

Malleus’ wish

Diasomnia Dorm - Malleus’ room

Malleus: My wish is… “For Gaogao Dracon-kun to be able to make new friends.”

Idia: Pfft! I’d have never expected the name of such a retro pet simulation game come out of the great Malleus-dono’s mouth!

Ortho: I have never heard of it myself.

Ortho:[Initiating online search engine: “Gaogao Dracon-kun”]

Ortho: Found it. It’s a toy that lets you take care of a dragon that you’ve hatched, in a dedicated portable console.

Idia: Yep, it’s a cheap little LCD game attached to a keychain.

Idia: This used to be all the rage when I was younger…

Idia: -And you’re playing with it even now, Malleus-dono?

Malleus: Yes. Long ago, Lilia had procured it as a souvenir when he had traveled to foreign lands.

Idia: (Pfft! One of the world’s top class mages and heir to the throne of the Valley of Thorns… is so crazy about this little kiddie toy? That cracks me up lololol)

Malleus: Just recently, I have learned of a communication function that would allow Dracon-kun to connect to others and make friends…

Malleus: However, it will not function unless there is another such as my Dracon-kun present.

Ortho: The likelihood of anyone around Malleus Draconia-san who would have the same game is…

Malleus: There is none.

Idia: Figured. It’s been over like, 10 years since it was popular and I’m pretty sure they don’t even make this stuff anymore.

Malleus: As I feared, it was not enough to simply wish for Dracon-kun to have more friends, was it…

Idia: Why’re you looking like someone who’s been checkmated…

Idia: I mean, c'mon, this thing was so popular almost every kid on the block had one. Shouldn’t be too hard to dig one up.

Idia: Ortho, look up all online market sites and specialty electronic stores and see if they’re selling this thing. Ah, it’s fine even if its used, just make sure its operational.

Ortho: Understood.

Idia: As a collector I’d normally prefer it in mint condition but in this case, there’s no point if it doesn’t even work.

Idia: There are cases where the electronic toy actually deteriorates faster if you never let it out and get some air.

Malleus: …I have not a clue of what you are saying, however you seem quite talkative today.

Ortho: [148 hits, now displaying the search results]

Idia: Fuhihi!! There you have it, there’s about 148 ‘Gaogao Dracon-kun’ in working condition!

Malleus: Is that true?

Malleus: I am not certain on the ways of procuring goods online, but I can pay for it. Would you be willing to order it in my stead?

Idia: Oh, uh, alright then… and done. It should drop by in a couple of days.

Malleus: …You have my thanks. You have done well today, Shroud.

Malleus: When it arrives, I will be sure to reward you handsomely.

Ortho: I think it’s amazing that you could fulfill Malleus Draconia’s wish so quickly, brother!

Idia: I-I don’t care about being praised for doing something as simple as this…

 ‘Saku’ by Malleus.50cm x 70cm 4 colour screen print on iridescent paper, in a limited e

‘Saku’ by Malleus.

50cm x 70cm 4 colour screen print on iridescent paper, in a limited edition of 50.

On sale Tuesday May 17 at a random time from the Malleus website.

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Happiest Birthday to my favourite emo dragon Malleus Draconia!Can’t believe I got 2 SSRs with

Happiest Birthday to my favourite emo dragon Malleus Draconia!
Can’t believe I got 2 SSRs with only 13 summons QQ
Malmal you’re too good to me QQ


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All I want is to be in this situation… is that so much to ask???

I agree wholeheartedly. Also, WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?! <3<3<3

Pinterest I’m thinking more people in this fandom have a specific set of interests than they realize.

Happy Malleus Day

I forgot to take pics of my clearfiles and keychains but oh well..


Malleus: What do you mean I cannot be with my child of man!?

Lillia: I’m sorry, Malleus. Remember what Disney said during the meeting: This is not an otome game and we can’t be in a relationship with them

Malleus: O…tome??? What is tha- Hold on… A meeting???




Sebek: How did we manage to go to the meeting without bringing waka-sama!?

Lillia: Look, it doesn’t matter now. Malleus, you can’t court the prefect because this is not a dating simulator


Malleus: Fine then. If this isn’t a dating simulator… THEN I SHALL TURN THIS INTO ONE!


Sebek: WHA-



Lillia: *sniffed* He grow up so fast

Silver, waking up: Eh? What happened?

Inspired by @thedianaclark’s commentfromhere

Playing Twisted Wonderland and it’s a fun little game :) Malleus.

Playing Twisted Wonderland and it’s a fun little game :)

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