#a christmas story

Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy

Christmas had come officially. We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice.

AChristmasStory (1983) dir. Bob Clark

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As Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore wAs Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore wAs Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore wAs Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore wAs Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore w

As Nobby Holder once screamed into an unknowable future: “IT IS CHRIIIIIIISTMAAASSS” and therefore we are very much less than proud to showcase the SLIGHTLY WRONG QUOTES XMAS 2018 COLLECTION.

For your festive torso this year we have:
“WE’RE FLYING IN THE AIR” - The Snowlads
“MMM HUMBUG” - A Christmas Carole

And don’t miss our shonky tees from previous years including HOME ON HIS OWN,IT’S A WONDERFUL LIE,FATHER CHRISTOPHERandMORE!

Check out the SLIGHTLY WRONG QUOTES online shop for the entire range and other terrible stuff for your loved ones this holiday seasoning: http://www.mysoti.com/designer/slightlywrong

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                                              ❄️ Snow + Fur + Cozy ❄️                               

                                              ❄️ Snow + Fur + Cozy ❄️

                                    ❄️ Scut Farkus, A Christmas Story ❄️

“, ' ? , ! , !”

                                            Sources: ( xxxxxxxx)

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“Wall street can’t comprehend easy moral lessons most young children can grasp”

One sec, one thing real quick

This article is the best argument i’ve ever seen for why humanities are so important in education. Apparently you can just submit what is essentially a half assed book report with no reading comprehension or sources or basis whatsoever to certain news journals and call it a day.

Like Scrooge is pretty immoral and that’s kind of the whole point of the book. So much so that ghost visit him about it. That’s the plot. This is, again, an easy story that children can grasp via Muppets.

Anyone who sees Scrooge’s employee freezing all day in an office/going home to a hungry family he can’t support and thinks “Man, that Scrooge is a good and smart businessman” needs their own round of ghostly visitors.

What’s next? Are these doofuses going to suggest that The Dark Lord Sauron had some really great economic plans for Middle-Earth?

24th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Ashamed to say

It was very early in the morning. Nobody in Ralphie’s house was awake besides him, but he knew they would wake up soon.

Ralphie had wet the bed the morning, and did not want a single soul to know he did. So he tried to be quiet as a mouse when changing his clothes so he wouldn’t wake up his little brother. He knew he wasn’t going to have time to clean up his sheets, so he just threw the covers over his sheets and hoped nobody would notice.

Ralphie slowly opened his door and tip toed to the bathroom where he combed his hair and tried to make himself look presentable for the day.

When he opened the door to the bathroom, there was his mother walking down the hall.

“Ralphie, you’re already dressed?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I woke up earlier and thought I should go ahead and get ready for the day.”

“Oh, I was just about to wake you boys up. I’ll just go wake up Randy now.”

“Wait, mom, I’ll get Randy up.”

“You will?”

“Yeah, I’ll help him get dressed and everything.”

“Oh, well ok. Thanks for your help.” His mom then walked downstairs.

Ralphie did not want his mom in his room because he knew she would smell the urine coming from his sheets.

So Ralphie woke Randy up the same way their mother does to them each morning, then he helped him put on some clothes and get ready for the day.

The two boys then walked downstairs where they sat at the table and had a nice breakfast that their mother cooked for them.

After they ate, it was off to school. Ralphie was planning on cleaning his sheets when he returned home, but he was worried that his mom or his dad would come across the wet bed sheets. But he tried to get his mind off it and just focus on school. He tried to tell himself that everything was going to be ok, and his parents wouldn’t find his sheets.


Frank had the day off that day, so he just spent the day hanging around the house. His wife was out running some errands at that time, so Frank had the house to himself for a little bit.

He went upstairs, but as he passed his boys’ bedroom, he smelt something funny. Their bedroom door was wide open and Frank walked inside to see where the smell was coming from.

He then made the realization that what he was smelling was urine, so he walked over to Randy’s bed and threw off the cover, because Randy did have a tendency to wet the bed. But his sheets weren’t wet, that meant it was coming from Ralphie’s bed.

Frank was a little confused because Ralphie didn’t wet the bed much, he grew out of that. But when he threw the covers off of Ralphie bed, there was a big wet spot right in the middle. Ralphie had wet the bed.

Frank knew Ralphie was probably to embarrassed to tell anyone, and Frank didn’t blame him, it was an embarrassing thing. But Frank didn’t want to make Ralphie feel embarrassed about it, and would talk to Ralphie when he came home from school.

Frank cleaned up the sheets for Ralphie, and tried to get rid of the smell in their room. Frank wanted to keep his son from a lot of embarrassment and didn’t tell his wife when she came home.


Ralphie sprinted up the stairs to his bedroom the second he walked through the door of his house. But when he pulled the blanket off his bed his heart dropped to his stomach when he saw that his sheets had already been washed.

One of his parents found out. He didn’t know which one but one of them did.

Ralphie just stayed up in his room because he was terrified of going downstairs and his parents talking to his about finding his wet bed sheets. He never wanted to come out, but he knew he was going to have to soon.

It wasn’t long after until the door to his room opened and his father walked in.

“Hi son.” He greeted as he shut the door.

Ralphie’s heart started beating faster as he thought it was his dad who found his sheets and was coming to talk to him about it. Which he was.

“Have a nice day at school?”


His dad walked further into his room and sat down on the edge of his bed where Ralphie was. “Are you feeling alright, son?”

“Yeah, dad, just fine. Why do you ask?”

“You just seem a little nervous.”

“I’m ok.”

“If you say so, Ralphie. But I did come in here to talk to you about something.”

Ralphie’s heart started to beat even faster. “About what?”

“Well, I saw that you had wet the bed. I cleaned up your sheets this afternoon.”

Ralphie’s cheeks immediately went red with embarrassment.

“I came here to tell you that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and wetting the bed is normal thing that everyone has dealt with sometime in their lives.”

I know, I know. It’s just embarrassing when it happens, you know.”

“I understand, but you shouldn’t be embarrassed with me and your mother. You should have told one of us when it happened and we would’ve helped you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s ok. But next time it does happen, tell one of us.”

“I will.”

“That’s all I wanted to talk to you about. I love you, Ralphie.”

“I love you too, dad.”

“I’ll leave you alone now.” Frank got up and started to walk towards Ralphie’s door.

“Wait, dad!”

Frank turned around. “What is it, Ralphie?”

“Thanks for cleaning my sheets for me.”

Frank smiled at his son. “You’re welcome, Ralphie.”

23rd day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Sticky Situation

“Alright alright.” Flick said as he walked up to the flag pole.

“Well, go on,” Schwartz demanded.

“I’m goin’, I’m goin’.”

Flick back stiffened, his lips curled in a defiant smear, there was no going back now. He planted his tongue onto the frozen flagpole.

“This is nothing.” Flick said with a lisp. He tried to get it off, but he couldn’t

“Stuck?” He tried again. “Stuck?” He tried even harder. “Stuck?” He tried another time, but he realized that his tongue was not going to come off. “Stuck! I’m stuck! I’m stuck!”

“What did he say?” One of the kids asked.

“Geez, it really worked,” Schwartz said, surprised.

“Schwartz’s old man was right,” Ralphie sounded.

Schwartz put his hands on his hips and said, “Told ya.”

“Hey fellas, help me. Come on!” Flick pleaded, still with his awful lisp.

Flick’s heart raced in his chest as he kept trying to get off the pole, but nothing worked.

“How are we going to get him off?” Schwartz questioned.

“I have no clue,” Ralphie answered.

“We need to tell Miss Shields. She’ll know what to do.” One of their classmates suggested.

“No, if we tell Miss Shields she’ll know we put Flick up to this and we’ll get in trouble.”

“Guys, you gotta help me!” Flick cried. “I’m stuck!” Flick was flailing his arms around, a nervous wreck.

“Sorry, Flick, but we don’t know what to do,” Ralphie patted Flick on the shoulder. “The only thing we can do is pull you off, but that will really hurt.”

Flick was now on the verge of tears. He was going crazy. He was scared. So scared in fact, that he started to wet himself.

“Oh my gosh, Flick’s peeing! Eww!” Schwartz cried as he stepped away from Flick.

Flick didn’t even realize he was peeing himself. He was just so scared that he lost control of his bodily functions. But now, the snow below him started getting yellow and his cheeks got red with utter embarrassment.

“I am peeing! I didn’t even notice! Oh no!”

“Flick must really be panicked to wet himself like that.” Ralphie walked over to Flick again. “I’m sorry Schwartz put you up to this.”

Flick tried to say something but with his lisp, his panic, and crying, it came out like gibberish.

But just then, the bell rang, and everyone started walking back inside.

“What are we going to do?” Schwartz asked again.

“The bell rang, we have to go back inside.”

“But what about Flick?”

“We’re just going to have to leave him out here. Sorry Flick.”

Ralphie and Schwartz started to walk back into the school, feeling guilty about leaving Flick out in the cold with his tongue still on that pole and with wet pants.

“Hey, don’t leave me! Come back! Come back!”

The kids were all in the classroom as Miss Sheilds started taking attendance.

“Ralphie. Schwartz. Flick.” She realized that Flick was not in the classroom. “Flick? Where’s Flick? Has anyone seen Flick?” Miss Sheilds walked over to Ralphie and put her hands on his desk. “Ralphie, do you know where Flick is?”

“No, I haven’t,” he lied.

“Where could he have gone?” Miss Sheilds looked around the classroom and saw that one of her students had her hand up. “Yes, Ester Jane?”

The girl pointed out the window to Flick standing in front of the flagpole with his tongue stuck to it and with a big yellow circle around his feet.

“Oh my Lord!”

Miss Sheilds sprinted out of the classroom and all of the class crowded around the window, looking out to see what was going to happen with Flick.

They all watched as Miss Sheilds pried Flick off of that pole and put her hand under his chin so his tongue wouldn’t bleed on his clothes while she walked him inside.

“Woah, I bet Flick’s in a lot of pain right now,” Ralphie said as he began to walk back to his seat.

“I bet he’s embarrassed as well. Miss Sheilds had to have seen that he wet himself,” Schwartz added.

“Yeah, I would be really embarrassed as well. Poor Flick.”

“This sure has been a sticky situation.”

22nd day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: The door locks from the inside

The door locked from the inside, and it closed while Frank was in the room. His heart skipped a beat when he heard that little click. He always makes sure when he is in the closet in the hallway to keep the door open, and he did that this time. But it closed. It closed while he was inside the closet.

To make matters worse, he was alone in the house. His two sons, Ralphie and Randy, were outside with their friends, and his wife was out grocery shopping. This was just his luck.

All he had to do now was wait. Wait for either his sons or wife to come home and get him out of the closet. It shouldn’t take long, he hoped.

Frank pulled the string light in the closet and now he wasn’t in the darkness. The closet was full of the family’s coats, jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves. They were all separated based on who owned them. There was also a box in the corner of the closet with random junk in it that Frank’s wife refused to throw away.

Frank just sat down on the floor of the closet and leaned against the wall. He waited and waited for someone to come by and open the door for him. He was probably going to be in there for a while, based on how long his family will be out.

It wasn’t long before Frank started to feel the need for the bathroom. Now he was really hoping someone would get there because he wasn’t in the mood for having an accident that day. But it wasn’t that bad at first, he could hold it if he tried. Soon, someone would come and open the closet door and he could go to the bathroom.

Frank was fidgeting with his fingers and tapping his foot and he remained sitting on the closet floor. He could feel his bladder get fuller and fuller as the seconds passed. But he stilled remained positive that either his sons or his wife would come home very soon and let him out and he would make it with dry pants.

“Get your mind off your bladder, Frank,” he said to himself. “You’re a grown man, you can hold it. Someone will get here soon.”

Time seemed to go by slower as Frank sat in the cold closet. His bladder kept getting more full, and he was starting to get really uncomfortable.

More minutes passed and Frank started to really need to pee, it was bad. It seemed to get worse every minute. He was now grabbing himself with both of his hands, making sure to not let a single drop out.

“Just relax, Frank. You can hold it.”

He tried to relax himself to get rid of the pain from his full bladder, and he relaxed a little too much because it wasn’t long before he started wetting himself.

Frank didn’t even try to stop the stream, it just felt so good. His bladder stopped aching and he wasn’t uncomfortable anymore, but his pants and the closet floor were both wet. Before, he really wanted someone to come and get him out of the closet, but now he didn’t want anyone to see the accident he just had.

But then, he started to hear the noise of the front door open and the talking and his two sons. He was glad it was his boys instead of his wife because it’s less awkward with them. He was finally saved now.

“I wonder where daddy is.” Frank heard his youngest son say.

Frank then banged on the closet door. “Boys, I’m in here! I’m stuck in the closet!”

“You’re trapped in the closet?” Ralphie questioned.

“Yeah, the door closed on me while I was in here.”

“Oh, well don’t worry, dad, we’ll get you out.”

The closet door finally opened after an hour and a half of Frank being stuck in there. A wave of relief swept through Frank.

Ralphie and Randy kind of just stared at the wet spot on their dad’s pants, looking very confused.

“Hey, I was in there for a long time, it’s not like there’s a toilet in there.”

20th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: Tired eyes

“You guys must be very tired after the day you’ve had.” Ralphie and Randy’s dad said as he opened the car door for the boys. “But now we’ll drive home and you boys can get some rest.”

“I’m really sleepy daddy,” Randy said as he climbed into the car.

“I know, son. But you can get a good night’s rest when we get home.”

Ralphie climbed into the car after Randy. He was very tired that night but he didn’t admit it. Ralphie also had to pee a little bit as well, so he couldn’t wait to get home so he could use the bathroom then sleep in his warm bed.

Their dad got into the driver’s seat of the car and out in the keys. “Ready to go, boys?”

“Yes, daddy,” Randy replied.

“What about you, Ralphie?”

“Ready,” he answered, sounding exhausted.

“Poor boy. Well, let’s go home then.”

He started to drive off. Ralphie had his head leaning on the window of the car, almost half asleep. His eyes were heavy and it was getting to be hard to keep him open. After a while, Ralphie drifted off to sleep with his head still on the car window.

Randy was just looking out the window the entire time. Though he was very tired, he didn’t fall asleep. He was excited to get home just as much as Ralphie and get some rest. It had been a long and tiring day for both of the boys so they were both very sleepy.

“Did Ralphie fall asleep?” Their dad questioned.

Randy looked over and saw Ralphie dead asleep on the window. “Yeah, Ralphie’s asleep.”

“He must have really been tired. Well, just don’t disturb him, Randy. Let him get some rest. When we get home I’ll carry him up to his room.”

“Ok, daddy. I won’t wake him.”

Randy went back to staring out the window and their dad went back to driving. The whole car was silent as all three of the boys were really tired.

Minutes went by and their dad started to smell something weird, so did Randy. So he looked back at the boys and his eyes went to Ralphie’s pants. He immediately stopped the car and pulled over to the side of the road.

“Why did you stop, daddy?” Randy asked.

“Randy, wake up your brother.”

“But you told me-”

“I know what I told you, Randy, but you need to wake him up.”

When Randy looked over at his older brother, he knew exactly why his dad wanted him to wake him up. So Randy nudged Ralphie’s shoulder and tried to get him up.

“Ralphie, wake up.”

Ralphie’s eyes slowly opened and he looked over at his little brother. “Randy, why are you waking me?” Randy pointed to Ralphie’s pants and looked down. “Oh my gosh!”

“Son, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” His dad said from the front seat. “It was just an accident.”

“How could this have happened.”

“Well, you were probably just too tired to realize you had to use the bathroom.”

“I’m so sorry about this dad. I got it all over the seats.”

“Hey, don’t be sorry, and don’t worry about the seats. Everything is alright. You just had a little accident. Happens to everyone from time to time.”

“I just can’t believe I did this.”

“Don’t get yourself all worked up, Ralphie. Everything is fine, nobody died.”

“Yeah, it’s ok Ralphie. We’re not mad at you.” Randy said as he hugged his older brother.

“Well, thanks, Randy. But I’m still sorry for what happened.”

“Raphie, seriously, you don’t need to be sorry. It’s just a bit of pee.”

“Well, thanks for being so understanding about it, dad.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“It’s just…before-”

“That’s all in the past now, Ralphie. I don’t yell at you boys for your accidents anymore. You know that.”

“Just thanks.”

“No problem, son. I love you, Ralphie.”

“I love you too, dad. You won’t tell mom about this, will you?”

“If you don’t want me to, I won’t. But do you want me to?”

“No, definitely not.”

“Ok then, I won’t tell her. When we get home we’ll wash you up and get you to bed. After that, we’ll pretend that this never happened.”

The rest of the car ride to their house was silent. Not any of the boys said a word to each other. Ralphie has an adrenaline rush and couldn’t go back to sleep, so he just stared out the window the rest of the car ride.

When they got home, Ralphie immediately rushed out of the car and into the house. He quickly changed out of his soiled clothes and into some clean pajamas.

Right when he and Randy climbed into their beds, ready to go to sleep when their bed came in to tell them goodnight.

“Goodnight, Randy.” He kissed him on the forehead. “Sleep tight, son. I love you.”

“Love you too, daddy.”

Then we walked over to Ralphie’s bed and kissed him on the forehead. “Goodnight, Ralphie.”

“Goodnight, dad.”

“I know you may feel a little embarrassed about what happened tonight, but just try to forget it. It was just an accident and nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I know, dad.”

“Just making sure you do. I love you, Ralphie. Goodnight.”

Ralphie and Randy’s dad left their bedroom, allowing the boys to get what they’ve been waiting for that entire night, a good night’s rest in their warm bed.

18th day of 25 days of omo

Fandom: A Christmas Story

Title: We’re stuck in an elevator

“Shoot!” Frank yelled as he hit the elevator door. “These stupid elevator doors won’t open.”

“Daddy, are we stuck in here?” Randy asked.

“Yes, Randy, I’m afraid we are.”

“Are we gonna be stuck in here forever?” Randy started to become scared.

“No, Randy. The doors will open eventually. When they do, I don’t know.”

“How long do you think it will be?” Ralphie asked.

“It could be in 10 minutes, an hour, a day, or a week. Who knows.”

“I don’t want to be in here for a week!” Randy gasped.

“It most likely won’t happen, Randy. The doors will open sooner or later. Now, we just have to pass the time.”

“What will we do?” Ralphie questioned.

“I don’t know, think of something, boys.”

The three guys just stood there in the elevator not saying a word to each other, and it was like this for the next 20 minutes. Until Randy spoke up.


“What is it, Randy?”

“I have to go the bathroom.”

“I have to as well, Randy. What about you, Ralphie?”

“Uh, maybe a little bit.”

“Do you think you boys can hold it?”

“I think I can,” Ralphie said.

“I don’t know, daddy. I have to go really bad.”

“Just try your best to hold it, Randy. I have to go pretty bad as well.”

“What if I can’t hold it?”

“If you have an accident, you have an accident. It won’t be a big deal. We’ll just go home and get you cleaned up. But just try hard to keep it all in.”

“I will daddy.”

Frank started to tap his foot against the floor of the elevator. He actually really needed to go to the bathroom, but he wasn’t in the mood to have an accident that day, especially in front of his two sons. He just tried to stay positive and hoped the doors would soon.

Ralphie crossed one leg over the other. Even though he said he had to go a little, it was a lie, he really needed to go. Really badly. But he didn’t want to make his dad deal with two very full bladdered kids. So he kept quiet.

Randy had both of his hands grabbing himself as he stood right in the middle of the elevator. Both Ralphie and his dad felt a lot of empathy for him, because they knew he had to go badly and he was probably in a lot of pain.

“Alright boys, the best way to ease the pain of our very full bladders is just to get our minds off of them. So, how is school going for you guys?”

“Good,” Randy answered, “my teacher is nice, and we color a lot. I also love recess.”

“Very nice, Randy. What about you, Ralphie?”

“Uh, school’s going fine. My grades are good as well, but I did get a C+ on my last theme writing.”

“A C+?” Ralphie’s dad questioned.

“Yeah, I don’t think I did that good on the margins.”

“Oh, well I guess there are worse grades you could get. A C+ isn’t all that bad.”

Then there was more awkward silence among the boys. All three of them didn’t really know what to say or what to talk about.

Ralphie started to get a little more fidgety, so did Randy. Their dad was just standing in the corner of the elevator, leaning up against the wall, shifting around in place.

Ralphie was the first to go. He was in the other corner of the elevator, squirming a lot, with his bladder getting ready to bust. He was gripping the sides of his pants, straining hard as he tried to keep it all in, but it all came out.

“No no no no!” Ralphie cried as he felt his bladder start to relax uncontrollably.

“What’s wrong, Ralphie?” His dad questioned. But when he saw his son’s pants start to get wet and heard the splatter of liquid hitting the floor, he knew exactly what was going on.

Ralphie’s face went cherry red with embarrassment as he tried not to look at his dad or little brother.

“You must feel better now.” His dad said almost jokingly.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, Ralphie, everything is okay. We’re probably going to be in here for a while so something like this was bound the happen. I will most likely go the same thing by the time we get out.” Frank seeing his son wet himself made him have to go even more.

And he was the next to go. It was only a little bit after Ralphie had an accident when he started to have one as well. He was standing in the corner when all of a sudden, he felt his pants start to get wet.

He didn’t even try to stop the stream, he just let it all out because it felt amazing. It felt good to not have a full bladder anymore.

Ralphie and Randy stared at their dad as was in the corner wetting himself with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face.

“Woo, that feels good.” Frank then turned his attention towards his youngest son. “Since Ralphie and I just peed ourselves, it’d make no difference if you did as well. So just let it all out.”

“Are you sure, daddy?”

“Yeah, just go.”

“Okay then.” Randy took his hands away from his crotch, spread his legs apart, and started to relax himself.

Now, the entire elevator was covered with urine, and the smell was awful. But the three of them didn’t really care, they were just relieved that their bladders weren’t aching anymore.

“Boys, let’s agree that we’ll never talk about what happened today. Don’t even tell your mother about this.”

“Okay, dad,” Ralphie said.

“I won’t tell mommy,” Randy added.

“Alright, thanks, boys.”

It wasn’t long until the elevator doors started to open, and a wave of relief spread throughout the boys.

“Well, it’s about time. Let’s go now boys.”

This is my last review before Christmas and it’s one of our annual traditions to watch it every year.  We love the movie so much in our house that we even stopped by the actual real life house from the movie while on vacation in Cleveland.  With great characters, memorable lines, and a small town setting it’s as close to a perfect Christmas movie as you’ll find.


A Christmas Story is mostly based on a series of short stories in Jean Shepherd’s book “In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash.”  It centers on a boy named Ralphie Parker (Peter Billingsley) and his family and his all consuming Christmas wish to receive a “Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.”


Ralphie and his friends have a series of adventures including licking a pole to see if your tongue will stick (above), dealing with bullies, the disappointment of 1950s cross promotion, and the trouble that comes when you swear in front of your parents for the first time (below).


The film is less of a cohesive story and more of a series of vignettes, which makes sense considering the fact that it was based on a book of short stories.  But Ralphie and his family have a very relatable quality where almost everyone watching can relate to them.  I see a lot of myself in Ralphie with his laser-like focus on one gift that he wants over and above any others. (That is a trait that I share to this day as a grown 33 year old man.)


Ralphie’s mother (Melinda Dillon) and father (Darren McGavin), along with his younger brother Randy (Ian Patrella) all have their own unique contributions to the story.  "The Old Man,“ as Ralphie refers to his father, is a virtuoso of profanity and routinely demonstrates his talent when battling their faulty furnace.  Mrs. Parker is a sweet and kind woman that tries to keep everyone in the family happy and has a silly streak too.  And Randy…poor Randy.  He’s the subject of some of my favorite moments in the movie but they have more to do with him whining while stuff is happening. 


The production is relatively low budget, but it almost feels like watching someone’s home movies with the narration provided by the story’s author Jean Shepherd.  Shepherd was always coy about divulging which of his stories were completely fictional and which were based on real life events.  I am of the opinion that many of these stories were at least based on things from Shepherd’s real life as a boy growing up because everything in the movie seems like it’s something that could really happen.


If you are a fan of the film, I would highly recommend visiting A Christmas Story House in Cleveland if you are ever in the area.  Not only is it great to see the location for yourself and pretend like you’re in the movie, but they have a museum as well with memorabilia and all kinds of behind the scenes information about the film and how it was made.  Plus they have a gift shop with all kinds of cool merchandise including pink bunny pajamas and, of course, leg lamps complete with wooden crates marked "fragile.”


A Christmas Story is a classic, and it’s status as one of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time has been boosted by a musical version and the annual TBS 24 hour marathon where the movie is shown on repeat.  This year is no different.  For the 18th time, TBS will begin airing A Christmas Story non-stop for 24 hours beginning Christmas eve at 8pm.  I know our family will be tuning in to watch and see people warn Ralphie time and again, “You’ll shoot your eye out!”


December 22nd, 2021, Inktober Prompt # 50 - Soap. “Over the years I got to be quite a connoiss

December 22nd, 2021, Inktober Prompt # 50 - Soap. “Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. Though my personal preference was for Lux, I found that Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heavy, but with a touch of mellow smoothness. Lifebuoy, on the other hand…”

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