

exams are coming up!! spent most of today enjoying the sun (16° and sunny in england in april?? practically barbecue weather) and drawing up a plan of the next few months until the end of the semester to help visualise how long i have until deadlines. naturally this stressed me out so i spent an hour or two looking at past papers and guidance for one of my exams to feel a bit more prepared! how are other people feeling about exams?

trying to listen to more female artists and female fronted groups, especially ahead of the reopening of gigs and festivals. today i’m listening to pale waves while researching past paper content for my upcoming gov and pol of the US exam and drawing up a revision timetable

Hey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word littleHey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word littleHey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word littleHey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word littleHey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word little

Hey people! Thought I would do a little ‘room tour’ for you (emphasis on the word little as you can see, my room is tiny haha)

When I first moved in this room hadn’t been decorated in about 20 years and that really is a generous estimate if the Pocahontas border and brown carpet were any indication.
Anyway we spent many long days getting it to this point with as little money as possible. Doing things like sanding the floor with a hand sander and staining it ourselves. It was back breaking work but every morning I wake up and feel so much better seeing a fresh and positive space.

I may not be able to afford a nice new bed to replace the 15 year old one I have but I was able to get a lovely mattress topper.

I may not be able to get all those cute decorations from Zara home but I can find old family nicknacks and give them a new home.

I may not have a lot of possessions but hey it makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep clean.

I remember when my friend came over and looked around room and asked when I was moving the rest of my stuff in and proceeded to look totally perplexed when I informed here that this was in fact all my stuff.

I don’t mean this as an attack on anyone else’s lifestyle, if you can afford to by lots of things and it makes you happy rock on but for those who might be in a bit of a slump or feeling a little inferior to the 'influencers’ ( I know I do from time to time )
Remember that they are salespeople presenting something to you just like when you see an infomercial on the tv. You don’t need to spend tons of money to live a happy fulfilled life. You can have pretty clothes (maybe not as many), you can eat delicious food ( maybe in won’t be organic, hand picked by woodland nymphs or what ever) and you can live in a nice space (even if you have to sand the floors by hand )

Some times it takes having less to be able to see what there is to appreciate. I doubt you will look back on your life in say 40 years time and think “ drat! I wish I had purchased more things!”

And remember ever penny saved else where can go to glorious, glorious hummus !!

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