#malleus twisted wonderland


Summary: a Tangled!AU with Malleus as Rapunzel, and reader as Flynn

This is also a collab with the talented @myuunji please do check out their blog if you haven’t already!!


“What are you doing?”

“What?” You looked at him as if he’d grown an extra head. “Of course it’s to…”

The world sets his senses ablaze. Malleus is revering at the way he’s lost in it: the sunlight that cast the town in a golden glow, the lanterns and flowers that’s blurring from how the dance spins, and steps, and brings him round and round again.

His partner changes once more, and Malleus hears a laugh that draws his eyes in its direction. Everything slows, it comes to focus on the crinkle at the corner of your eyes, your grin, and the way you looked as if the world couldn’t touch you.

He longs, for a moment, to reach out towards that light - and then the music clicks back into place as momentum draws him into a turn, pulling him away and leaving Malleus stunned by the sudden loss of that sight.

The melody picks up its tempo, building into a crescendo. The beat quickens, the smiles grow more giddy, and this time Malleus doesn’t stop himself from searching for you. A glance, a discreet turn, a tilt of the head–

His heart almost stops when you appear from behind him, switching partners and stepping around so fluidly as if you’ve known this dance all your life.

With how happy you look right now, Malleus hopes you really did.

The world starts to spin again.


“This is an improvement from the tavern,” Malleus glances at you out of the corner of his eye. “Are you familiar with this town?”

He can imagine you living here, free from the bounty on your head and friends with many. Perhaps he might see you during a celebration such as this again, and–

“I’ve visited a few times before, but never stuck around too long because of…” You gesture vaguely, bringing his attention to your deft hands. A stall is selling apples for a deal, and you smile as you give them the coin for it - from his pouch. “It’s a nice place though, right?”

You turn to him, returning the money and expecting an answer.

“I wouldn’t mind visiting again,” he manages to say.

There’s a tilt to your lips as you consider it. “So you like atmospheres like these, huh? The tower probably didn’t have much for entertainment with you all alone.”

“I didn’t mind being alone that much,” he admits. “But it would be nice to be invited to events once in a while.”

You said you’d keep that in mind, and Malleus can’t help but wonder what his life might’ve been like if only he’d met you earlier. He looks pointedly at the bouquet in your arms as you sit yourselves on a bench, raising a brow. “Do vendors normally give out cabbages to who they think are couples?”

You almost choke at his wording. “I– Uh, not exactly. I think it was just because he owned a vegetable stall.” You look down at the greens. “Generally it’d be a bouquet of flowers, but I suppose if you try hard enough they’d look like roses?”

“Would you prefer if they were something else?”

Malleus took your curious look as a go-ahead to show what he meant; he reaches out and touches the tip of his finger to the bouquet, and you watch in awe as a familiar green trail of magic envelops it. It tickles your hands as the cabbages glow and bloom into soft petals of yellows and blues and purples, like a meadow of wildflowers captured to rest in your arms.

He picks one to tuck behind your ear with a pleased smile. “…There.”

Your eyes widen as you feel your face heating up. In your indignation you avert your gaze and demand that Malleus turn around so that you aren’t the only one decorated with blooms (and so that he wouldn’t notice your movements growing flustered).

Yet even as you tuck flower after flower into his hair, you slowly come to the realization that they stood out vibrantly against his dark locks. Not to mention, it’s hard to embarrass a man who knows nothing of what your actions might imply.

It’s a blessing and a curse, for when he smiles at you after you’re done, you realize…


“How do I look?” He asks.

Beautiful, you think. (It’s bittersweet.) You look like a prince.

And princes have always been out of reach for commoners, and lie even further from a thief wanted by the kingdom.

“Great,” You reply weakly, folding your hands onto your lap and smiling back. “You look wonderful.”

art credits to @myuunji​ !!
