#ml headcanons


okay so i had like a fever dream or something and now its an au i guess idk what im doing honestly

  • for reasons let’s say this happens early on in the first season
  • Marinette’s identity is compromised so she gives her miraculous to Master Fu
  • Chat gives up the cat miraculous and becomes Lordbug
  • everyone knows that it used be Chat Noir
  • but since the ladybug miraculous is the only one that can purify akumas
  • and since Ladybug can’t exactly be a hero anymore
  • he is stuck as Lordbug
  • he like has temporary partners 
  • like Rena Rouge
  • and Carapace
  • and he vents to Marinette, not knowing she was Ladybug, about being a hero and how tough it is
  • and she feels so bad leaving her partner like that 
  • but she had to, she was comprimised
  • Adrien becomes guardian after the Volpina akumatization
  • with Adrien being the hero you can imagine how that went 
  • Adrien, no longer Chat Noir and no longer partners with Ladybug, moves on to a new blue haired blue eyed girl ;)
  • and Adrinette becomes canon
  • Gabriel tries to split them up 
  • however, Adrien is more assertive now that he has all of the support and companionship of the kwamis 
  • and because he’s just soin love with Marinette
  • so he threatens to ruin the Agreste brand 
  • and Gabriel calls him out that he wouldn’t dare
  • but Adrien tells him off with the utmost grace in the most polite Adrien way
  • so Gabriel backs off 
  • After that he gives Adrien more freedom because he’s scared of tainting the Agreste image
  • one day Lordbug is visiting Marinette 
  • and tells her that Ladybug will forever be his biggest what if 
  • because he like never really got closure about all of it
  • so Marinette breaks and tells him 
  • Adrien wants to believe it so bad 
  • So he takes off his earrings in front of her and tells her to transform
  • it’s Marinette he trusts Marinette with his life
  • he can trust her with his secret
  • so she transforms and it feels so good to say Tikki, spots on
  • but she can’t dwell on that
  • Adrien pleads for her to come back
  • his lady, his princess, his Marinette
  • heneedsher
  • she tells him she can’t, that her identity was compromised 
  • he tells her that she can get a new name and a new suit
  • he just needs to have her with him
  • he’s the guardian now and he was never more himself than when he was fighting by her side
  • and she agrees to be his partner again
  • so now she has the ladybug miraculous and he goes back to the cat miraculous (Plagg has never been happier)
  • he grants her co-guardianship and she’s a hero of Paris again
  • and they’re so happy
  • Chat Noir and Coccinelle are the new heroes of Paris
  • Neither could be happier
  • CocciNoir is trending
  • thanks to Alya and her blog
  • Adrien and Marinette get even closer than before
  • much to Alya’s delight
  • people, of course, ask if its a new Ladybug
  • and it kind of is, Marinette isn’t really used to being a hero
  • she stopped for so long, and before she stopped she didn’t have her miraculous for long
  • so, while not even really lying, they say yes

idk what this is but like have i guess????

Assorted ML headcanons

This post is a mile long, so for that reason I’m putting a read more very early in. That being said, I got like, every character in the season four intro in here, all several times at least, and a few other characters, so come get y’all juice. If you read all of them ily and also which one is/which ones are your favorite(s)?

  • The semi-popular headcanon that Kagami and Ondine go to the same school and are jock friends? *chefs kiss*
  • There’s also that,,, not even headcanon,,,, but theory that Alix used to be friends with Chloe and Sabrina as a mean girl trio. It’s based on scrapped early concepts where Alix was the third mean girl, and their three names referenced the main trio of Totally Spies which Astruc worked on. Considering how ml likes to work its scrapped ideas into canon, I think it’s plausible that this could come up in the show, and it’d explain the interesting way Chloe and Alix interact.
  • Chloe can’t bring herself to treat Alix the way she treats everyone else because she’s intimidated by the person Alix used to be, or maybe she misses that Alix? On the other hand, Alix cut Chloe off completely when she became a better person, and she doesn’t feel bad giving her a taste of her own medicine, but she isn’t scared of her like everyone else because she’s seen her normal side.
  • Mylene has a little ukelele she plays sometimes while Ivan plays his hand drum. She knows the basics, and occasionally they sing too.
  • When Marinette was younger, she was obsessed with those popular crafts like lanyard and bead stuff, rainbow loom, and duct tape fashion. She made Tom and Sabine a duct tape wallet and lanyard keychain and they were like aww. One day they walked into her room to see a full ball gown made of duct tape and woven beads and were like AAA
  • *Marinette cocking a hot glue gun* “wanna know how I got these scars”
  • When Alya goes to art club she’s usually developing photos from candid street photography
  • When Max is there he’s either 3D printing little knick knacks or working on making games. His akuma fighting game was a street fighter-like 2D game with pixel sprites, but he’s trying to learn 3D modeling so he can make something more complex.
  • Marc and Nathaniel’s manga contains information about Ladybug and Chat Noir that they should have absolutely no way of knowing.
  • Kagami reads their work religiously, but she only noticed the dedication to Marinette in volume one after a few rereads.
  • Kagami in the locker room: Marinette, your conversation with Adrien a moment ago was just like when Reverser first met The Mightillustrator. In the book, they- Marinette: Marc and Nath? I’m the one who set them up in the first place. Kagami:W-Mari: they’re literally upstairs right now. Wanna go meet them? Kagami:Wh-
  • Alya and Nino are both massive film nerds. Nino is obvious (Horrificator, Queen Banana) but have you seen Alya’s insta? Constant movie dates with her bf and all the besties. (I counted. Six different posts plus two on Mari’s account and one on Alya’s about Nino making a new film) They watch almost everything notable that comes out and talk about the movies in that pretentious film bro way, but they’re both so into it.
  • Whatever is going on with Alix and Nath’s hair? They did that together. 2am, random scissors, box dye. That’s gotta be canon, there’s no other explanation.
  • Zoe listens to Girl in Red and Clairo and stuff (I say this as someone who doesn’t)
  • Sabrina is scary good at FPSs
  • Going on stupid one-on-one adventures with Kim is like Zuko Field Trips from ATLA. Truly a formative experience. Have you really lived if you haven’t followed Kim on a dare, messed around, and made some dumb choices? All his friends have.
  • You also haven’t lived if you don’t have a friendship bracelet woven by Rose
  • Alix can’t swim
  • Ivan gets all the tea in class. He sits there in unsuspecting silence minding his own business, but he’s in the perfect location to hear everyone’s conversations at once, even when they’re whispering. Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with him.
  • Nath chose to sit alone in the back so he could have personal space and privacy while he drawssleepsslacks off learns, but Ms. Bustier just had to put Lila right next to him. He quickly starts to dislike her not because he knows of her true nature but because she just never shuts up like oh my god how can anyone talk so much about nothing? He doesn’t know she’s lying, but that doesn’t matter because he stopped listening anyways.
  • Eventually, Nath moves into the empty seat next to bestie Ivan and Lila is left alone in the back.
  • Everyone always expects Juleka to be something goth and/or scary on Halloween, like a vampire or classic horror movie masked serial killer, but she loves dressing up as girlboss villains. Once she was Harley Quinn while Rose was Poison Ivy, and once it was the other way around. That Harley wig was revamped from her Junko Enoshima cosplay from years past. Recently she pulled off a Cruella design that made Marinette wish she came up with it first.
  • Chloe, wearing a bee costume that’s actually just a cute outfit with an antennae headband: In Girl World, Halloween is the one night of the year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Alix wearing a Meowth onesie: Meowth, that’s right!
  • Nath and Marc are Jesse and James. They came up with the idea.
  • Mylene is one of those girls whose insta story is always full of activism posts
  • Nino feels the need to appear cool and mature in the media he consumes. He’d be embarrassed if someone caught him listening to dance pop off the top 100 or watching the Ice Age movies. He leaves those movies out of his Letterbox, and he has one of those performative Spotifies where all his “cool” songs are organized by vibe in playlists with pretentious names and captions, and they all have matching aesthetic photography as the covers.
  • Adrien is the opposite. His Spotify is a mess of spontaneously made playlists of songs he felt like listening to in the moment as well as oddly specific playlists. He only makes them look nice if they’re for someone else, but otherwise they’re either cover/captionless with the default Playlist #n name or names like songs to appease the cheese demon, classical music to cry over algebra to, Ninocore, Chloe watch One Piece, and Persona 4 Dancing All Night OST.
  • Rose is so good at getting people gifts. She knows exactly what everyone would like, and if she sees something that reminds her of someone while shopping she’ll just buy it and hold onto it. Or not. Surprise present!
  • Mari, Kim, and Nino childhood friends headcanon my beloved
  • Zoe and Marc don’t refer to each other as friends, but rather as lab partners, which they are. The word “friend” doesn’t capture the frenemy bond between two people who are surviving Mendeleiev’s class together. Zoe keeps skipping parts of the procedure or accidentally messing up measurements like haha oopsie daisy and Marc’s like *deep breath* yeah :) haha :) oopsie daisy :) you’ll get it next time, though :) …right?
  • He’s a perfectionist, control freak on a bad day. Falling behind makes him super anxious, but he also hates when his work isn’t as good as it could be if he had more time. He’s one of those people who hates group projects because he doesn’t trust the work of his group members to meet his standards.
  • Sabrina’s into murder mysteries and true crime. She watches documentaries late at night and tries to stay ahead of the narrator by analyzing the evidence.
  • Crime and mystery TV/movies, even the fictional ones, scare tf out of Chloe, as much as she tries to hide it. She makes Sabrina watch corny chick flicks, romances, and hallmark Christmas type movies when they have sleepovers.
  • Juleka would love to decorate her room with something super aesthetic like a bookshelf full of vintage tomes or a shelf full of candles and cool glass trinkets, but alas, she cannot because. Boat.
  • Luka doesn’t have this problem because he’s fine with few decorations. He likes the simplicity, open space, and natural light. He’s a minimalist, and he finds his twin’s maximalism overwhelming.
  • Juleka bullies Luka, but Luka can’t bully Juleka without feeling awful about it afterwards.
  • Juleka practices cosmetology on Luka, and she’s been doing it since they were little. She got one of those kiddy makeup things for the holidays once, and turned him into a clown, but these days the things she does are much more impressive.
  • Alix makes friends everywhere she goes. She’s like the “guy who knows a guy” of the group because she has connections everywhere. You thought Marinette meets every single person in Paris? Alix has met their pets and sends them happy birthday texts. Her snap score is insane.
  • Markov sees himself as mentally a bit younger than Max and his friends even though he’s physically less than a year old, yet contains more knowledge than they can ever hope to learn in a lifetime.
  • Markov emulates DS games and speed runs them. He’s always looking for new bugs to take advantage of. Despite his ability to do a ton of things at once, he can become so absorbed that he doesn’t pay attention to the things going on around him
  • Markov:*mindlessly following Kim and Max after school* *bumps into a pole* Max: whoa, Markov? Are you oka- wait. You’re speed running Super Mario 64 again, aren’t you. Markov: … *blank stare* Max: yeah, okay. Please fly higher when we’re crossing the street, though?
  • Marinette has Operation Secret Garden code names for all of her friends, y’know, just in case.
  • Kagami is Nightshade, Zoe is Daffodil, Luka is Iris, Nino is Carnation, Kim is Morning Glory, Max is Hyacinth, Markov is Phlox, Ivan is Foxglove, Nath is Amaranth, Marc is Hibiscus, Chloe is Marigold, Sabrina is Zinnia, and Lila is Lilac (subtle). Good luck remembering who’s who now, Rose. I mean, Tulip. I mean, Rose.
  • Mylene is the secret prank master, but she doesn’t pull practical jokes very often, so she goes unnoticed. When Alix and Kim are in a heated prank war, Alix comes to her for help the way the hero of a martial arts movie will walk into an unassuming restaurant, say the secret code, and be ushered into the dojo basement to learn the ways of the hidden master.
  • Speaking of restaurant, the hc that Kim’s parents run a Vietnamese restaurant? Very good.
  • Nath is immune from pranks because he’s paranoid. No horror movies or weird unreality jokes either
  • Alya found Marc’s tumblr. She knows it’s his because it’s linked to his AO3 and she recognizes his writing. She reads it. A lot. His icon is Celestia Ludenberg over the rainbow pride flag. She will never tell him because if she did, he’d have a heart attack and die.
  • Chloe has a private spam insta that very few people are allowed to see
  • At first, Ivan and Adrien’s other friends from school are intimidated by Luka because,,, cool mature guy,,, but soon the tables turn and Luka is kinda intimidated by them because they could sit down, craft an elaborate bank robbery plan, carry it out successfully, and be home in time for dinner just for fun. They run around Paris doing dumb things and he’s trying so hard to mom friend them.
  • Marinette always uses the “class representative” excuse to be the leader of the group and take care of her classmates. Mireille is the class rep for Mendeleiev’s class and all she does on a normal day is take the attendance down to the office. Mari knows the details of everyone’s lives like Santa.
  • “I’ll start getting better grades if I just buckle down and study, really” “but I’m your class representative! Let me tutor you” “As your class representative, it’s my duty to attend your extracurricular sports competitions and performances” “Marinette, it’s a papercut. It’ll get better on its own” “what kind of class representative would I be if I let you walk around with the risk of infection? Let me clean that and put a bandaid on it”
  • Kim is really good at cooking. At first, nobody trusts him around sharp objects and fire, but he goes full dad mode at the stove. He loves the attention that comes with feeding a bunch of hungry teenagers and listening to their compliments.
  • If you’re feeling under the weather, Rose will be at your front door with a homemade care package as soon as she finds out.
  • I think this is canon? But Ivan shaves the slit onto his eyebrow ‘cause it looks cool. No scar or anything. Just badass aesthetic
  • Trans Nath trans Nath trans Nath
  • One of the biggest reasons why Max started building Markov is so that he wouldn’t be lonely at home when his mom goes to astronaut school, and later, space
  • Marc can get super competitive playing games. No one likes playing cards against him ‘cause he nearly always wins. Don’t even think about Monopoly. Full Nicole Watterson mode
  • Ivan’s family is Eastern European
  • Aurore is like the “Queen B” of Mendeleiev’s class, but her mean girl act is more sassy and iconic whereas Chloe is just a bully. Aurore can be self absorbed and entitled at times, but overall she’s pretty well liked. After she lost the weather girl competition, she started goin out of her way to be supportive of the people around her and hype them up.
  • When Ondine exists outside of the swimming pool, which she does, her street clothes are typically athletic, like leggings and jogging jackets. She wears a lot of flannels. Oh yeah, and canon reminder, she’s suuuper tall.
  • The canon idea that Juleka got held back one year is a result of retcon bs, but I like the hc that she was held back as a result of her anxiety. I also have an idea that Anarka noncommittally homeschooled the twins as kids, and Juleka ended up being a year behind the typical curriculum while Luka was fine.
  • Nath and Alix aren’t keen on going out with the whole friend group. They much prefer spending time with one or a few people at a time.
  • Adrien and Kagami are forced to go to all these rich people events chock full of Paris elite, and even though they’ve met all sorts of celebrities in person, they’re pretty done with them. They’re much more starstruck by their own friends than Jagged Stone, XY, or Prince Ali. Their autographed Kitty Section CDs (cover art by Marinette, burned onto blank disks on Max’s laptop) are more valuable to them than their autographed CDs of Clara Nightingale’s unreleased next album.
  • I have sooo many future headcanons that I think they deserve their own post, so I left them all out of this one. I will make a future hc post… in the future. >:)

If you made it to the end, here’s your virtual pound-it from me <3
