

Laugh track

Wanda maximoff x reader

Hearing a laugh track the moment you woke up was never a good thing.

After a while of dating Wanda the laugh track started to seem like an alarm telling you that she was feeling bad. Wanda had always been connected to sitcoms and would watch them when something bad happened.

“Morning” you said trying to start a conversation and letting your girlfriend know that you are awake.

Wanda didn’t say anything but you knew that she acknowledged that you were there. It wasn’t often that she wouldn’t respond to you but you knew what that meant.

She was engrossed in her thoughts.

As you moved closer you could see a pained look in her eyes. This was worrying.

You feel her hold your hand. That simple movement had made you feel a bit better, knowing that her worrying thoughts were not about you.

It was very common for you two to hold hands but it was always made you feel more relaxed.

You sat in silence for a bit not wanting to pressure her into talking despite how much you wanted to talk to her about what was bothering her. She was one of the most important people in your life and had already been through so much, like her parents, Pietro, and what hydra did to her.

After sitting with her in silence for about ten minutes she told you “I love you.”

“I love you too”

You didn’t need to exchange anymore words because those were enough. They weren’t words that Wanda would tell to many people and it meant a lot that she would tell you them.

Dating peter parker would include

  • Star Wars marathons, well movie marathons because he loves movies and uses it as an excuse to spend time with you
  • Becoming friends with mj and Ned
  • Aunt May adores you
  • Finding out about him being Spider-Man on accident
  • Worrying for peter when he goes out as Spider-Man
  • Him telling you about avengers stories
  • Cleaning his wounds
  • FaceTiming while he’s away
  • He calls you many pet names like “baby” or “babe”
  • Studying together
  • Holding hands in the hallways
  • Him tutoring you if you need it
  • Stealing his clothes
  • Wearing his sweaters when it’s cold
  • Cuddling with him
  • Falling asleep on him
  • Forehead kisses
  • Making him blush
  • Defending peter against flash
  • Good morning and good night texts
  • Him giving you flowers
  • Just being one of the cutest couples in school

I wanna talk about the Cliff scene!!

Mohamed Diab basically explains that Oscar did the whole scene of Marc and Steven conversing in a take with the camera just panning between himself and the mirror as a transition between Marc and Steven. Like??? Oh my GOD

Oscar literally manages to change his whole demeanor, his facial expressions, accent, and his posture in SECONDS while the camera pans from Steven’s reflection on the mirror to Marc. I honestly thought that this scene was filmed separately, and they had VFX for Steven’s reflection but nope. It was filmed in a shot with the camera panning back and forth between Oscar and his actual reflection and gODDAMN.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Oscar Isaac is so damn talented and if he doesn’t win an award for this—if MOON KNIGHT doesn’t win any awards for the production as a whole, I will riot. I swear.

not me waiting for the moon knight assembled episode to get released today, only to find out that they postponed the premiere until May 25 and they just never announced it

just a random thought, and im not sure if it makes much sense BUT in the series, do you guys think Crawley has been wondering where Steven has been? The man does seem to come drop by every night after work at the least, bringing him food with Pralines, tipping him, and talking about his day, but it just stops? Like,,, the last time he’d seen Steven, he gave him a hug? I honestly don’t think he thought that would be the last time he’d see him for a while? Makes me wonder if he misses Steven in one way or another idk ‍♀️

On another note, I feel like Marc would end up visiting Crawley as well, after all the events of episode 6. Just to say a quick thank you for keeping Steven company (even if he was technically doing his job and Steven just vents to him). Since we do know that Marc knows about Crawley because of this scene in the asylum episode:

just a couple of thoughts

Episode 6 spoilers!! Play at your own risk!

I genuinely cannot go a single episode without praising Oscar Isaac.

Like???? The slight flinch that shows how Marc transitions into Steven? The quick change in accents and facial expressions? The overall shift in the aura as Steven fronts???

And here too? The transition from an extremely confused Marc to a very worried Steven? The way his furrowed brows shifted to a more surprised position? The way his eyes ALONE expressed these types of emotions so clearly, that one would know Marc apart from Steven without even having to look at their armor?


And!!! Jake lockley, baby! He gives off a completely different aura from Steven and Marc. (I can’t add more photos because of the tumblr media limit )

Oscar???? SIR?? You’re a damn LEGEND, and that’s still an understatement. Hopefully we get more moon knight soon too gonna miss everything about this show </3

Oscar Isaac supremacy

Episode 5 & 6 spoiler warning!!

Pretty much crying over how Steven saves Marc,

And how Marc saves Steven

basically?? these two would never leave each other to save themselves, and that’s a fact.

Exhibit C:

This scene when they’re about to get claimed by the Duat again.

Marc turns around to look at what’s happening, then Steven turns and they both try and help each other get out of it??

Even if Marc told Steven to go ahead because he’s slowing them both down, Steven kept his hands on him to help them both reach the gates on time <3

In the same way, when Steven gets so excited the second he realizes someone came to buy them time, let alone realizes it’s Taweret, Marc just has his hands on him for support and so he could help him move so they can both get out on time as well

Til the end, baby <3 my precious darlings they have my entire heart honestly.

Episode 6 spoilers!

Okay. I wanna add to this post I made a couple weeks ago regarding episode 1.

There are two goldfish in the tank now. Marc and Steven my heart is in SHAMBLES. This is so soft and my heart is just so full

On another note, I’m wondering what they named Gus the third and their new friend <3

Episode 6 spoilers!!

Here’s another little detail from a scene that I will never shut up about:

Steven throwing one of his batons at Harrow, who deflects it, and Marc catching AND using it as well?? I SOBBED LIKE???? They’re working together now

My darlings I love them so much ❤️

Moon Knight Episode 6 spoilers!!

Can we just admire Marc Spector for a while? How he was in paradise yet the only thing he could think about was Steven?

He most definitely had a choice here: Staying in the field of Reeds, which Steven spoke so highly about, and going back to the Duat and sacrificing eternal peace.

Taweret did make a fair point, with Marc being in the field of Reeds, he was at peace. The peace he always wanted but was never granted in his entire life. Away from danger, from loneliness and hurt.

He technically didn’t need Steven, but he needsSteven, if you get what I mean? He made the choice to go back so quickly because he loves Steven with his entire heart, and he believes that Steven deserves peace just as much as he does.

Bringing back another thought I had while watching episode 5, Marc considers Steven to be the little brother he lost when he was younger. He doesn’t have the heart to abandon him, not after everything Steven had unknowingly protected him from.

He sacrificed the field of Reeds and went back to the Duat for Steven, even if he already knew what doing so would entail. He didn’t know the gates would open, and quite frankly, he didn’t care. All he wanted was to tell Steven what he was feeling, baring his heart to him and being so much more vulnerable than ever. Even if it would be the last thing he did.

Despite the pull of the sands of the Duat, he managed to bring his hand up once more and bring his heart to Steven’s hand right before he was taken as well. And this entire scene just …. It’s beautiful.

“You are the only real superpower I ever had.”


Episode 6 spoilers!!


Can we talk about how Steven replies with “it wasn’t that little.” !!! He heard absolutely everything when Marc opened up to him even if he was claimed by the Duat

These two will ALWAYS have my heart

Episode 5 spoilers!!

Just in my thoughts again!! I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, but this might be a long post again idk

Can we talk about how Randall’s nickname is RoRo, and that day they went into the cave, he specifically said that he wanted to play Rosser,

Which means that Marc would be Dr. Steven Grant? So one of Marc’s last memories of Randall was his little brother calling him Dr. Grant?

Dr. Grant. Doctor STEVEN GRANT. The one who protects Rosser and leads him throughout their expeditions? The one who assures Rosser that nothing could hurt him?

Marc Spector dissociated, and Steven Grant became his alter due to the trauma Marc went through with his past and with his mother.

“When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear.”

Steven Grant, one of his idols from Tomb Buster. It was also one of the last good memories he had of his brother, Randall, who had chosen to call himself “Rosser” before everything in the cave took place. 

In addition, I would also like to point out a couple little details that may have slipped past anyone:

“He drew the fish with only one fin.” When Marc said this line, it was almost implied that this was not the first time Randall had drawn this, and in this scene?

Look behind Steven. Marc has one of Randall’s drawings of the “fish with only one fin”. It’s definitely a different one, since the drawing he has framed on his bedroom wall hasn’t been colored in completely, unlike the one Randall was drawing on the picnic table.

Marc loves his little brother so much :(((

Xialing and Wenwu

Out with the old / In with the new ( “Swan Song” by Saweetie & NIKI)

She takes after him 


no one:

chris evans on set:

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Cover art for Carnage Vol. 3 #003, “The Empty Place”

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FromCarnage Vol. 3 #003, “The Empty Place”

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Written by Ram V

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Cover art for Ghost Rider Vol. 10 #003, “Red Road”

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