#making comics


Due to some sudden issues, I’m opening up my commission list again. My fiancé, kids and I are kind of being fast tracked to get into getting our own place. So yeah, if anyone is interested in something feel free to contact me.

Life/Commissions/Patreon Update:

  • Hey everyone! Writing this to fill you all in on some things happening currently. I know there’s a few of you waiting on commissions and I’m sorry about the wait, and they are coming! But I’ve got some pretty big news over the past few days, and it turns out my fiancé and I are expecting a child! So obviously this is pretty huge and important, and unfortunately it more than likely will affect my work schedule. So I just wanted to let you all know what was going on and let you know your work is coming. While I’m filling you all in, I thought I’d tell you about my patreon! I haven’t officially launched it yet, but I guess this is me doing that. It has some cool perks for those of you that are fans of my work and would like to follow it a bit closer and get cool rewards for doing so. And it’d definitely help with this baby coming and help us get our own place and so on. the link if anyone wants to do that is Patreon.com/kalhuset. Anything anyone wants to send is greatly appreciated. Thanks to every one of my followers and I’ll try to keep y'all updated!

This was a fun commission! I’m taking one or two more commissions before closing my list for a little while. Feel free to message me if you’re interested!

I’ve made my first YouTube video! It’s a four-minute rundown on how to bring emotion, action, rhythm, and clarity to bear in writing for comics.

Folks who follow me on Patreon know this came about because I’m working on a graphic novel called Seacritterswith my friend Kate right now and it’s her first time moving from prose to comics. I DO NOT ENVY HER. Most of what I learned while putting this together had to do with remembering just how many factors there are to consider in telling stories visually. Hopefully this makes it a bit less overwhelming.

(If you want to learn more, I originally delivered this information to Kate in a much more expansive, 54-slide visual presentation. I’ll be uploading that for Patreon subscribers at all levels later today. An excellent time to join.)

I miss going into Helioscope and getting to enjoy these kinds of conversations around the lunch table, but a nice side effect of the Pandemic is that we’re making more of them available online. (I say “we” but what I really mean is Leila, who’s been a champion about recording, editing, and uploading all kinds of content to the studio YouTube channel. Go take a look around if you like this sort of thing!)
