#michael phelps diet


The Routine:

I’m giving away this basic diet plan that many dietitians give out and many athletes, such as Michael Phelps, use. I really don’t care if you do it or not - I can’t make you work hard, and once you adjust it isn’t hard work.

Talk to your Doctor:

If you’re reading this then chances are that you already have concerns regarding your diet. Be sensible. Especially if you have a known injury or condition that might impair your ability to exercise or eat properly. 

The First Thing To Do:

Make sure that you are actually overweight. Females in particular tend to deem themselves overweight when they aren’t. Check your BMI. If you can’t read your BMI properly from a lack of know how, don’t Google it! This is something for you to ask your GP/Doctor/Nurse to check out. Keep in mind that nurses can only give advice and opinions. To my knowledge they aren’t qualified to give educated and fully informed advice to someone.

Step #1 - Moderation:

I can’t say anything more than moderation is the key to this diet. You need to limit how much you eat and how often you eat it. Not the things you eat. 

Ideally you should be eating 3 small meals a day and 3 snacks throughout the day. But I can’t tell you how much you  should eat. If you are around 95 kg then I would recommend about 15-20 grams of whatever you want for breakfast, to 30-40 grams of whatever you want for lunch and dinner.

You should be eating once every 2-3 hours. So if you wake up at 10AM you eat 15 grams of cereal and by 11AM, perhaps eat a snack (such as a banana) and by 1PM you should be eating 30 grams of lunch.

But it is all dependent on how much is actually best for you. You should figure out how much you eat and adjust it accordingly. 

Youcan have things like McDonalds every now and again. Once a week isn’t even horrible. You have to stick to eating 30-40 grams of whatever you want and instead of ordering fizzy drinks you order the light/zero equivalent of them. If you order juice instead; that is better. But people tend to go full-pelt into their diets too fast and then just crash.

Step #2 - Exercise:

Exercise is the Yang to moderation’s Yin. You need balance in life. 

The minimum anyone should really be exercising, in my opinion, is 4 times a week.

If your goal is weight loss you shouldn’t be hitting the weight bench. Lifting adds muscle, so just lifting weights is not ideal. Even if you mix in weight lifting with cardiovascular exercises such as running, it isn’t great because when you gain muscle it makes it difficult to determine how much weight you have actually lost.

I’d recommend you do four 30 minutes + (dependent on how fit you are) sessions of cardio a week. Running and swimming are both examples of cardio exercises. 

I, personally, prefer swimming. When you have good swimming technique swimming is generally much better for your body, can burn higher rates of calories when you swim for the same amount of time you run (although this is dependent on how good of a runner or swimmer you are) and it is generally better for your metabolic system.

Step #3 - Hobbies:

A hobby can be really beneficial to getting in shape. It makes exercise fun for those who don’t think it is. Hobbies don’t have to be serious, here is a list of hobbies that are fun and are labelled on how intense of a sport it is. (Keep in mind this is my opinion on the sport’s intensity - it might vary in your experience):

  • Longboarding/Skateboarding. (Light)
  • Archery (Light)

  • Tennis (Mild)
  • Badminton (Mild)
  • Surfing (Mild)
  • Kickboxing/Thai Boxing (Intense)
  • Judo (Intense)
  • American Football/Rugby (Intense)
  • Swimming (Light/Mild/Intense - Controllable)


Feel free to use this, or not to use it. I hope it helps!

1.Do As I Say, Not As I Do: I strictly follow several of Bruce Lee’s philosophies. Not because the words came from his mouth, but because I agree with what he had to say on various matters. My favourite philosophy/quote of his is, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times”. In other words, a huge arsenal of skills doesn’t mean you are skilled. Mastery over one thing is much more powerful than mediocrity in ten. 

For those who may not know: Bruce Lee was an extremely popular and famous marital artist. He unfortunately died an early death, at 32, after having an allergic reaction to medication that he had previously been prescribed for a ruptured disk. His use of the medication was to relieve a headache, however.

2.Diet: I’m in better shape than a lot of my ‘fitness freak’ friends and they don’t like me very much when it comes to exercise because I seem to eat whatever I want. They all say, “Well you have a great metabolism so it isn’t fair”. Well, it is fair. I eat in moderation. I have McDonalds about once a week to once every two weeks and I definitely exercise longer and harder than they do. I swim a lot, so if I’m swimming 3 hours a day or more I need more food than they do because my metabolic rate is naturally increasing to high levels. So even once I’m out the pool, I’m still burning so much energy because of how hard I work in the pool. On top of all that I do Judo and once a week I get in a light Kickboxing/Muay Thai session.

Yes, I like McDonalds and Pizza Hut and I can afford to eat it every now and again because I’m always exercising. Some of the best athletes eat whatever they want daily. Floyd Mayweather Jr? Shed loads of fried chicken and Pizza every day. Michael Phelps? He ate over 12,000 calories of junk everyday. A man should generally consume 2000, give or take depending on his lifestyle/regime.

3.Cartoons: Though I’m entering adulthood I still love cartoons. I don’t see why I shouldn’t either. Everybody pesters me to 'grow up’ and I’m just not going to. I don’t see it happening. Many people have made careers for themselves out of cartoons and have used cartoons as inspiration and motivation for their own field of work. I don’t see why I shouldn’t be allowed a vice so that I can relax, just because of my Navy Seal family. Don’t misunderstand, I have only the utmost respect for the Navy. But, growing up in a household where for generations many of the men were in the Navy and served admirably it is often considered a bad thing; doing something that is considered childish.

4.Music: I’m fairly certain I listen to more music than anyone I know. I listen to at least 4 hours worth of music a day. I go out for a minimum of 4 one hour walks daily, which doesn’t help when I have work to do. During these walks I blast my iPod and just chill. My parents think it is part of the reason why I’m so laid-back in terms of my personality. They don’t think it is a bad thing, but they’re not too happy when I’ve got work to do and I’m chilling out.

5.The Gotei 13: If I could live in any fictional world it would have to be the world of Bleach, without a doubt. I’d just hope that I would be serving in a time of peace, as opposed to having Espada strong enough to blast a hole through my chest without trying. I’d actually want to be a Captain if anything. I can’t see myself following, it’s not in my style. Besides that I know I am an excellent team leader. I’ve demonstrated that in real life. I think people who are in charge need to recognise that they are in charge because they are the most competent to make the right calls, not because they have all the best and the only right ideas. When leading a team you need to take all ideas from others into account and then move with the smartest one, as opposed to wanting all the glory and taking it for yourself.  Besides that, Bleach is set in Heaven; so it can’t be all bad.
