#astral witch


In the next week two spirits will be posted for adoption

E the Bubble Spirit. E is a beginner level spirit, but also needs someone who will be very sensitive to their needs.

Ch the Fire Horse who requires an advanced practitioner.

Details coming soon.

As a quick personal introduction, I am a Heathen Hedgewitch, raised around magick from a young age. I have been practicing spirit work for close to 22 years (this coming May, in fact), which I only recall because it was my 12th Birthday when my Mother sat me down and taught me how to use a Spirit Board. I felt a connection that night with something far greater than myself and have not looked back. 

I first began Astral exploration when I was around fourteen, doing it completely by accident the first time. I had no clue what had happened, but luckily had a family with a rich history of this, so they were able to talk me through what happened, and guide me in ways to control it and learn from my experiences. 

From then on, spirits have been a part of my life. While there have been times that I tried to push aside my connection, it has never really left my side. For various reasons, I only have a couple of very close spirit companions myself permanently in my life. However I have worked through these years aiding spirits in finding other companions, to heal and teach.

The nature of the work I do in the spirit world mean that the spirits I come across are not always strictly ‘love and light’, which is why this board is for advanced practitioners. There are definitely gentler souls that I come across, and these will be available for beginning practitioners if the spirits feel called to be with them, but I can’t promise this will be a regular thing.

Spirits I vet are with me for a minimum of six months before they are listed on here, and because I build a close relationship with them, I expect you to do the same before submitting an application. For this reason, when I list a spirit they will be online for communication for two weeks before I accept any applications for them. I want you to know the spirits before you apply for them. To misquote a dear friend, this isn’t Pokemon, you don’t get to ‘collect them all’.

I know I’m a new companionship center, but you can rest assured that I have experience, and I care deeply about the spirit’s ongoing welfare.

Please find our Discord at: https://discord.gg/tbzkkuF


What is astral projection?

Astral projection is also known as an out of body experience. Astral projection can take place whether you are sleeping or awake. It is done when your conscious mind leaves your physical body on earth to a different dimension while staying connected by a silver cord. The cord makes it possible to come back to your earthly self. It enables your spirit body to explore the astral realm.  It is said that Astral Projection helps you become your truest and highest self. Astral Projecting is the floating and lifting of your physical being through the use of your astral body. 

Practices to Help with Astral Travel

  1. Relax and Practice Proper Breathing techniques
  2. Spiritually cleanse
  3. Practice visualization 
  4. Counting up or down while focusing your breathing
  5. Improve your concentration 
  6. Deep breathing exercises 
  7. Become Aware and Mindful
  8. Grounding
  9. Shielding and Protection 
  10. Intent
  11. Spiritual and Physical Protection
  12. Work on your inner energies 
  13. Meditate 

Astral Plane

A place where angels, spirits, deities, and other cosmic beings reside. It is a place where ones astral body travels through. It may also be recognized as the “emotional plane,” because the astral plane reacts to our emotions, thoughts, and desires. 

The Silver Cord

The silver cord anchor’s ones astral body to their physical body. The silver cord allows you to find your way back to the physical realm. It is described as being strong, almost indestructible, yet soft and elastic that can stretch and flex to make sure that the astral body is truly tethered to the physical one.

Risks of Astral Projection

  • Exhaustion 
  • Obscuring your focus causing obsession with the astral plane
  • Demonic Possession - A greatly debated topic, the truth of which is unknown.
  • You may become lost or disconnected from the cord - Some argue that you cannot severe the cord, some believe that becoming disconnected from the cord will cause death. 

Conclusion: The dangers of astral projection are extremely controversial, be sure to do proper research and follow your gut! 

Astral Travel Tips

  • Look after your mental and physical health.
  • Only travel when you have peace of mind, never when anxious or angry. 
  • Release all fear, do not project if you are fearful of the astral plane.
  • Record your experiences
  • Protect yourself by a visualization of pure white light
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and project in a warm room. 
  • Experiment with different methods

Signs you are astral projecting

  • You’re feeling a sort of numbness or buzzing in your skin
  • You’re hearing all sorts of strange sounds, like going through all sorts of random radio stations really fast
  • Your body is frozen and you can only move your eyes (“sleep paralysis”)
  • You’re feeling or hearing other people or animals in your room
  • Your body turns all liquidy like water and parts of you start floating
  • Your mind is spacing in and out of sleep

Sources: operationmeditation.com, howtolucid.com, wudzink.com, felipephotons.com 

This is a basic guide to astral travel, do your own research before attempting astral travel! Be safe!

Moonlight Academy

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found h

Just finished creating my first magickal calendar. It is inspired by my Grimoire Week 1 post found here! Want to print out this click here!  Please tell me your opinion. Should I make them a monthly post?

My grimoire challenge blog: @moonlightgrimoirechallenge


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