#manasa yoga

Cobra pose with props from the first day

One of the best things about Manasa Yoga School is the philosophy taught in every class and workshop. Manoj Khaimalis on a quest to get us, his students, to move from the doing to discerning enquiry, from the form to formlessness. In fact, it was his Natarajasana workshop in 2011 that made me decide to do my yoga teacher training with him. The denouement…

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The past three years, I have been teaching a 77-year old ex-air force man some yoga. Uncle (let’s call him that coz I do) is a man who is active, not just physically but also mentally. He teaches himself (with online help) some Sanskrit and some Indian mathematics. He also taught himself yoga. This alarmed his daughter who got me to go in to teach him personally. Wise move!

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