#marker artist


Here have a bean that deserved the world, but instead got possessed by swole satin because:

A) his dad sucks at picking out suoviners

B) his dad was an ass that stole jewelry from a low key cult and Ryō foolishly tried to save him because he is a good, but ended up with swole satin and a dead dumbass dad

You know, depending on the canon you prefer

As always, click for full res because I’m a dweeb that scans things at over 1000 pixels

Er, heres an oc that’s been living in my brain for at least a decade. His name is Zeth (weird I know).

I posted these to my Instagram but forgot to post them here. Oops. Been playing with my IP idea and original characters lately ^^°

His hair is normally black with a blue gradient, but I sometimes draw it blue for the sake of softness and colour coherencey. In school they teach you to fear stark black paint .
