#men suck


You were a loaded gun, an armed bomb, ready to go off at any minute

A beautiful disaster that couldn’t get out of your own way

Your hands, crafted of acid, destroying everything you touched… And I loved you anyway

Everything you’ve done has been in service of self distruction

I got lost in the beauty of your brokenness

Your acid hands and venom words stung less and less each time I felt their burn

Your chaos soothing my own

The storm inside your mind colliding with the ocean in mine was enough to drown us both

And even though your carnage was never aimed at me

I was left alone in the wake of your calamity

Nothing but your collateral damage

welp. things went to shit w/ the guy. like it always does. kinda just over this whole relationship thing.


i collected all the receipts if you guys wanted to see all the examples


a 17 year old girl reported being raped by 4 policeman in mexico city and the authorities did nothing about it; that’s what been happening in mexico.

in 2017 a girl disappeared every 5 hours and the numbers keep rising.

“si no regreso quemen todo” “if i ever don’t return, burn it all” that’s what his is all about, justice.

#NoMeCuidanMeViolan (they do not protect me, they rape me)

You know someone has a vanilla sex life when they think “go choke yourself and see how well you can talk through it,” in an argument about how you can’t talk if you’re being suffocated, is somehow a winning ticket.

Sir, my husband chokes me in bed for fun. I know what it feels like to be choked. I can talk for quite some time before I gotta tap out.

This is not the trump card you thought it was.
