#mind your mind


World Mental Health Day | No dignity, no doubt

Hey oh… no, don’t worry. I won’t push the pun any further. Today marks yet another World Mental Health Day and I’d initially planned to write some needlessly long blog post about how important it is for us to talk and mind our minds, but I think that message is well and truly echoed around the world as is. So, instead, I want to talk about dignity, which just so happens to be the theme of this…

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Happy World Mental Health Day.

In these trying times it’s so important to mind your mind.

If you’re struggling, please know that you’re not alone and it’s okay to feel this way.

This pandemic has put a massive strain on the lives of millions and it’s so important that we take the time to be kind to ourselves.

If you’re struggling and want to reach out to someone, my inbox is always open.

Let this be your sign that everything is going to be okay.

Stay safe & lots of love x
