#mk11 x reader


Noob Saibot Interaction Dialogues


All possible interactions between Noob Saibot andY/N.



Noob Saibot to Y/N

Y/N:Bi-Han! What happened to you?
Noob Saibot: I ascended into a higher power.
Y/N:You don’t look well, Bi-Han.

Y/N:Bi-Han! What happened to you?
Noob Saibot: I ascended into a higher power.
Y/N:And a darker one.

Noob Saibot: The dark calls to you.
Y/N:Your memory fails you.
Noob Saibot: I see more now than I ever have.

Y/N:Tell me, do you remember me?
Noob Saibot: Memory is weakness.
Y/N:That’s a lie.

Noob Saibot: I know you.
Y/N:Yeah, I know you too.
Noob Saibot: But now you must die.

Y/N:I don’t think I can kill you again.
Noob Saibot: What is dead can not die.
Y/N:But let’s try.

Noob Saibot: We knew you in a past life.
Y/N:I don’t think I can control myself.
Noob Saibot: Have you not changed?

Y/N:You are weak.
Noob Saibot: I see more now than I ever have.
Y/N:That’s a lie.

Noob Saibot: Become one with the shadows.
Y/N:Don’t tell me what to do.
Noob Saibot: Join us for eternity.

Noob Saibot: Become one with the shadows.
Y/N:Not yet, thanks.
Noob Saibot: You can not resist darkness.

Noob Saibot: Saibot has taken a liking to you.
Y/N:Stay away from me, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: You will never be free.

Y/N:I don’t trust this new you.
Noob Saibot: What is to distrust?
Y/N:Tell me you’re joking.

Y/N:Aren’t you looking lovely today.
Noob Saibot: Flattery will not save you.
Y/N:Just wanted to pretend.

Y/N:Do you have anything left to tell me, Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: Nothing you will like.
Y/N:You’d be surprised, demon.

Noob Saibot: Your bones are strong.
Y/N:Have to be to do what I do.
Noob Saibot: We are stronger.

Y/N:Did you ever love me, Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: Love is a figment of imagination.
Y/N:That’s it, give me my friend back, demon.

Noob Saibot: You no longer desire me in this state?
Y/N:…Bi-Han? Is that you?
Noob Saibot: There is only death.

Noob Saibot: Do you fear death?
Y/N: You’re scaring me, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: If only your fear brought me pleasure.

Noob Saibot: You still care for me.
Y/N:Stay away from this, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: We cannot.


Raiden to Y/N

Raiden:What is this I hear about history with the shadow figure?
Y/N:Trust me, just leave it.
Raiden:That I cannot do.

Raiden: What is your relationship with Bi-Han?
Y/N: Bi-Han is dead.
Raiden:And yet something still burdens you.

Raiden: Where do your loyalties lie?
Y/N:Wherever they take me.
Raiden: That is what concerns me.

Y/N:Do gods understand love any better than humans?
Raiden:We do not waste time on trivial matters.
Y/N:A surprisingly helpful answer.

Y/N:What will you do about Bi-Han?
Raiden:For the good of Earthrealm, I would see to it the shadow is gone.
Y/N:Find a better way, Raiden.


Sub-Zero to Y/N

Y/N: I knew your brother, once.
Sub-Zero:What exactly happened between the two of you?
Y/N:All you need to know is: not anymore.

Sub-Zero:How did you know my brother?
Y/N:None of your business, usurper.
Sub-Zero:Does the memory reign fresh?


Kitana to Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot: I will give you the kiss of death.
Kitana: You have somebody else who would like that more.
Noob Saibot: Your insolence will not go unpunished.

Kitana:Your lover misses you.
Noob Saibot: Death has no lover.
Kitana: Their tears garden the ground you walk on.

Kitana: Y/N longs for you, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: They long for release.
Kitana: Then I will release the both of you now.


Mileena to Noob Saibot

Mileena:I will devour your lover whole.
Noob Saibot: You will do no such thing.
Mileena:How tasty.


Shao Kahn to Y/N

Shao Kahn: Your partner was stolen from you.
Y/N:Yours ended her life to be rid of you.
Shao Kahn: If only you’d been there to protect him.


Shang Tsung to Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot: How do we return to our mortal body?
Shang Tsung: Now, now, you don’t like this form?
Noob Saibot: Allow us to share it with you.


Shang Tsung to Y/N

Y/N: What is the cure for death?
Shang Tsung: The same as the cure for life.
Y/N:You and your riddles.

Y/N:Necromancy. Tell me about it.
Shang Tsung: Tsk, Tsk, how demanding.
Y/N: In the name of Bi-Han, I sentence you to die.

Shang Tsung: Why do I feel that we have been here before?
Y/N:Your delusions control you.
Shang Tsung: At least I do not believe I am loved by a shadow.


Scorpion to Y/N

Y/N:You took my love from me.
Scorpion:Sub-Zero must pay for what he’s done.
Y/N:He was my friend!

Y/N: Any last words?
Scorpion: Today is not the day I die.
Y/N: I sentence you to death, Hanzo Hasashi.

Y/N: Bi-Han suffered for your personal gain.
Scorpion: It was a deserved fate.
Y/N:I sentence you to death, Hanzo Hasashi.

Scorpion:Will you ever stop trying to kill me?
Y/N:Not as long as I live.
Scorpion:That will not be for long.


*Read* All ____ Interaction Dialogues can be updated and added upon at any time. Dialogues can be changed on whim, request, or added too appropriately. Return frequently for more dialogues.

This is shorter than usual, but I wanted to put something out. Noob Saibot interaction dialogues will be updated sometime soon and frequently.

Kabal Interaction Dialogues


All possible interactions between KabalandY/N.


Kabal to Y/N:

Kabal:Fancy seeing you here.
Y/N:This feels… unlikely.
Kabal: Don’t act like you’re not feelin’ me.

Kabal: You could say that, yeah.
Y/N:I’ll call you ‘hooker’ for hookswords next.

Y/N:Just how fast are you?
Kabal:I’m sure you’d like to find out.

Kabal: There’s a price on your head.
Y/N:Mistakes finally catching up to me?
Kabal: Happens to the best of us, sweetheart.

Kabal:Should I even offer my services?
Y/N:Think Kano would have something to say about that.
Kabal:I said myservices. Not Kano’s.

Y/N:Wanna race?
Kabal:I’ll wipe the floor with you.
Y/N: Someone can’t take a challenge.

Y/N:Wanna race?
Kabal:I’ll wipe the floor with you.
Y/N:Not if I snap your legs.

Kabal:What’s this I hear about your hooksword fantasy?
Y/N:You believe anything.
Kabal:Care to prove me wrong?

Y/N: Do you do anything besides run fast?
Kabal:Word on the street is I can handle my own blades.
Y/N:Lots of people can do that.

Kabal:What makes you think I’m stealing your underwear?
Y/N:I can see the purple light, Kabal.
Kabal:Ah… shit.

Y/N:Do you do anything besides run fast?
Kabal: I’ve got a tendency to be pretty damn romantic.
Y/N:What’re you telling me for?

Kabal:You. Me. Fighting?
Kabal: <chuckles.> Nah.

Kabal:You’re really this upset with me?
Y/N: I thought we were friends, Kabal.
Kabal:Thought we were morethan friends.

Y/N:What’s the price for you to stop following me?
Kabal:For you? I’ll settle for a kiss and a dime.
Y/N:Me, and everyone else you’ve ever followed.

Y/N:That mask ever come off?
Kabal:What’s it to you?
Y/N:Meh, just curious.

Y/N: That mask ever come off?
Kabal:What’s it to you?
Y/N:It won’t be the only thing coming off.

Kabal:Can’t run from feelings forever.
Y/N:That’s ironic coming from you.
Kabal:Guess I’ll make the first move.

Kabal:You and I are going in circles.
Y/N:What’s so bad about a circle? It never ends.
Kabal: Love the optimism but I’m more of a ‘let’s do this’ typa’ guy.

Kabal:Always look forward to going at it with you.
Y/N:Kano said the same thing to me earlier.
Kabal:Don’t tell me you fight just anybody.

Y/N: You never leave me alone, do you?
Kabal:You’d rather never run into each other, huh?
Y/N:I’d rather put you out of your misery.

Kabal:You’re colder than Frost.
Y/N:Do not put me in line with her.
Kabal:It’s a compliment, sweetheart.


Kano to Y/N:

Kano:What’s been goin’ on between you and Kabal?
Y/N:Nothing. You’re delusional.
Kano:Now why so defensive?

Kano:What’s been goin’ on between you and Kabal?
Y/N:Guess he’s funny.
Kano: I’ve been around the bloke plenty. He ain’t that funny.

Kano:Have you and Kabal ever…?
Y/N:Leave it alone, Kano.
Kano: Then you wouldn’t mind comin’ home with me, eh?

Y/N:Go easy on Kabal.
Kano:What’s it to you?
Y/N:I’d rather look at his ugly mug over yours.

Kano: How’s the speedster treatin’ you in bed?
Y/N:Wouldn’t know.
Kano:You’ve got the same defiance.

Y/N: How much does that eye see?
Kano:I know about you and Kabal.
Y/N:There’s a price for that.

Y/N:How much does that eye see?
Kano: I know about you and Kabal.
Y/N:I knew there was a reason I never liked you.


Kano to Kabal:

Kano:Think I’ll send you after Y/N next.
Kabal:So? Think I can’t do it?
Kano:Think you’ve gone soft.

Kabal: Enough with the catcalling.
Kano:Since when do you give the orders?
Kabal:Since I got tired of your bullshit.

Kano:You’re chasing a fine piece of ass.
Kabal:Which one?

Kano:Flirting won’t pay your bills, mate.
Kabal:You’re talking to hooker the hookswordsman, funny you should mention it.
Kano:This is what I’m talking about.

Kano:Hear you’ve got a new friend.
Kabal: I don’t make friends.
Kano:That’s exactly what Y/N said.


Johnny Cage to Kabal:

Johnny Cage: Glad to see you’re finally starting a family.
Kabal:The hell are you talkin’ about, old man?
Johnny Cage: I can see the headlines now.

Johnny Cage: Who do you think we should get to play Y/N in my movie?
Kabal:I’ll make my own movie with em’.
Johnny Cage: That’s just gross.

Johnny Cage: So, you and Y/N, huh?
Kabal:I’m not allowed to have very near and dear friends anymore?
Johnny Cage: I’m not heartless, Kabal!


Skarlet to Y/N:

Skarlet:Your blood is still pumping.
Y/N:Well I had to jog all the way over here.
Skarlet:I think a visit with the black dragon thug is more likely.


Cassie Cage to Y/N:

Cassie Cage: Dad says you’re into Kabal.
Y/N:Your dad’s been wrong about relationships before though, right?
Cassie Cage: Okay, you’re asking for it.

Cassie Cage: How come you and I never hang out?
Y/N:Maybe I’m worried you’ll shoot right through me.
Cassie Cage: But you’re not worried about the man with the speed blitzing record?


Cassie Cage to Kabal:

Cassie Cage: Got any cute pictures with Y/N?
Kabal:A few, yeah.
Cassie Cage: And you didn’t post them?!


Spawn to Kabal:

Spawn:You and Y/N are the worst kept secret in hell.
Kabal:You spyin’ on us?
Spawn:I could hear you from the seventh circle.


Erron Black to Y/N: 

Erron Black: Never would’ve thought of you and Kabal.
Y/N:We’re friends. Got any?
Erron Black: Not those kind of friends.


Erron Black to Kabal:

Erron Black: Slow down, Kabal.
Kabal:I’m startin’ to settle down.
Erron Black: Sure you’re not getting ready to run away again?


Kung Lao to Y/N:

Y/N:That hat’s ridiculous.
Kung Lao: I’m not the one with the walking, talking, speeding handbag.
Y/N:<gasp.> I can’t believe you’d forget about Jade like that!

Y/N:Dung Lao.
Kung Lao: You and Kabal are just alike.
Y/N:Alright, now you’ve taken things too far.


Sindel to Kabal:

Sindel:So you do slow down, Kabal.
Kabal:I’ve only sped up.
Sindel:Not for your lover, it seems.


End of Round Taunts

Kabal:This hurts me more than it hurts you.
Kabal:Want me to kiss it make it better?
Kabal:What a view.
Kabal: I know you can do better than that.
Kabal:Kaball’s in your mouth.
Kabal: Should I spank you?
Kabal: Tell me if it hurts.
Kabal:Oh, I’m sorry, did I cut you?
Kabal:Knew you’d go easy on me.
Kabal:Now I’ve got your attention.

Y/N: On your knees.
Y/N:The Flash would’ve done better.
Y/N: Catch me if you can.
Y/N: What makes you think you could give me better?
Y/N:Tell me if it hurts.
Y/N: All talk.
Y/N: Look who’s on bottom now.
Y/N: You’ll be lucky I don’t tell Kano.
Y/N:I’ll make this up to you.
Y/N:Caught off guard?
Y/N:Nothing personal.


End of Round Actions

Never Late: [Kabal will speed away, speed back, and present Y/N with flowers before tossing them to the floor.]

I Heart You: [Y/N will bend two minor weapons in their arsenal into two halves of a heart at Kabal.]

Remind Him: [Y/N will blow Kabal a kiss]

Finish Them!: [Kabal will speed away off screen, return holding an ongoing vibrator, and smash it to the floor]


Brutality Dialogues

[Upon preforming a brutality on Kabal]Y/N:He was a distraction.

[Upon preforming a brutality on Y/N] Kabal:I’ll miss ya.

[Upon preforming a brutality on Kabal] Y/N:There goes that third leg.

[Upon preforming a brutality on Y/N] Kabal:And you said we were just friends.


Character Endings

[Upon Defeating Kronika]Kabal:

Shit sounds cool, right? The power to control time, space, reality- hell, you name it. Until you realize you’ll outlive all your friends for all eternity, and you don’t even get paid for it. So I did the logical step, and gave the hourglass back to Kronika.

She didn’t complain much. All I asked in return was a chance at anyone who’d ever crossed me, minus one. And, well, after taking care of that business, I asked Kronika for something else.

With all the weekends you can bag, I got Y/N and I a nice house away from all that noise. No more Kano, no more Black Dragon, no more fuss. Kronika keeps offering me a truly normal life to live without the speed, but hey, Y/N seems to like it. They seem to like it so much, they scream it whenever I’m taking them down. [chuckles].

[Upon defeating Kronika] Y/N:

Beating the shit out of Kronika was probably the best thing I ever did. But with her out of the way, someone had to take over as Titan of time. There wasn’t too much I could’ve changed- wanted to change, at least- but then I thought’ve the perfect person for the job: Kano.

His disappearance made strides for the Black Dragon. That idiot, never using a logical thought. But Kabal did. Kabal… my friend. Taking over was so much easier than we thought. The rewards went beyond getting paid.

And then, well, I can’t remember. After Kano went on to become the time master, my memory started getting hazy. Black Dragon… Kabal… who is that? Why does it feel like somethings missing? [sigh.] In any case, whoever keeps leaving flowers in my room better reveal themselves shortly. Stressing over Kano’s next move can’t be solved with little unexplainable treats appearing around me. Whoever it is that I can’t see… they’re my best friend.


*Read* All ____ Interaction Dialogues can be updated and added upon at any time. Dialogues can be changed on whim, request, or added too appropriately. Return frequently for more dialogues.



[Player 1]


Scorpion Fatalities:  □, 
Fatality. Scorpion Wins. Flawless Victory.

Scorpion v. Y/N Interaction Dialogues

Singe - Scorpion travels through the deserted road, but it is not so deserted after all.


Kabal Fatalities: X, O
Fatality. Kabal Wins. Flawless Victory.

Kabal v. Y/N Interaction Dialogues


Skarlet Fatalities: X, O
Fatality. Skarlet Wins. Flawless Victory.

Skarlet v. Y/N Interaction Dialogues

I Heart You- Skarlet’s skills in blood magik come in use when attempting to court.

Noob Saibot Fatalities: □,  O
Fatality. Noob Saibot Wins. Flawless Victory.

Noob Saibot Interaction Dialogues
