#michael sam


This past Saturday, Michael Sam became the first openly gay football player to be drafted in the NFL. As any young talented football player would do after finding out they made it to a NFL team, he celebrated after hearing this news. ESPN showed him kissing his significant other.

Fellow professional (and fellow college) athletes, grown men, cried out on Twitter like unprofessional babies.

I present to you, what I am dubbing, the Sports Hall of Fame of Big Giant Homophobic Children Who Can’t Handle Seeing Two Grown Men Kiss:

This is Case McCoy, the former quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns. I am truly not sure what part of this I enjoy more: the fact that I get to post this hilarious pic of his dumb face or the fact that he went UNDRAFTED, as did every single one of his teammates, Homophobic baby? Petulant child?


Most definitely both.

Retired NFL running back Derrick Ward, who had a big retired baby Twitter temper tantrum. These are just some of his tweet: 


Don Jones, current Miami Dolphins defensive back, whom, after tweeting “omg” and “horrible” in response to Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend, was fined and suspended by his team. HaHa. Yes, feel free to point and laugh at him: 


Retired NFL wide receiver turned sports anchor, Andy McCullough, whom seemingly had a flash in the pan career because I honestly can’t find much of anything about this nobody:


Florida State linebacker DeMarcus Walker wanted to remind us of poor Tim Tebow, whom he, and other Christians who seek to play the victimization card, thinks was mocked for being Christian. In reality, DeMarcus, Tim Tebow was mocked because he sucks at football.


Marshall Henderson, who played basketball for Ole Miss, without a doubt is my favorite of all the idiots here though. He gets his own wing in this hall. He tweeted:


After receiving tons of negative response for his homophobic reactions, Marshall Henderson tried to save himself in the most hilarious of ways:

Yes, I’m sure Marshall Henderson, intelligently pictured above, very much wanted to help his nonexistent gay friend with a psychology study, which also likely does not exist.

If you see any other professional or college level athletes who shared their bigoted views of Michael Sam that are not posted here, please do send them this way.

If Donald Sterling has a ban for life and is being forced to sell his property because it’s PC to take away a person’s right to free speech for racist comments (I hate what he said, but protect his right to say it), why shouldn’t every sports figure who spews homophobic filth against Michael Sam be forced to do the same?

Year in review: Gay moments that shook the world in 2014

What a year 2014 has been! Here’s the first part of our rundown of the top 10 most important gay moments, people, events and news stories from the past 12 months.

10. Coming out in sport

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This year, US footballer Michael Sam (above), US baseball player Derrick Gordon, Germany and former Aston Villa footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger, and Australian Olympic swimming legend Ian Thorpe all came out as…

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To the conservative masses still twerking out of fear, because there is now an openly gay NFL player

To the conservative masses still twerking out of fear, because there is now an openly gay NFL player . The operative word here is OPENLY, please believe that there are dozens more NFL , NBA ,NHL ,MLB athletes that are gay, just not openly gay. Which would mean you probably own one of their jerseys and wear that gay number like it’s a dam medal.

For those of you concerned that your young children will be influence, dare I say compromised by the fact that there is an openly gay NLF athlete. Don’t worry there are still plenty of straight and “straight” players in the league, that your children can watch safely without fear that such exposure could lead to your child becoming gay themselves !

Finally on a more personal note I’ve played football the majority of my life, and despite the absence of openly gay athletes some how I still managed to become gay ?

Shhhhh The secret is that we are everywhere … We are actors and actresses your teaches and coaches we are you brothers and sisters and for some of you we are even your parents … The fact that you don’t know that we are gay just goes to show that you haven’t the slightest clue …

Side note: This the fist meme I’ve made ! And I’m proud of it !

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Father of gay NFL prospect Michael Sam claims New York Times ‘terribly misquoted’ him he

Father of gay NFL prospect Michael Sam claims New York Times ‘terribly misquoted’ him

he father of the first openly gay NFL top prospect told a Texas newspaper he was “terribly misquoted” by The New York Times in a story about his reaction to his son’s bombshell disclosure.

Michael Sam Sr. claims he never told the Galveston Daily News on Wednesday that he’s from the “old school,” a “man-and-a-woman type of guy” or that he didn’t want his grandchildren to be raised in “that kind” of environment following his son’s announcement late Sunday.

“I did not say anything about my grandkids,” Sam Sr. told the newspaper.

Sam, according to the Times, learned his son was gay on Feb. 4 via a text message he received while at a Denny’s near his home outside Dallas.

“I couldn’t eat no more, so I went to Applebee’s to have drinks,” Sam Sr. told the paper. “I don’t want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment.”

As evidence of his masculinity, Sam Sr. said he even took one of his eight children to Mexico to lose his virginity, according to the Times. But the elder Sam said pushed back on the newspaper’s characterization of his take on Deacon Jones, a Hall of Fame defensive end known for his toughness who’d be “turning over in his grave” on the very idea of a gay NFL player.

“I told them that Deacon Jones is going to roll over in his grave because here comes my son and that he’s going to be a star in the NFL,” he told the Galveston newspaper.

Sam Sr. told the Times he loves his son and that he hoped he made it to the NFL, but noted the “many hurdles” black men face in America.

“As a black man, we have so many hurdles to cross,” he said. “This is just one he has to cross.”

On Wednesday, Sam Sr. told the Galveston Daily News that he’s in “full support” of his son, a former Missouri defensive end projected to be a mid-round selection.

“My son did the right thing, and I am not against him at all,” he told the newspaper. “He has made a great statement in coming out, and that he should be able to play in the NFL. I love him unconditionally. Once he gets on the field and hits (someone) once, they won’t think he’s gay.”

The Times, meanwhile, is standing by its story.

“We generally are not inclined to discuss the details of our reporting, but I can assure you that we quoted Mr. Sam accurately and fairly,” Times sports editor Jason Stallman wrote the newspaper in an email. “I’ve gone over it with our reporters, and everything was rock solid, beyond any doubt.”

Calls seeking comment from Stallman and Sam Sr. by FoxNews.com were not returned Friday.

Reaction to Sam’s announcement was swift and varied. Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and President Obama’s spokesman quickly praised the defensive standout as a courageous and inspiring athlete.

“Your courage is an inspiration to all of us,” Biden posted on Twitter.

Sam is scheduled to participate in the league’s weeklong scouting camp, where potential draftees are evaluated, later this month in Indianapolis. 

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Sam’s announcement should not affect his standing on the NFL draft, adding that his abilities should be measured by his performance.

“And in this case, his performance has been exceptional,” Carney said.

In contrast, some players, including collegiate, former and current, have said the league may not be ready for a gay player.

Kent State University suspended a wrestler indefinitely for making a derogatory comment on his Twitter account about Sam. The Ohio school said Sam Wheeler, 20, first tweeted Monday using a homophobic slur, saying he couldn’t watch a television program because they were talking about Sam. Wheeler exchanged tweets with others who defended Sam before his Twitter account was deactivated.

The Canadian Football League also fined two players for comments about Sam. Montreal Alouettes wide receiver Arland Bruce and Winnipeg Blue Bombers defensive tackle Bryant Turner Jr. were penalized undisclosed amounts on Tuesday for postings on social media. Bruce misspelled the word “gay” in his message, which urged Sam to “man up” and get on his knees and “submit to God fully.”

One cornerback for the New York Giants, however, has made it clear he would not be comfortable with Sam as a teammate.

“I don’t believe in it, I don’t respect it, but if that’s what you want to do, so be it,’’ Terrell Thomas told The New York Post. “I can’t speak for the NFL or our team or the locker room, I just know what goes on and what type of situation it’s going to put a lot of guys in.’’

The Associated Press contributed to this reportT

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