they seem believable to you?
  • Draw and label the seven planes of existence. 

Friday: Lightning

  • Is lightning a form of energy you incorporate into your craft?
  • How could you incorporate lightning into your practice?
  • Create correspondences for lightning. 
  • Plan and write a spell that incorporates lightning. 

Saturday: Quote Interpretation

  • Choose a quote that speaks to you on a spiritual level and expresses your path. 
  • Do a deep meditation with the quote in mind.
  • Write down all the thoughts and visions you have about the quote. Go into as much detail as possible.

Sunday: Amethyst

  • Sketch a picture of Amethyst.
  • Create it’s correspondence that includes its magickal and healing properties.
  • Is amethyst a crystal you use lots in your practice?
  • Include any amethyst lore or superstitions.
  • What effects does amethyst have on your emotions? 

Moonlight Grimoire Challenge 


Monday: The Elements

  • Is there a particular element you gravitate towards or work with the most? 
  • What other elements do you work with? 
  • Do you work with the four: water, earth, air, and fire? Or do you have other elements you include (ie. spirit, metal)? 
  • Create a correspondence chart for the elements you incorporate in your craft. 
  • What do they represent? Do they correspond with certain deities, herbs, directions, animals, seasons or crystals?

Tuesday: Your Daily Practices

  • What is involved in your day-to-day magickal routine? 
  • Map out or create a timetable for your daily magickal practices and routines.
  •  Do you follow a certain schedule? If so, include it in your grimoire. 
  • What is one routine that your day cannot go without?

Wednesday: Best Time to Perform Magick

  • What time do you cast magick?
  •  Do you believe that casting at a certain time will have any effect on your spell? 
  • Create a entry dedicated to the best time of day, day of the week, month, and season to do magick. 
  • Will you be using any of these correspondences in your future practices? 
  • Experiment and journal the outcomes of corresponding time in your practices.

Thursday: Ritual Planning

  • Plan out your own ritual. Create a step by step guide to help your perform the ritual. Make sure to include every minuscule detail. 
  • Be sure to use the time correspondences from the previous entry when planning your ritual.
  •  Write down and memorize any chants you want to include. 
  • Are you incorporating any deities? What will you use for offerings?
  • Do you call to the four elements?

Friday: Eleusinian Mysteries

  • What were the Eleusinian Mysteries? 
  • What deities were involved? What was there purpose? 
  • Who participated? 
  • Why were the rites done? 
  • What were the lesser mysteries? 
  • What are the Greater Mysteries?
  • How did they come to an end?

Saturday: Famous Witches

  • Research a famous Witch.
  •  Create a profile or biography for them. 
  • If you are the artistic type sketch or paint an image of them to add to their profile.

Sunday: Dream Journaling

  • Create a section in your grimoire dedicated to dream interpretations. 
  • Include descriptions of your dreams. Be sure to add as much detail as possible as well as your own interpretation of it. 
  • Do your dreams tell the future or the past? 
  • Are they any symbols that appear consistently throughout your dream? What does it mean to you? 
  • Draw out your dreams, you may find hidden symbols and meanings throughout the drawings. 

Post on tumblr under the tag #moonlight grimoire challenge so they can be shared here. Good luck!

Moonlight Grimoire Challenge

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found h

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found here! Want to print out this click here!  Please tell me your opinion. Should I make them a monthly post?

My grimoire challenge blog: @moonlightgrimoirechallenge


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