

Imagine your icon as a carebear


hey guys hit that like button if you think having a robot boyfriend is…kinda hot


Animatronic inspired by Svankmajer’s work. 

Inside is a carriage mechanism attached to the zip.



Sometimes fanfiction is a love letter to the original canon, sometimes it’s just that one telegram that says “Fuck you. Strongly worded letter to follow”.

I can always tell when a show I don’t watch has gone completely off the rails, because this post inevitably comes back from the dead.

Why am I hearing the Game of Thrones them song in my head?

Okay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy AOkay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy A

Okay, I know slime is the bigger fad, but personally I prefer these space-themed puttys from Crazy Aarons. I can’t wait to take all my stress out on a fistful of the Milky Way or the North Star. ;)

Cosmic Putty: Star Dust,Milky Way,Infinite Nebula,Exoplanet,Northern Lights,Aura,Solar Wind,North Star 

BONUS: The Milky Way, Exoplanet, Northern Lights, Aura versions are all glow-in-the-dark!


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startorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check ostartorialist: SCIENCE IS COMING. In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check o



In honor of the release of Game of Thrones Season 6 today, check out these amazing House designs made by students from the Albert Einstein Institute. Each Game of Thrones inspired sigil celebrates a different changing project in physics and space exploration. 

House Hubble - Hubble Space Telescope

House ISS - International Space Station

House ITER - Nuclear Fusion Project 

House LHC - Large Hadron Collider

House Curiosity - Mars Science Laboratory

House LISA - Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

House JWST - James Webb Space Telescope

House VLA - Very Large Array

I’m super torn because while I’m #teamradioforever, I’m also a lifelong #hubblehugger. I guess if I’m forced to chose, it might have to be House VLA. 


[HTCharee Peters]  

Given last night’s Game of Thrones Season 8 premiere, it’s clearly time for this to make the rounds again! What I forgot to add the first time around was that the students who made this were working on the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Mission (a space-based version of LIGO). The original post sharing these designs is on LISA’s Facebook Page

Also, I guess I put something out into the universe by saying I’m House VLA because that will officially be the case as of July 1st. ;)


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Learn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the AstronomyLearn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the AstronomyLearn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the AstronomyLearn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the AstronomyLearn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the Astronomy

Learn about space AND strengthen your memory skills with this Space Matching Game from the Astronomy Society of the Pacific featuring real images from NASA. BONUS: you’ll be supporting a great non-profit dedicated to increase the understanding and appreciation of all things astronomical. 


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Rebecca Ferguson with photographer Violeta Sofia and her husband Rory at Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead Heath, London | May 7th, 2022 via Violeta Sofia on Instagram
