#mao dao zu shi


♡Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan being cat lovers ♡

Wang yibo Xiao zhan lockscreen pt 2 ♡

Wang yibo ~ Xiao Zhan boyfriend Lockscreen


Where are you Honey?

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Text, extensive translators note, and general remarks with a bit of meta under the read more

Text id:

Where have you gone

I’m looking for you in the night*

This night like every night

I want to still believe you.

Embrace you this one time**

this absolute last time.

lightning strike me***

I’ll be moving on at dawn


But where are you hiding,

I’m looking for you when it’s too late.+

Tonight as a last hope I want to finally catch you

to tell you what’s on my chest now++

to tell you all my mistakes now

to tell you how much I’m scared now+++

to tell you how many tears I’ve shed

I’m begging you

come back to drink them. °

Here there’s everything to see

Here it’s daytime you know

you can have more than just the night.°°

You won’t ever regret if you come back to sit here

where no one knows better than me

how to look at you°°°

Translator’s notes:

*night in the og text is actually ‘dark’.

** I’m deliberately mistranslating here, in french “embracer” means to embrace and to kiss, but commonly it just means to kiss

*** god this gave me a tough time. French is “promis juré craché” which basically means cross my heart and hope to die. The literal translation would be “I promise, swear, spit on it” and there is a kind of gradation to it. You can say promis or promis juré by themselves. It’s also a bit childlike to say the three, which I think fits well the song, someone making a desperate, almost pathetic bid to get their lover closer to them. I didn’t find a good equivalent in English, and I didn’t want to use “cross my heart” bc I feel like it brings up images of boy scouts. What I used is what I found to be a rough equivalent in mandarin to the french version and then retranslated to English do with that what you will.

**** I deleted a full verse! But I actually have a translation for it :

I once again got fooled,

by your sugar-coated words

and your half backed promises

lulling me to sleep too early

I’m looking for you in the night

where the stench of all this sham

ends up on the boulevards,

in our hopes and without coats.

I didn’t really see a point in including it and it was just more words to illustrate, but I did like the whole sugar-coated words (words with water in french) and the literal “bastard promises” haha. Let Lan Wangji be angry and resentful in his grief 2k21.

+ Literally, it’s “I’m looking for you in the too late”. It is also grammatically incorrect in french but it’s even more awkward in English. Also in french it’s just “I’m searching for you” but I liked the “looking” motif bc I thought it paralleled well with “seeing you”/looking at you at the end

++ In french it’s “to tell you what’s on my heart” which is what inspired the art for this specific illustration

+++ as someone remarked in the tags scared and scarred are very close in English, sometimes stuff just works out.

° Still not satisfied with the English for this. The singer for this song actually said he didn’t want the lyrics for his song written down officially because he plays on homonyms a lot. Here the word used in french both means to recount a story and to count numerically. And 'boire’ (drink) much like 'croire’ (believe) is kind of an odd choice to end a singing phrase with? It’s not really pretty, and it feels very raw, it really annoyed me that I don’t think the rawness of it comes through at all in English.

°° also really stretching the og text here. In french it’s “coup d'un soir” meaning literally “one night hit” but it means one night stand. @/pumpkinpaix and @/hunxi-guilai (who you should follow bc the work they do is extremely helpful and god I imagine so time-consuming and draining) both wrote a long post about the translation of 知己 zhijiin English, which you should read but I think the main idea was “the one who understands me” would be an accurate enough translation. I was actually working on this before I found those posts but I like how “looking”/“seeing” someone in English can be used to convey understanding the person (you see me for who I really am, etc). Idk I’m just fond of how “to look at you” means both in the physical sense “I want to see you” and also, no one else will know you as I do.

°°° last TN but I missed “au grand jamais” from the original text. It’s just a superlative, it kind means, like never ever in any time or world or something in that spirit. But I really like that the song ends by looking.

In the spirit of things I really wanted to say a few words about the translation ha. I think maybe the first thing that I kinda miss from the french is that eddy de pretto (the singer) has a very uh, crude? way to sing. He is known for being both from a lower-class background (in french I would say from the “cité” which wordreference translates to ghetto) and homosexual. A lot of it is french “argot”, which basically means french slang, but it’s very difficult to translate because my knowledge of english doesn’t necessarily include that much slang, and also it just doesn’t hit the same haha. A lot of words are contracted, “r'viens” “j'te cherche” etc, which carry a sense of urgency.

This is maybe turning into a Lan Wangji meta post but I think a lot (or used to) about how he had to have his character growth mostly of-screen, in the years where he had to reconcile being alive and raising a son. One of my interpretations is that Lan Wangji was probably more aware of his feelings in the first place, but when we meet him (post 13 or 16 years whatever), we meet someone who has come to terms completely about who he is as a person, what he feels etc. Like this is a man who probably has lived through some of his worst-case scenarios (his home got destroyed, the person he loved died in front of him). And I’m always thinking of what it is to try to grow and reconcile your teachings while raising a kid and mourning you know? I think that’s why Honey (the song) resonated with me in that light when I listened to it, just like. God man’s had a rough life.

Also, I wanted to say I’m misinterpreting the point of the song, in context Honey is. Kinda complex (there’s nuance), but basically the singer is talking about his partner, who’s at the time of the song sleeping with someone else. Personally, I think it’s unclear if the person the singer is talking about is cheating on him or if they are just in an open relationship, but the singer overtly yearns for a deeper connection for that person.

Omg not me editing a post that’s already too long for people to engage with but I forgot! what the whole point of doing a TN was! It’s to show ppl how much gets lost or missed on purpose between two languages that are super close. And it’s like, maybe 10 sentences! And yet I some stuff I genuinely could not translate correctly. And not only I am a native french speaker living in an English-speaking country but I’ve done like, actual translation before. It terrifies me sometimes to think how much is lost, and how much is added, in the translation process, which is rarely examined as even being relevant. (edit edit: it was pointed out to me that it is a very active field of research haha, I meant specifically in fandom spaces it’s deffo being examined in academia)

“ But it doesn’t hurt, and once Lan Wangji gets used to it, he actually doesn’t mind. It feels… exciting, maybe? It feels like half of a dance, an invitation to move with Wei Wuxian through unknown steps in order to make something beautiful together. Without really thinking about it, he tries to match the steps a bit, to take Wei Wuxian’s invitation, and—”

Art inspired (loosely) by A Curse of a Different Color bynickel710

 I’m still trying to figure outHow to tell you I was wrongI can’t fill the emptiness inside since yo

I’m still trying to figure out
How to tell you I was wrong
I can’t fill the emptiness inside since you’ve been gone
So is it you or is it me?
I know I said things that I didn’t mean
But you should’ve known me by now
You should’ve known me© S

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Series: The Untamed/ Grandmaster of Demonic Cultiation

Pairing: Wangxian

Genre: Romance

Rated: T

Words: 1333

Summary: Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian take divination because they think it’s going to be all fun and games, but things turn out to be quite grim (pun intended)

Read On AO3.FFN

x x

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian had chosen Divination because to them it seemed like a great big joke, and easy a, and Madam Yu had told them if they didn’t take her dearest friends class at Hogwarts they would both be sleeping in the stables for a month.

Lan Wangji had signed up for divination because it was a noble and ancient art that had been practiced in his family for centuries, and though he may not have his brother’s gift of prophecy, he could at least learn to read tea leaves and tarot and crystal balls like a proper Lan should. Dream interpretation, he mused, he needed no help with. There was no mystery shrouding the meaning of the dreams he kept having of Wei Ying. He knew exactly what they meant.

They meant that he had chosen the table nearest to the two brothers, sitting across from a Slytherin he’d never spoken to before. It meant that despite his Uncles verystrong opinions about eavesdropping and neglecting school work, Lan Wangji was doing both of those things, listening carefully to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian decidedly nottaking this class seriously, and ignoring his own table mates cup on the table in front of him.

“This… this tea lump looks weirdly like that frog you stepped on and cried for a week when we were seven. After you stepped on it, to be specific. Maybe you’re going to step on another frog! Or maybe you’re going to cry for a week?” Nearby, Nie Huaisang snorted.

“Shut up, asshole,” Jiang Cheng grumbled.

“I’m not kidding, look!”

Lan Wangji glanced up surreptitiously to see Wei Ying holding out Jiang Cheng’s cup to him, face earnest, though amused.

“Holy fuck,” Jiang Cheng breathed, incredulous. “Maybe I will step on a frog.”

“Or cry for a week,” Nie Huaisang added helpfully.

“What about me?” Wei Ying asked eagerly, leaning forward, and though Wangji couldn’t see his face for the way he’d angled his body, he got the distinct impression that Wei Ying wasn’t interested in realpredictions, he just wanted a springboard to make more jokes off of.

Jiang Cheng frowned and focused on Wei yings cup, tilting and shifting it this way and that. “You’ve got this sort of… wonky cross?” He referenced his textbook and winced. “Yikes, that means suffering. But this could be the sun? That one means happiness so… you’re going to suffer a lot, and then be happy? Or maybe you’ll be happy and thensuffer a lot.”

“No way! Make better predictions for me! What a mean brother you are!”

“It’s not my fault! Drink tea better if you want better tea leaves!”

“What’s that supposed to mean, I drink tea just fine!”

“Ah perhaps I might interject?” Nie Huaisang interjected, like he hadn’t already done so. Wei Ying reclined in his seat once more and waved for Nie Huaisang to continue, obviously looking forward to whatever nonsense his friend was likely to come up with.

“Could it perhaps be that you’re going to suffer, but be happy about it?” Jiang Cheng pulled a confused face. Nie Huaisang pulled out his signature folding fan. “Could it be that our dear Wei Wuxian likes to suffer?” He dropped into a more sultry tone and waggled his eyebrows enthusiastically to ensure that no one missed his meaning.

Jiang Cheng turned bright red and swore while all the students in earshot, besides Wangji and himself, laughed loudly. Wei Ying threw his head back, treating Wangji to a long look at the column of his throat as he laughed at his own expense.

Their amusement had the unfortunate side effect of summoning Madam Jin to their corner. She scowled and took Wei Wuxian’s cup from Jiang Cheng, then softened slightly at what she saw.

“A misshapen cross, you are going to suffer,” she said softly. Evidently she hadn’t been incensed enough by his misbehaviour to wish misfortune on a thirteen year old.

Lan Wangji felt his stomach churn at the revelation. Madam Jin was the most respected seer of their lifetime, if she predicted it, it was almost guaranteed to come true. The hair on the back of his neck lifted as she furrowed her brow, rotating the cup. She gasped loudly and dropped the cup onto the table, taking several steps back and gazing at Wei Ying, wide eyed.

“My dear… You have the Grim.”

Many gasps echoed her own as she pointed dramatically at Wei Ying.

“Um sorry, but I don’t know what that means? What’s the Grim?” Nie Huaisang asked.

“The Grim,” another student read, “taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it’s among one of the darkest omens of our world. An omen of death.”

The whole world shifted underneath Lan Wangji, but he didn’t have the ability to be grateful that he was sitting. His mind was swimming with the words an omen of death. Even Jiang Cheng had the decency to look horrified. Nie Huaisang, predictably, tumbled out of his chair in a dead faint. Only Wei Ying continued to look utterly unruffled, reclining in his seat like Madam Jin hadn’tjust looked him in the face and told him he was going to die.

Later that night Wangji would drag his brother frantically into a secluded corner of the Ravenclaw common room and relate to him what had happened, teetering on the edge of panic as he asked what he could do to keep Wei Ying safe. Lan Xichen would look horrified, then pitying, then he would attempt to comfort his brother. The future is always shifting and changing, he would say. Besides, there are many different things any given omen could mean.

Lan Wangji would not be comforted by this sentiment, but it would be years before he understood what that particular omen of death had meant.

x x x x x x

He’d thought that he understood it when Wei Ying went missing during the war. He and Jiang Cheng spent three months frantically searching battlefields for him, checking the faces of every Inferius that they encountered, but they never found him. Lan Wangji had managed to shove that unpleasant evening in their third year to the back of his mind, only occasionally needing to banish it once more.

Then when Wei Ying had been taken he’d woken up nearly nightly in a cold sweat, the sound of Madam Jin announcing to the room that the person Lan Wangji had already held so dear to his heart was going to die. He’s not dead, he would repeat, over and over, until he fell back into an uneasy slumber.

He often wondered if Jiang Cheng had been as haunted by the omen as he had been. He’d loved Wei Ying as well, but he’d never placed as much stock in Divination as Lan Wangji had. Perhaps he’d forgotten entirely, or perhaps when he’d realized his brother had been taken the words had echoed in his ears as they’d echoed in Lan Wangji. Perhaps he’d heard them everytime that Wei Ying did something reckless and dangerous. Perhaps that was why he always shouted at him so loudly for endangering himself- to drown out the voice.

Perhaps the both of them were tormented by the idea that thishad been what the omen had predicted, all those years ago.

But then one day, on a carnage strewn battlefield, after they had been outnumbered by wizards and Inferi and were starting to flag, Wangji had finally understood what the omen actuallymeant.

There are many different things any given omen could mean.

The flames around the allied forces turned green, and there was a sudden shift in atmosphere. There was some shouting from the back of the Death Eater’s forces, then, to Lan Wangji’s horror, the dead bodies from both sides started to rise. The Inferius that had already been there began to turn savagely on their compatriots, tearing them brutally apart.

Wei Wuxian strutted onto the battlefield, and death followed with him.

My The Untamed/MDZS air fresheners are finally available for purchase! The WEI WUXIAN air freshener My The Untamed/MDZS air fresheners are finally available for purchase! The WEI WUXIAN air freshener My The Untamed/MDZS air fresheners are finally available for purchase! The WEI WUXIAN air freshener My The Untamed/MDZS air fresheners are finally available for purchase! The WEI WUXIAN air freshener

My The Untamed/MDZS air fresheners are finally available for purchase! 

The WEI WUXIAN air freshener is scented with lotus, which is the flora of Yunmeng Jiang Clan and Lotus Pier and is one of his favorite foods. This design reminisces a romantic moment after Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian a lotus pod. The size is approximately 2.75 inches x 3.5 inches.

The LAN WANGJI air freshener features the cultivator playing on his guqin. The air freshener is scented with sandalwood, the scent that is very much associated with Lan Wangji. The size is approximately 2.75 inches x 2.5 inches.

>> Purchase HERE at my Etsy! <<

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This is hell and I blame my best friend

He’s chaotic but I adore him nonetheless

Wuxian!! I’m still not used to drawing his hair but I already adore him
