#max lord



hi, yes, is this thing on? hola! i’m mika and i’ve been making masterlists for some characters pedro has played over the years!

the idea behind making these masterlists is that (hopefully!) more people can read old works (some of us are new to the pedro party, alright? be nice to us! #tpwk lmao) and also new works (as i update it!) ✨

i’m gonna be doing a big update these next few days/weeks, so! if you wanna put a smile to my face and be part of the masterlists you can fill aform that’s linked on my tumblr bio or send me a message!

last but not least! if you check the masterlists r e m e m b e r to REBLOG and maybe reply too, ya know? that’s also nice the original posts bc these people are blessing us with their writing for f r e e!!! likes are nice and all but they don’t get writings anywhere really! having a lot of notes is cool and whatnot but actually reblogging something is ✨ so yeah be the real mvp and reblog the author’s works bye!


Snakes on a Plane, pt. 2

Rating:EXPLICIT AS HELL this really got away from me here

Relationship:Max Lord + Reader

Summary: The two of you finish what you started. Still no actual snakes :(

Warnings:HOO BOY. Maxie and his inner rock, PIV sex, rough sex, blasphemy I guess? Degradation, LOTS of it, wh*re and sl*t are used (affectionate bc Max doesn’t stand for slut shaming), impact play, (mentioned) exhibitionism, (light) humiliation, dom/sub, FILTHY talk, praise kink, I bet I’m forgetting something so please don’t hesitate to add on.

OOH! I AM FORGETTING SOMETHING!!! There is one (1) good ol’ use of “sweet girl” in this fic, but the reader still uses they/them pronouns <3

Author’s note: I hope I did an okay job portraying both sides of my fave. Not sure if I went a little too overboard with his descent into madness, but I hope I did him justice. He’s power hungry and has a gigantic inferiority complex, but still maintains the ability to be a big cuddly menace. That’s all folks; enjoy!

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for love or money (Max Lord/OFC)

Rating: E (Explicit)

Length: 3.4k

Pairing: Max Lord/OFC Roxanne Drake

Summary: The bluster and charm of one of the country’s most successful businessmen is nothing but a front for his insecurities and shame. But the year is 1983, and no one knows this, except Roxanne; the young woman with whom Maxwell Lord shares his bed, his fears, and his confidence. He feels safe with her name signed to a binding NDA, which prevents her from revealing his true self to the world. But when he begins to fall for her, the balance of power is called into question. Is what they have real, or just another commodity? And can two people on opposite sides of such a contract ever truly be equal in love?

Warnings: SMUT, PIV sex, wildly inaccurate depictions of sex work, prostitution, fingering (f receiving), let me know if I missed anything important

A/N: Trying to write a little more when I can… this idea grabbed me and I go where the muse says. Much love to my beloved @ezrasbirdieand@mothandpidgeon for looking this over and encouraging me to try something new!

Masterlist||Max Lord Masterlist

Chapter 1: Girls on Film

Maxwell Lord sat in a darkened booth, a stack of videotapes on a table next to him. He rubbed his palm in nervous circles over the threadbare armrest of the chair before lifting his hand and squeezing a fist to regain his composure.

He hadn’t thought about doing something like this before; after all, there was no shortage of women eager to use him for social climbing or as a piggy bank. But he never felt safe with them. He never felt as though he could shed his larger-than-life persona, and he grew tired of lovers after a few months at most.

Lifting the heavy, boxy remote, he pressed play.

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Maxie vibrating with need is my favorite Maxie.

Dave and Roxanne what are you, why are you, don’t you….?!?!?!


Kevin Wallace: “Well after a long wait I can finally reveal that I am the televangelist In Wonder Woman 1984. Here’s a picture of me and the main main Pedro Pascal.”

Justice League International (aged in real time) by Kevin Maguire

National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6

National City Knockout! Card Art - Part 6

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#my art    #supergirl    #national city knockout    #alex danvers    #silver banshee    #bizarro    #alura in ze    #zor el    #jeremiah danvers    #maxima    #max lord    #hellgrammite    

As a few of you may remember, I recently spoke about getting a job as a feature writer for Screen Rant. This is my third article, but first I’m sharing on here. It would mean so much to me if you checked it out! You can head to my author page too if you wanted to read my other articles. :)

I wrote this one about my beloved Maxwell Lord (& the ugly reality of American consumerism). It’s one of the more analytical pieces I’ve done and I’m really proud of it! You can read it here:

Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day! I’m currently on vacation in Scotland — and I’m off to a concert tomorrow night which I’m super excited for.

Take care everyone!


Max Lord x gn! reader

Authors note: just a bit of hurt/comfort— I’m having such a bad time right now and I haven’t wrote in so long. But I love Max and I miss him so much so here’s a little drabble I created as I try to process my feelings.

He smells like musk and oakwood and there’s the sweetest tinge of honey in his brown eyes. When he looks at you, they sparkle with love and adoration, and for the first time in forever, you actually feel wanted. You feel desired.

“I love you so much,” he says with a sudden abruptness, but his soft smile immediately puts you at ease.

It was like you two were made for each other. After the dream stone debacle, Maxwell was certain that he was done for. How could anyone forgive him after what he done? He was still learning to forgive himself.

But you show him a level of kindness that is so unfamiliar. Slowly but surely, you’re teaching him to love himself again. You’re teaching him to become a better man.

Alistair just adores you, and on the rare occasions that you’re not around, he finds himself at his father’s side asking him when you’ll be back. Maxwell is enamoured with everything you do. To him, you are perfect, and he swears that one day, he’s going to marry you.

But for now, he’s resigned himself to stay-at-home dad and loving boyfriend. He doesn’t want to put his focus on anything else other than you and his son. Sometimes, he does dream of rebuilding his business but in a more legit and serious way. He wants to help people. He figures it’s the least he can do after what happened. He’d worked so hard to get to DC, but even if it didn’t work out, he’d truly be okay with learning how to cook big family dinners, doing laundry and deep cleaning the bathroom. Second chances are often rarer than finding a wish-granting rock.

“I’m sad.” you announce, your body stiff and your voice unusually emotionless. It’s an empty feeling that seems to creep up on you when you least expect it.

Max’s chest fills with anxiety the moment the words leave your lips. Had he done something wrong?

“Why?” he counters.

“I don’t know,” you reply simply. “It just happens sometimes, I guess.”

Max knows this feeling all too well. He pulls you into his lap and starts threading his fingers through your hair.

“It will pass, my love. I promise you that.” he says quietly.

Your eyes flicker up to look at him and your heart fills with warmth. He’s been through so much in his life. He’s fought so hard; and you know that whatever happens next, you’re blessed enough to know that he will be standing with you by your side.

The feeling will pass, and you are loved.


it’ s his day ❤️

April 1st has rolled around once again so everyone bow their heads and wish my boyfriend a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

him being an April fool baby makes so much sense but God I love him anyway <33


The Den {Alpha!Mando x Omega!F!Reader

Happenstance {Oberyn Martell x F!Reader}

Family Feud {Dave York x F!Smith!Reader} co-written

Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy GCharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!Green Lantern (Guy G

Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #2, out May 25th!

  • Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
  • Max Lord
  • B3 (Vera Lee)
  • Fire (Beatriz da Costa)
  • Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
  • Captain Atom (Nate Adam)
  • Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
  • Tabu
  • Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz)
  • Black Bat (Cassandra Cain)
  • Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
  • Batwing (David Zavimbe)

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Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #4, out June 8th!Fire (Beatriz da Cos

Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #4, out June 8th!

  • Fire (Beatriz da Costa)
  • Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
  • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
  • Captain Atom (Nate Adam)
  • Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
  • Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
  • Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
  • Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz)
  • Power Girl (Karen Starr)
  • Rocket Red (Gavril Ivanovich)
  • Max Lord
  • B3 (Vera Lee)
  • The Creeper (Jack Ryder)

Post link
Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #3, out June 1st!Rocket Red (Gavril ICharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #3, out June 1st!Rocket Red (Gavril ICharacters to expect coming up in Justice League International #3, out June 1st!Rocket Red (Gavril I

Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #3, out June 1st!

  • Rocket Red (Gavril Ivanovich)
  • Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
  • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
  • Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
  • Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz)
  • Fire (Beatriz da Costa)
  • Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
  • Power Girl (Karen Starr)
  • Captain Atom (Nate Adam)
  • Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
  • Max Lord
  • B3 (Vera Lee)
  • Alexandra Kosov
  • KGBeast (Anatoli Knyazev)
  • Echo (Isabella Cheranova)
  • Doctor Poison (Marina Maru)

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Quick life/writing update: things are a mess over at the obsessivelysearching household. School is kicking my ass, I’m burnt out, and I haven’t written in weeks.

That said, I don’t know when I’ll be able to update “no way” next but I might write something else in the meantime (like a oneshot) if people have any requests. I am really really really into Pedro pascal but especially din, Javier, Maxwell, and whiskey. So give me a good prompt and let’s break this writers block!!

Xx Talia


Max Lord era


for love or money (2) (Max Lord/OFC)

Rating: E (Explicit)

Length: 2.8k

Pairing: Max Lord/OFC Roxanne Drake

Summary: The bluster and charm of one of the country’s most successful businessmen is nothing but a front for his insecurities and shame. But the year is 1983, and no one knows this, except Roxanne; the young woman with whom Maxwell Lord shares his bed, his fears, and his confidence. He feels safe with her name signed to a binding NDA, which prevents her from revealing his true self to the world. But when he begins to fall for her, the balance of power is called into question. Is what they have real, or just another commodity? And can two people on opposite sides of such a contract ever truly be equal in love?

Warnings: SMUT, PIV sex, wildly inaccurate depictions of sex work, prostitution, oral and fingering (f receiving), slight food kink, let me know if I missed anything important

A/N: Trying to write a little more when I can… this idea grabbed me and I go where the muse says. Much love to my beloved @ezrasbirdie for looking this over and also to @lowlightsand@leslie-lyman for the sweetness and support of this little fic.

Previous||Masterlist||Max Lord Masterlist

Chapter 2: She Drives Me Crazy

Max rolled over in bed when Roxanne didn’t return after he dozed for a few minutes. Stirring, he got up, grabbing his boxers off the floor and sliding them on. The elastic snapped softly against his hips in the quiet of the apartment before he made his way out of the bedroom. He found Roxanne in the kitchen, standing next to the sink and drinking a glass of water, his dress shirt falling at her mid-thigh, just a couple of buttons done up.

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I’m flailing over this fic Kaylie fjkd;fjlsda. Flailing over how earnest Max is and what Dave and Roxanne are up to fjkldsajfkls;jfklads I AM A MESS.

Gosh I just love the way you pull me in as a reader just from the get go and then you keep me on the edge of my seat mixing in the tender and the sweet with the underlying driving plot fjdskal;fjdsla seriously Kaylie I just love this so freaking much!!


for love or money (Max Lord/OFC)

Rating: E (Explicit)

Length: 3.4k

Pairing: Max Lord/OFC Roxanne Drake

Summary: The bluster and charm of one of the country’s most successful businessmen is nothing but a front for his insecurities and shame. But the year is 1983, and no one knows this, except Roxanne; the young woman with whom Maxwell Lord shares his bed, his fears, and his confidence. He feels safe with her name signed to a binding NDA, which prevents her from revealing his true self to the world. But when he begins to fall for her, the balance of power is called into question. Is what they have real, or just another commodity? And can two people on opposite sides of such a contract ever truly be equal in love?

Warnings: SMUT, PIV sex, wildly inaccurate depictions of sex work, prostitution, fingering (f receiving), let me know if I missed anything important

A/N: Trying to write a little more when I can… this idea grabbed me and I go where the muse says. Much love to my beloved @ezrasbirdieand@mothandpidgeon for looking this over and encouraging me to try something new!

Masterlist||Max Lord Masterlist

Chapter 1: Girls on Film

Maxwell Lord sat in a darkened booth, a stack of videotapes on a table next to him. He rubbed his palm in nervous circles over the threadbare armrest of the chair before lifting his hand and squeezing a fist to regain his composure.

He hadn’t thought about doing something like this before; after all, there was no shortage of women eager to use him for social climbing or as a piggy bank. But he never felt safe with them. He never felt as though he could shed his larger-than-life persona, and he grew tired of lovers after a few months at most.

Lifting the heavy, boxy remote, he pressed play.

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Oh my gosh Kaylie fjdlks;fjdslka there’s just something about the way you write Max that just draws me in and makes me melt. I am so hooked on this and already love the testing the water between these two!

hi, yes, is this thing on? hola! i’m mika and i’ve been making masterlists for some characters pedro has played over the years!

the idea behind making these masterlists is that (hopefully!) more people can read old works (some of us are new to the pedro party, alright? be nice to us! #tpwk lmao) and also new works (as i update it!) ✨

i’m gonna be doing a big update these next few days/weeks, so! if you wanna put a smile to my face and be part of the masterlists you can fill aform that’s linked on my tumblr bio or send me a message!

last but not least! if you check the masterlists r e m e m b e r to REBLOG and maybe reply too, ya know? that’s also nice the original posts bc these people are blessing us with their writing for f r e e!!! likes are nice and all but they don’t get writings anywhere really! having a lot of notes is cool and whatnot but actually reblogging something is ✨ so yeah be the real mvp and reblog the author’s works bye!
