#mens advocacy



Full offense but if you discount the experiences of male sexual harassment/abuse victims because “women have it worse” you can kindly fuck right off



men aren’t people and lesbians are goddesses 

“Ew boys r icky” The Adult Version. 

Grow up. 

Imagine acting like a five year old until you’re twenty






I just want the women who fight tooth and nail to defend men to know that men will never do the same for them. There will always come a day when you’ll step out of line and become just another bitch/whore/cunt like the rest of us and the day they realize that, we can all finally go home

Worded perfectly!! You will never fully earn your way into the boys club. You may feel like an equal in their eyes because you’re a big tough antifeminist, but at the end of the day they only see you as a woman with a place. You’re a cool bro chick as long as you are willing to sacrifice your dignity as a human and belittle your sister women. You are not better than other women because your are more obedient. Other women are not less than you because they leaned to outgrow internalized misogyny. It is liberating to not have to constantly be edgy and hateful to other women. It is liberating to not give a shit about men’s opinions or approval.

Holy shit, could you be anymore sexist? You’re implying that women are friends with men not because they enjoy the companionship or have similar interests or simply like each other, but because they want to be “one of the guys” and have “internalized misogyny”? Who the hell thinks like that? This is a seriously unhealthy mindset.

Thank you. Men aren’t some oppressive force, they’re just people. I’m so fucking tired of being called “obedient” and “submissive” because I don’t hate men. I just want to live my damn life, male friends and family included. Fuck women with this mentality.

I just want the women who fight tooth and nail to defend Radical Feminism to know that radfems will never do the same for them. There will always come a day when you’ll step out of line and become just another dick workshipper/handmaid/tradfem like the rest of us and the day they realize that, we can all finally go home

whitepeopletwitter:An excellent idea


An excellent idea

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Hot takes that will probably get me called a bigot on this hellhole
