#mary winchester



↳ for universalcas’s follower celebration
prompt: your favorite book quote or song / gold / love

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Chapter 30

Set in season 14 and follows Y/N, a young girl from the Apocalypse world as she tries to navigate this new place that she was thrust in after being rescued and the feelings she begins to have for someone she really shoudln’t be having them for.

Warnings: There’s a bit of angst, smut and fluff in each chapter. I will tag the smut chapters appropriately but if you’re following me and reading any of my stories, you know it’s gonna be there.  LOL

WC: 1541

The next day, after a quick breakfast, we are heading back toward Lebanon. The morning is bright, dew that still clings to the leaves sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight.  

I hate that this trip is ending but we need to get back to see if the rest of the team had found a cure for whatever is ailing Jack. 

I can’t seem to get the conversation Dean and I had, had just a few nights ago, out of my head. When he confessed that he had avoided me due to the fact that people might frown upon their relationship, given who they are.

I also remember the speech he’d given  when we had begun sleeping together. “No one has to know what goes on between us. It can be our little secret. I will be yours and you can be mine, behind closed doors.”

The fact that he no longer wants to keep our affair a secret makes my heart flutter. For others to know that  I am his and he mine makes it seem all the more real, more legitimate. It isn’t just a fling or a way to pass the time; we mean something to one another.  

"Dean?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder at Jack who is staring out the window with a smile on his face. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he answers as he signals to change lanes. “What’s up sweetheart?”

“Who are you afraid of finding out about us? The people we care about, the important ones, already know. Sam, Jack,  your mom, Bobby. I’m sure the other survivors will understand. And if they don’t, so what? They can just get used to it.”

I watch as Dean contemplates his answer and a part of me is afraid that he is actually reconsidering our ‘coming out’.

“Truthfully?” He questions,  glancing over at me. “Bobby. That man kind of scares me. He could easily rip me a new one for even thinking of touching you. He is very protective of you Y/N.”

And it’s true. Even in our world uncle Bobby had protected and took care of me while Dad and Uncle Sam were gone. Hell,  the man practically raised me! But….he already knew about Dean and I. He actually caught us. 

And I tell my boyfriend that, remind him of Bobby walking in while I was…. but I didn’t finish my sentence as Dean cut me off,  shushing me while motioning to Jack.  

The nephilim chooses this particular time to speak up, causing Dean and I to fully blush.

“Bobby caught Y/N performing oral sex on you Dean,” he says. “I’m positive if he wanted to "rip you a new one”-“ he uses air quotes as he speaks. ”-he would’ve done it then. You have nothing to fret over with Bobby.  Can I ask a question?“

I nod and turn in the seat to give Jack my full attention. "What is it Jack?”

“Exactly what is Dean afraid of….what new one does he think Bobby will give him?”

“Oh. Uh,” I stammer as I try to think of an appropriate answer. “It’s just a euphemism; just a saying humans use.”

“Okay,” Jack takes my reply at face value and turns back to watching the scenery float by.

When we stop for gas I have to  make a beeline for the bathroom

Dean’s POV

After I fill the tank, I climb back in the car to wait for Y/N. I keep an eye on the door and the interior of the store in case someone tries to try something.  She is a beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to call her his. I just happen to be that man and I’m going to make damn sure it stays that way.

Jack is quiet in the backseat and I know he is apprehensive about returning.  This whole trip we hadn’t discussed anything concerning his health.  I wanted him to feel free and unburdened, to get a taste of what being human can be like. 

Sure, mankind suffers but there is good in life too. I look in the rearview as I speak.

“This was a good idea, Jack. This trip. It was much needed,” I tell him and I honestly believe it.

'Thank you for showing me what normal is,“ he answers as our eyes meet in the mirror.  "And you’re welcome. You got what you wanted too. You and Y/N make a pretty great team.”

“Why do you say that? This trip was for you, not us.”

"It was how you said it. I could tell. I guess my point is that-” Jack pauses as he looks out the window again. “-if I don’t make it…The stuff I’d miss – it wouldn’t be things like Tahiti. Or the Taj Mahal. I’d miss more time with you. More time with family, my true family. I’m getting that life isn’t all these big, amazing moments. It’s time together that matters. Like this.”

“Well, who’d have thought hanging out with a couple of lovesick idiots would make you sentimental?” I joke, trying to lighten the mood inside the car.

Jack looks up at me and says, “I’ve had a good life, Dean. And you and Y/n will too. Maybe eventually get married and have kids. You’d be great parents. You’ve taken care of me. Don’t let what others think ruin your happiness.”

The passenger side opens and Y/N climbs in with a bag in her hands. She deals out the licorice to Jack along with a package of jerky and a bottle of water for me.

It is only about a mile down the road that I have to pull off the road and douse myself in the water. She had jokingly bought me ghost pepper jerky. One piece and I was on fire! 

She and Jack sit in the car, cackling as I gag and dry heave, trying to get the heat off my tongue.

It is when we are almost back to the Bunker that Jack spills the beans.

“Dean, I don’t think you have to worry about Bobby being upset that you kept your and Y/N’s relationship a secret,” Jack says nonchalantly. “He is carrying a pretty big secret of his own.”

I see Y/N’s head turn and look at the nephilim child and smile. “Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot.”

“What?” I ask intrusively. “What’s going on guys?”

It is Y/N that speaks. “Well, after everything happened with him finding us and Gamma Mary telling us about the pact, I overheard a conversation between the two of them. Apparently, we aren’t the only ones who has been fooling around behind closed doors.”

“Wha-?” I screech. Yes, my voice screeched! “Bobby and my mom?” 

“Calm down Dean.”

“No. Don’t tell me to calm down,” he says. “I’ve been worrying about Bobby laying into me over you and he’s-” Dean pauses as he swallows audibly, “-been banging my mom?!”

“You speak so eloquently,” I laugh. “But yea.”

“It began over there,” Jack says nonchalantly,  still watching the trees go by outside the speeding car. “I dont think it’s love……..yet.”

I look over the seat at Jack and see in my peripheral Dean shiver in his spot. 

“Let’s not talk about the L word just yet,” Dean mutters and I can’t help but stare at him.

'What does that mean?’

One Year Later

Life was great for a while in the bunker! The Winchesters, along with Castiel and Jack and a few others, defeated Michael and ended up fighting and conquering God himself.

 Along the way though, we lost a lot of people too, most importantly Mary Winchester.

Gamma Mary was taken out by Jack, who was infected with everything they’d done to stop Nick from resurrecting Lucifer and allowing the demon to possess him. It was very touch-and-go there for a while; Dean wanted to take Jack out and actually denounced him from being part of his family but Sam still had faith that Jack could be “saved”. 

Bobby grieved like a man who had lost his one true love while Dean grieved the Mom he had gotten to know as a man and I was stuck in the middle, trying to comfort and soothe them both. 

Dean and I never had to announce that we were together, or dating; it was just a known fact once we returned from the trip with Jack. I always wondered if Sam and Mary informed the others or what, but our relationship was never questioned or doubted.

Once Chuck-turned-God-turned-evil, we all banded together to do as we always do, saving people and hunting things.  He was a formidable foe but in the end, with Jack’s help we crushed him and now the world was a much better place with Jack in charge. 

When Castiel was taken by the Empty, we grieved his absence but knew we needed to move on so that is what we did.

Sam, Dean and I, along with Miracle, move out of the Bunker and find a couple of houses in town to settle in.  We live out our lives as three of the people who secretly saved the world. 

A/N: And they lived happily ever after. The End. LOL 

@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss@spnbaby-67@tftumblin@sea040561@delightfullykrispypeach@larajadeschmidt13@atc74@squirrelnotsam​ @sandlee44@blacktithe7@hoboal87@mogaruke@deanwanddamons@supraveng@deandreamernp@akshi8278@lyarr24@wintersoldierwinchester@we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits@nancymcl@kazsrm67@lostdarksoul6


↳ for universalcas’s follower celebration
prompt: your favorite book quote or song / gold / love


I need my empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology

Mary!Lucifer my love…….. Insp by @synesindri’sartand@milfsatan yelling abt this album at me when it dropped :3

Sweatpants & TV | #Supernatural, Season 12, Episode 9: “First Blood”

FI Supernatural Season Twelve Episode Nine SPN S12E9 First Blood Sam Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles Jared Padalecki
Mini-Hellatus is over, and our boys are being held captive. How will they break out of a high security secret government facility designed to hold them for life? Let’s find out! The Road So Far Did anyone else choke up a little at the reminder of deaths past? I will never get over the almost visceral pain I felt at hearing Dean cry out for Sam at the end of Season Two and seeing Sam’s tears fall…

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