#marc anciel





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Marc: Nath asked me to be his fake date to his cousin’s wedding so he could avoid the usual “are you seeing someone?” questions.

Alya: I’ve read enough fanfiction to know how this turns out.

sir i’d like you to show up more in the upcoming season (and also your shoes, hand them over pls)

I don’t know I just think their suits are neat

after a long time I stumbled across a chapter of Miraculus Ladybug on YouTube and I was surprised that everyone is already a hero….maybe I’ll draw a couple more if you’re interested! the designs are great!

sthis is my reveng- I MEAN sweet gift for @aganyan who did a beatiful fanart of both paon and monarka that made me want to strang- i mean, hug her gently

so i drew her demon marc as aretribution

i really hope you like it, darling

Gabriel: This is all over! Shut it down! Here’s a finger. *Points to the door with his thumb* Now get out of here!

Marc: *As the boys file out of the Adrien’s room* That’s your thumb.

Gabriel: The thumb is a finger!

Marc: No. This is a finger. *Holds up his middle finger*

Gabriel: YOUNG MAN!


Tried to make a comic/ slide based on@artzychic27 “Marc dragging Nathaniel” scenarios because I though it was funny.

A compilation of Marc dragging Nathaniel

Nathaniel: *Being dragged by his ankles* NO! NOOO! I don’t wanna go! I just wanna stay in bed! You demon!

Marc: I’m just taking you to the class picnic.

Nathaniel: WHYYYY?!

Nathaniel: *Holding onto a pole* No!

Marc: *Pulling on him* Nath, let go! It’s only a basketball game.

Nathaniel: You can’t make me!

Random Passerby: …

Marc: He’s fine, everything’s fine.

Nathaniel: *Trying to start a motorcycle* Start damn you! Start!

Marc: *Drags him off* I am taking you to the dentist and that’s final!

Nathaniel: Why does Juleka get to have fangs and not me?!

Marc: You bit your lip five times!

Alix: Marc? Where’s Nathaniel?

Marc: Oh, he wouldn’t go on his own, so I put him on a leash.

Nino: Dude, there’s no one on the other end.

Marc: What?! *Looks and sees bite marks on the leash* He… He bit through it?! Nathaniel Kurtzberg! Get your butt back here!

Marc: Nathaniel, get from under your bed.

Nathaniel: No! I’m staying down here!

Marc: It’s only a school talent show, it’ll be fun to watch.

Nathaniel: … Still no!

Marc: … Alright. We’ll do this the hard away. *Reaches his hand under the bed* If I have to drag you out of there, then- OW! Did you bite me?!

Nathaniel: And I’ll do it again!

That’s the only thing I took out of that last trailer, look at this babyyy

Also I’m so not used to an orange palette that was quite the challenge tbh


here’s this :] love these two <3that new ep was so cute aaaaKinda my first time making a comic buhere’s this :] love these two <3that new ep was so cute aaaaKinda my first time making a comic bu

here’s this :] love these two <3

that new ep was so cute aaaa
Kinda my first time making a comic but I hope you all like it ;w;

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Latest chapter of the story for @miner249er

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Summary: Marc was determined to find his redheaded friend and finally have a talk, whether said friend wanted to or not. They couldn’t ignore each other forever.

Marc never liked confrontation. He hated it in fact. It always made his heart jump in his throat and made his skin tingle uncomfortably like there were tiny hairs all over his body that you always mistook for bugs. It was a sensation he was very much not a fan of, but one he felt too often for his liking. But even though he hated confrontation and the feelings it brought along he knew he couldn’t put this off, nor did he want to. Nathaniel was his friend, his business partner, his crush, as much as he didn’t want to talk to Nath about the Lila thing and the Marinette thing, Marc deserved answers and Nathaniel had been avoiding him. Sure in the beginning he had been avoiding the redhead as well but he felt that was to be expected, Nath knew him, knew what he was like and really the whole situation was very overwhelming. One of his closest friends was turned into an akuma, the deadliest and smartest akumas to date, and she went missing. There was no trace of her. Then there was the fact that apparently her class had a big hand in her akumatization.

Now it was just speculation but all be damned if there wasn’t some circumstantial evidence that helped “prove” that theory. It was a theory that was not hard to believe, everyone in the school could see the change in Mlle Bustier’s class, and they could see it hadn’t been a good change. But it didn’t matter how many times Marc asked Nathaniel if everything was okay in his class, it didn’t matter how many times Marc asked Aurore to help him talk to Mme Mendeleiev about what was maybe going on in Mlle Bustier’s class, nothing was being done, and nothing he or his friends did seemed to make a dent in the infamous ‘Akuma Class’s’ walls. The class had a reputation of being close, but where once it was admired and seen as a good thing, it grew to be something intimidating and off putting. It seemed like no matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, there was nothing you could do to get close to anyone in the class. There was no way to break through or be invited past the walls. 

Marc had been lucky, or it had seemed that way for a while. Marinette was always the anomaly in the ‘Akuma Class’, she would talk to kids outside her class, she would try and make other friends, and other kids tried to be friends with her too. Marinette just had this gravitational pull to her, she was a star and many wanted to be a part of her constellation, but her classmates always seemed to keep her just out of everyone else’s reach. When Marinette had started talking to him it was nothing short of feeling like he was speaking to a goddess and he wished he was joking, because that is exactly how he felt when she approached him. Of course there was his whole akumatization but that had been a stupid misunderstanding and he still felt bad for blaming her and even thinking she was malicious enough to want to embarrass him on purpose, even if it was for a brief moment. It was what happened after that made him feel like he had received a blessing, he met Nathaniel, someone he had always admired, whether it was his art or simply just his looks.

 Marc thought Nathaniel’s art was incredible and that the boy himself was cute, then Marinette happened and he soon found himself in a partnership with the artist and next thing he knew they were making a comic series together. A rather successful one at that. Marc couldn’t have been happier and really it was all thanks to Marinette, he had wanted to find some way to thank her ever since, but everything he thought up always seemed subpar. And yet he still kept thinking of ways to thank her but in the end he would never get a chance to, because Marinette was gone. No one knew where she was. She was still an akuma and it was more than likely her classmates that drove her to being possessed by said akuma. The boy huffed when he realized his thoughts had just done a complete circle yet again. That had been happening more and more recently. 

He would think about how Nathaniel was really not being subtle about avoiding him, then his thoughts would predictably turn towards Marinette and how kind and amazing she was. Then of course his thoughts would go to her disappearance and of course the fact that not only did she disappear, but she disappeared as an akuma. There had been no Miraculous Ladybug to cure and repair everything that had gone wrong, and boy had things gone wrong. It was like Paris as a whole had been the one to be akumatized rather than Marinette, everyone acted differently or just completely out of their minds. Marc couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of the overzealous-and that was putting it mildly-followers that The Protector had somehow garnered after her disappearance. He had never run into any of them thank goodness, but all the stories he had heard and read about from eyes-witnesses had him glad he was never one to go out much anyways. But it was those overzealous sycophants and the rowdy self-righteous kids in school that had him worried and wanting to find and speak to Nathaniel. 

He had checked all of Nathaniel’s old haunts, he had been very surprised that the redhead had not been in the art room but then he remembered the club’s attitude towards the ‘Akuma Class’ and he felt foolish for even checking there in the first place. So he basically just went on a blind hunt for Nathaniel and hoped he would be able to find the boy before lunch was over. Thankfully he knew Nathaniel always had lunch at school since his parents weren’t able to pick him up to take home for lunch and back to school after. So he continued looking for his friend, at least, he hoped they were still friends and if they weren’t then hopefully they could work towards being friends once more. Though he knew if he did manage to find Nathaniel, the talk they had to have wouldn’t be pleasant, he just hoped that both of them could manage not to blow anything out of proportion. 

Both of them were driven by their emotions, and they both tended to jump to conclusions, point and case being their individual akumatizations. Marc grumbled as he shut the locker room door as there was no redhead in sight. He hated having to be the rational one. He was just fine being the hot mess he was, he was content to be that and proudly made sure everyone knew it. Though he liked sharing the role with Marinette, the two of them bonded over the fact that they couldn’t go through one day without something happening because they were always in a tizzy. It was great to find someone he shared that with, they had even joked about making a club, but overall it was just great to have a friend that understood when he spiraled over something so little as misplacing his journal. Marinette made him feel seen, she helped him come out of his shell, she was the reason he was able to make friends. She would always deny it and say that was all him but he knew if she had never talked to him he probably would have been content to just stay in the shadows away from everyone. 

It was when he was getting frustrated and decided to just eat his lunch in Mme Mendeleiev’s homeroom class (he wouldn’t dare try and eat in her lab even if it was closer to him after the lecture she gave to one of his classmates that decided it was a good time to snack while in the lab) and try again tomorrow that he saw a familiar head of red hair sitting at a desk at the back. “So this is where you’ve been hiding.”

“Marc? What…what are you doing here?” Nathaniel asked, it was clear he had not been expecting anyone to walk in. To be fair, not many people had permission to eat their lunch in Mme Mendeleiev’s homeroom and not many of them ran into each other.

“I did just say, ‘So this is where you’ve been hiding,’ I think that is rather clear.”

“You were looking for me?” Nath asked cautiously and Marc had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes even if he was getting frustrated. He found himself getting frustrated easier and faster nowadays. Stupid hormones. 

“Well yeah. You’ve certainly haven’t made it easy. You’ve been avoiding me.” 

“I haven’t-”

“Don’t lie to me.” 

“Well what do you want me to say Marc?” 

“I-” Marc started but he realized it was a bit more heated than he wanted it to be, with a sigh it was like all his frustration and determination left him. “I didn’t come here to fight Nath.”

“I’m…Look. I’m sorry Marc. It’s just, that’s all anyone seems to want to do nowadays.” Nathaniel did look sorry so Marc didn’t hold it against him, and to be fair he himself came in a little hot headed so he just nodded his head as he walked closer. He didn’t sit at the desk with Nathaniel but since the boy was sitting on the edge anyway he decided to sit in the desk across from him. “I guess that’s why I’m…hiding. Everyone just wants to fight, or, or yell at me- at us, about how awful we are and how we let her down!”

“Well…” Marc began as he picked off lint from his fingerless gloves, it was a nervous habit. Thankfully he hadn’t accidentally picked a stray string and unraveled the gloves but he knew it was only a matter of when. “I didn’t track you down to yell at you.”

“Are-Aren’t you mad at me?”

“I was. I’m not going to lie. But I think you’re mad at yourself enough for the both of us.” Marc said as he gestured to Nath’s bandaged hands. He was one of the few people that knew how self-destructive Nath could be when upset, especially when he was upset at himself. He would force himself to work on a wood carving project, something he rarely did, but he wouldn’t put on the protective gloves, so if he got nicked by a tool he would feel it. Marc tried his best to get Nath to stop, and he thought he had succeeded. Looks like he in all actuality failed. “I wish you wouldn’t do that..”

“I know.” Nath admitted softly. 

“Have you been…working on a project recently?” Marc asked softly, still looking at Nathaniel’s bandaged hands. There were so many band aids he could barely see the boy’s pale skin.

Nathaniel shook his head, it was then that Marc noticed the red hair that was usually well kept was greasy and a mess. His heart clenched at the knowledge that his friend was neglecting his self-care. “No…I haven’t had the energy to really work on anything. I’ve thought about it…but no. No new projects, er, carving-wise.”

It was Marc’s turn to nod. There was a moment of silence and where once it would have been comfortable like all the silence shared between them was before, now it was long, it was uncomfortable and it was nerve wracking. “Nath? What happened?”

“I don’t even know what to say Marc. Or well, I do, I just don’t know where to start.”

“Start wherever you’re most comfortable.” 

“I…I didn’t really pay attention to Lila. I know that doesn’t give me any points. I know it doesn’t make me better than my classmates, but I genuinely didn’t really pay attention to her.” Nathaniel started with a far away look in his eyes. “Sure she had amazing stories and such but they just never hooked me. Like, I don’t know how to explain it, there were stories for everyone to hear, to relate to, but there was always a constant. Her.”

“Everything was about her.” Marc muttered, he remembered hearing her regale her posy with a tale of herself meeting some big name author and he had felt like her eyes had been on him but he had just kept walking to his table with his friends. 

“Yeah. Exactly. And well, we were so busy with our comic, I just never really paid attention to what was going on in class. You know how I can get.” Nath said as he ran a hand through his hair. 

Marc nodded, he did know how Nathaniel could get because he was the same way. When they were in the zone everything else was like a haze, if they didn’t set alarms in their phones they would definitely forget to eat or take breaks. The alarms had been Marinette’s doing. “We both get like that when it comes to the comic.”

“So when I get like that, I usually have Alix tell me what’s going on in class and with our friends so I’m in the loop.” Nath explained as he looked down at his hands as he clenched and unclenched them. “But…I should have known better. Alix, I love Alix, but Alix is stubborn and rash, and….but she’s loyal. So when she told me Marinette didn’t like Lila and she explained that Marinette was being a bully…I was confused because Marinette has never been like that but at the same time I wasn’t her friend till this year…”

“So you-”

“So I listened to Alix, but it wasn’t just Alix. Everyone was talking about it! How Marinette had changed and how she was being mean to Lila! I…I listened to them. I didn’t partake in anything but I knew they were pulling pranks on her.” Nathaniel’s words were choked out on a sob. 

“I didn’t want to get involved. I-I hate situations like that, and I didn’t want to get involved so I didn’t,” Nathaniel cried. “And I have never regretted anything more. I should have looked into things more, I shouldn’t have just taken things at face value, I should have done something!”

At this Marc himself was crying too so he stood up and pushed Nath more into the desk so he could sit beside him and hug his friend. He didn’t know how long they sat there like that, just crying for anyone to hear, but it felt good. It felt good to hug his friend again and to just cry with someone he trusted. Yes Nathaniel made a mistake, but at least the boy realized that himself and felt ashamed, there was no need for Marc to punish his friend more. He knew people wouldn’t understand him forgiving Nathaniel but he didn’t care, people are allowed to make mistakes, especially children. This was a mistake, a big mistake, but it wasn’t made intentionally and everyone was already suffering because of it. Marc didn’t see the point of continuing to place blame on Nathaniel, what happened was terrible and one of their friends was missing because of it, but there was no way to heal and move forward if he decided to continue to be mad and hateful. 

“You might think it’s too late…” Marc began softly, “but the fact that you recognize what you did was a problem and feel regretful, shows how sorry you are. Nath, I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t mad at you, because I was. But you can’t keep punishing yourself for the past.”

“How can you forgive me?” Nath asked around his choked out sobs.

“Because you’re my friend.” Marc said firmly as he hugged Nathaniel tighter. “And…and because it’s what Marinette would do.”

The room was quiet as Marc had memory after memory of Marinette flooded his brain, he imagined the same could be said for Nathaniel who was still crying but had managed to calm down enough to stop his choked out sobs. Now all that could be heard from him was sniffling. They just sat there hugging each other, remembering their friend and hoping to muffle and forget everything going on outside for just a moment. One moment was all they needed, away from the chaos and the crushing weight of judgments and expectations, just one moment to be just them. A moment where no one would yell or laugh at their misery, or have people expect them to jump on the bandwagon and treat the class like social pariahs. In that empty classroom they could be just Marc and Nathaniel, two boys who desperately missed their friend. 

“She was always too forgiving.” Nathaniel mumbled with a sad chuckle. “Even when someone didn’t deserve it…she was always ready to forgive.”

“She really was. Marinette,” Marc tried to ignore the pain in his chest at her name, “Marinette was amazing, and kind, and selfless, and so so much more.”

“She was…” Nathaniel sighed as he gently pulled away from Marc and ran a hand through his hair. “And-and it hurts that people, well a majority, only see her as The Protector. That’s not Marinette, that will never be her. Marinette was many things, and I want to remember her as those rather than…than the akuma she left us as.”

“Sometimes…Sometimes people only want to see the akuma. They only want to see the bad in people or they only see what they want to see.” Marc supplied with a tilt of his head and shrug of his shoulders. It was depressing but it was the truth. 

“She’snot her akuma! We’re not our akumas!” Nathaniel said hotly.

Marc flinched even though he knew Nath wasn’t yelling at him, but he nodded all the same. “You know…people were still wary around me after the whole…Reverser incident. It was like they expected me to turn into…him at any moment. Some of my classmates even stopped talking to me altogether.” 

“Marc…That’s awful.”

“It is. But it stopped eventually.”

“How? W-Why?”

Marc gave Nathaniel a bright smile. “You happened. You suggested making my akuma a hero in the comic. Like how you turned Evillustrator into Mighty-Illustrator. And we paired up to make the comic which definitely helped, but really, it was the comic itself that helped me. People saw my akuma not as Reverser, they saw the hero you made it to be, they saw it as Contrary Wise.”

“You did that too, you know? You wrote your akuma as a hero fantastically. You write fantastically Marc. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” 

“My point is,” Marc laughed and bumped Nath with his shoulder to try and hide his blush, “you helped everyone separate me from Reverser.”

Marc watched as Nath smiled and rubbed the back of his neck before the boy stopped and sat up suddenly, no longer slouching. He turned to Marc with wide, excited eyes. “That’s what we need to do!”


“We! I’ve been wanting to make something for her anyways but I didn’t think I could because I didn’t know if you still wanted to work with me. But you’re here now! It can happen! We can make it!” Nathaniel babbled as he gestured wildly with his hands. 

“Make what, Nath? I just want you to make sense!”

“We make another comic!” Nathaniel announced as he fumbled with his backpack before he yanked out his ‘Ideas’ journal. “Only this time it won’t feature Ladybug. Ladybug is gone. Marinette…well Mari as Ladybug promised to always protect us. She never realized she was a hero all the time. To all of us. Mask or no mask.”

Marc started getting excited and a bit sad when he realized what Nath wanted. “A comic dedicated to her but her as Marinette. The everyday hero. Our everyday hero. No mask.”

“We show everyone she’s not The Protector. Not just Ladybug. She’s human. Like all of us, we show Paris that we can be heroes too. Not…not like we, we.”

“I know what you mean, Nath. We show them that Paris…that we, the people, can be heroes like Marinette.” Marc beamed with pride at his friend. 

Nathaniel nodded and gave a more bittersweet smile. “Like Marinette.”

Next Chapter

Thinking about the other heroes seeing Hawkmoth use their miraculous, knowing their kwami—their friend and partner—is being used like a tool and there’s NOTHING they can do but stand and watch…


You know what I wanna see in s5? I want my heroes to go help and fight without the need of a miraculous. I wanna see Kagami and Luka and Nino and Alya, Zoe, Juleka, Rose and Milene and Max, Kim, Ivan, Sabrina, Nathaniel and Marc.

I want us to see them fully and clearly as the brave and loyal kids they are, the valuable forces of change and care and good that Ladybug and Chat Noir need right now.

Some people are expecting commentary from me, but I’ve been super busy lately. When I’m like this, I like to only talk about things I haven’t seen other people saying.

So I liked Kuro Neko a lot. It was very solid imo and I appreciate the alternation between episodes where a ton of action happens (Ephemeral, Penalteam) vs episodes where the two dorks just kinda talk to each other and not much happens heroes-vs-villains-wise (Glaciator 2.0, Kuro Neko). Commentary speed run: Adrien pajamas hell yeah finally, wtf Nathalie out of bed? Good for her but ouch those braces. Rhythm (is that her real name?) was super cute and wholesome as a “villain”, and I love the senti. Lastly, Plagg is awesome at drawing?

But here’s what I wanted to talk the most about.

CT’s favorite thing: new heroes

The almost-last batch of my blorbos have arrived so clearly I stared at screenshots of all of them for 48 hours and noticed some stuff. I would like to point out that these 48 hours also let me go through what I call The Five Stages of New Hero Grief aka getting over the instant repulsion people feel upon seeing their designs for the first time and learning to love and accept them.

Between his ram-like original concept and the antelope-like final Caprikid, I don’t think Nathaniel actually knows what a goat is? My manga rec for him is one of those baby picture books about different types of animals. Now that I’ve gotten used to him, I actually like his suit. It reminds me of Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3. I feel like I’d like him waaaay more if his hair was different, though. It throws me off that it’s so similar to its usual style, even if it’s a little different, so any sort of more noticeable change would’ve made him look more natural. Idk why his paintbrush would have golden metal if everything on him is silver, but oh well.

Sabrina looks just about how I expected her to. I totally called it that she would have a hat. I’ll talk about her design more when I get to that image of her standing upright ‘cause this angle sucks, but I think the marble-designed ball on her chest could be her tool. If her power has to do with tracking, maybe she’ll be useful in tracking down the original, non-clone Penalty who has the actual akumatized object on her.

Minotaurox my beloved. Everyone’s saying that they see his suit as black, but I see it as navy blue? It’s a kinda desaturated color compared to most of the other suits, but he’s still all blue? (Trust me, I have perfect color vision). I like the way his mask is, it’s new and interesting. I also love the big cargo pockets. Practical. I think the puffy part around his shoulders is supposed to be like an ox yoke. His boots kinda confuse me ‘cause cloved hooves like that could never work irl but I guess it’s just part of the magic. I feel like his normal hair works well with his design because his suit is pretty reminiscent of Ivan’s usual clothes with the cargo pockets, boots, dark colors, and not a lot of details or flashiness. That’s why Nathaniel’s bothers me a little, since his clothes, on the other hand, looks so different from his usual self.

Marc looks fantastic. Glad to finally see an HD image because now we can see the gold trim which is awesome. I like his little scarf, I love his tail, and somewhat unpopular opinion but I love his hair. I’m mixed on the shoes. They make sense, and I always prefer designs being heavily influenced by the animal traits over “this looks good”, so I can’t complain, but how is he gonna kick a soccer ball without wrecking it? I guess it’s a magic ball idk. Super important detail that I haven’t seen anyone talk about: is it just me, or does he have earrings in his left (our right) ear? If you zoom in, it looks like he does. Bunnyx twins? In the picture below, I noticed that his feathers aren’t flat to his chest like I previously thought.

There are four heroes whose animals have hooves, yet zero of them have hoof prints on the bottom of their shoes. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

What I want everyone to look at is the glimpse we have of Ivan’s back. I think his tool’s on there, but what is it? It’s pretty big. Big hammer? Musical instrument? Idk

One thing I do appreciate is that they didn’t go pussy mode with the horns. If the character designers were cowards, they could’ve easily given us Minotaurox and Caprikid with tiny stubs, but they did not, and for that I am grateful.

First glimpse of Marc’s tool. They changed it from a fountain pen type thing to a quill, but they way he’s holding it makes it look kinda like a combat knife lol. Like in Hack-San, when most of the kids got brainwashed by Robustus, Marc is one again standing in the middle and a bit in front of all the other side characters, and he’s the one speaking for them. This is some consistent new development since it happened twice, and it makes me wonder how important he’s going to become because he was so irrelevant in previous seasons, but he’s changed a lot in s4. I think he’s probably the “beloved character with a big role coming up, like more than this character has ever spoken before” that Ezra Weisz talked about once in a tik tok.

Sabrina looks way cuter in this image than in the trailer imo. Her suit is similar to her normal clothes in that 70s-like aesthetic. Another important thing that nobody’s talking about: is it just me or does she have glasses in this shot? Zoom in on her mask. It looks like she has frameless oval glasses, but I can’t tell if they’re there or not in the trailer shot. If I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing, I like them a lot. They’re cute, and it’s nice to see a girl with glasses not lose them for “aesthetic reasons”. The white part on her chest/belly is a heart aww. Her boots look like those tall schoolgirl type socks, and that plus the shorts, beret, and glasses has a huge vintage prep vibe.

I bet Ladybug is drawing out a game plan in this scene, but everyone’s expressions are so funny. Every single character could be a different reaction meme.

Last thing: I’m trying to imagine how Ladybug is going to give out all of these miraculous. We know the class starts all together, so it’d be tough to separate them all to individually give them miraculous in different locations later. On top of that, there are four more heroes in three other locations, and they’re probably all supposed to be in class right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t explain how they get busted out of class, but in Kuro Neko we see how collecting the miraculous from even four temp heroes is stressful and time consuming for Ladybug. Maybe this is the episode where she’ll start considering making more people/all of them permanent at some point, and maybe even considering that everyone knowing each other’s identities would make things way easier.

That’s all for now. I have no time, but I’m sooo tempted to draw the four of them in fashion inspired by their hero forms waking down the street “late with iced coffee”. I can see the designs in my head already. I hope to see fan art of all four of them, and I really hope the show will develop all of them at least a little this episode.

Assorted ML headcanons

This post is a mile long, so for that reason I’m putting a read more very early in. That being said, I got like, every character in the season four intro in here, all several times at least, and a few other characters, so come get y’all juice. If you read all of them ily and also which one is/which ones are your favorite(s)?

  • The semi-popular headcanon that Kagami and Ondine go to the same school and are jock friends? *chefs kiss*
  • There’s also that,,, not even headcanon,,,, but theory that Alix used to be friends with Chloe and Sabrina as a mean girl trio. It’s based on scrapped early concepts where Alix was the third mean girl, and their three names referenced the main trio of Totally Spies which Astruc worked on. Considering how ml likes to work its scrapped ideas into canon, I think it’s plausible that this could come up in the show, and it’d explain the interesting way Chloe and Alix interact.
  • Chloe can’t bring herself to treat Alix the way she treats everyone else because she’s intimidated by the person Alix used to be, or maybe she misses that Alix? On the other hand, Alix cut Chloe off completely when she became a better person, and she doesn’t feel bad giving her a taste of her own medicine, but she isn’t scared of her like everyone else because she’s seen her normal side.
  • Mylene has a little ukelele she plays sometimes while Ivan plays his hand drum. She knows the basics, and occasionally they sing too.
  • When Marinette was younger, she was obsessed with those popular crafts like lanyard and bead stuff, rainbow loom, and duct tape fashion. She made Tom and Sabine a duct tape wallet and lanyard keychain and they were like aww. One day they walked into her room to see a full ball gown made of duct tape and woven beads and were like AAA
  • *Marinette cocking a hot glue gun* “wanna know how I got these scars”
  • When Alya goes to art club she’s usually developing photos from candid street photography
  • When Max is there he’s either 3D printing little knick knacks or working on making games. His akuma fighting game was a street fighter-like 2D game with pixel sprites, but he’s trying to learn 3D modeling so he can make something more complex.
  • Marc and Nathaniel’s manga contains information about Ladybug and Chat Noir that they should have absolutely no way of knowing.
  • Kagami reads their work religiously, but she only noticed the dedication to Marinette in volume one after a few rereads.
  • Kagami in the locker room: Marinette, your conversation with Adrien a moment ago was just like when Reverser first met The Mightillustrator. In the book, they- Marinette: Marc and Nath? I’m the one who set them up in the first place. Kagami:W-Mari: they’re literally upstairs right now. Wanna go meet them? Kagami:Wh-
  • Alya and Nino are both massive film nerds. Nino is obvious (Horrificator, Queen Banana) but have you seen Alya’s insta? Constant movie dates with her bf and all the besties. (I counted. Six different posts plus two on Mari’s account and one on Alya’s about Nino making a new film) They watch almost everything notable that comes out and talk about the movies in that pretentious film bro way, but they’re both so into it.
  • Whatever is going on with Alix and Nath’s hair? They did that together. 2am, random scissors, box dye. That’s gotta be canon, there’s no other explanation.
  • Zoe listens to Girl in Red and Clairo and stuff (I say this as someone who doesn’t)
  • Sabrina is scary good at FPSs
  • Going on stupid one-on-one adventures with Kim is like Zuko Field Trips from ATLA. Truly a formative experience. Have you really lived if you haven’t followed Kim on a dare, messed around, and made some dumb choices? All his friends have.
  • You also haven’t lived if you don’t have a friendship bracelet woven by Rose
  • Alix can’t swim
  • Ivan gets all the tea in class. He sits there in unsuspecting silence minding his own business, but he’s in the perfect location to hear everyone’s conversations at once, even when they’re whispering. Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with him.
  • Nath chose to sit alone in the back so he could have personal space and privacy while he drawssleepsslacks off learns, but Ms. Bustier just had to put Lila right next to him. He quickly starts to dislike her not because he knows of her true nature but because she just never shuts up like oh my god how can anyone talk so much about nothing? He doesn’t know she’s lying, but that doesn’t matter because he stopped listening anyways.
  • Eventually, Nath moves into the empty seat next to bestie Ivan and Lila is left alone in the back.
  • Everyone always expects Juleka to be something goth and/or scary on Halloween, like a vampire or classic horror movie masked serial killer, but she loves dressing up as girlboss villains. Once she was Harley Quinn while Rose was Poison Ivy, and once it was the other way around. That Harley wig was revamped from her Junko Enoshima cosplay from years past. Recently she pulled off a Cruella design that made Marinette wish she came up with it first.
  • Chloe, wearing a bee costume that’s actually just a cute outfit with an antennae headband: In Girl World, Halloween is the one night of the year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Alix wearing a Meowth onesie: Meowth, that’s right!
  • Nath and Marc are Jesse and James. They came up with the idea.
  • Mylene is one of those girls whose insta story is always full of activism posts
  • Nino feels the need to appear cool and mature in the media he consumes. He’d be embarrassed if someone caught him listening to dance pop off the top 100 or watching the Ice Age movies. He leaves those movies out of his Letterbox, and he has one of those performative Spotifies where all his “cool” songs are organized by vibe in playlists with pretentious names and captions, and they all have matching aesthetic photography as the covers.
  • Adrien is the opposite. His Spotify is a mess of spontaneously made playlists of songs he felt like listening to in the moment as well as oddly specific playlists. He only makes them look nice if they’re for someone else, but otherwise they’re either cover/captionless with the default Playlist #n name or names like songs to appease the cheese demon, classical music to cry over algebra to, Ninocore, Chloe watch One Piece, and Persona 4 Dancing All Night OST.
  • Rose is so good at getting people gifts. She knows exactly what everyone would like, and if she sees something that reminds her of someone while shopping she’ll just buy it and hold onto it. Or not. Surprise present!
  • Mari, Kim, and Nino childhood friends headcanon my beloved
  • Zoe and Marc don’t refer to each other as friends, but rather as lab partners, which they are. The word “friend” doesn’t capture the frenemy bond between two people who are surviving Mendeleiev’s class together. Zoe keeps skipping parts of the procedure or accidentally messing up measurements like haha oopsie daisy and Marc’s like *deep breath* yeah :) haha :) oopsie daisy :) you’ll get it next time, though :) …right?
  • He’s a perfectionist, control freak on a bad day. Falling behind makes him super anxious, but he also hates when his work isn’t as good as it could be if he had more time. He’s one of those people who hates group projects because he doesn’t trust the work of his group members to meet his standards.
  • Sabrina’s into murder mysteries and true crime. She watches documentaries late at night and tries to stay ahead of the narrator by analyzing the evidence.
  • Crime and mystery TV/movies, even the fictional ones, scare tf out of Chloe, as much as she tries to hide it. She makes Sabrina watch corny chick flicks, romances, and hallmark Christmas type movies when they have sleepovers.
  • Juleka would love to decorate her room with something super aesthetic like a bookshelf full of vintage tomes or a shelf full of candles and cool glass trinkets, but alas, she cannot because. Boat.
  • Luka doesn’t have this problem because he’s fine with few decorations. He likes the simplicity, open space, and natural light. He’s a minimalist, and he finds his twin’s maximalism overwhelming.
  • Juleka bullies Luka, but Luka can’t bully Juleka without feeling awful about it afterwards.
  • Juleka practices cosmetology on Luka, and she’s been doing it since they were little. She got one of those kiddy makeup things for the holidays once, and turned him into a clown, but these days the things she does are much more impressive.
  • Alix makes friends everywhere she goes. She’s like the “guy who knows a guy” of the group because she has connections everywhere. You thought Marinette meets every single person in Paris? Alix has met their pets and sends them happy birthday texts. Her snap score is insane.
  • Markov sees himself as mentally a bit younger than Max and his friends even though he’s physically less than a year old, yet contains more knowledge than they can ever hope to learn in a lifetime.
  • Markov emulates DS games and speed runs them. He’s always looking for new bugs to take advantage of. Despite his ability to do a ton of things at once, he can become so absorbed that he doesn’t pay attention to the things going on around him
  • Markov:*mindlessly following Kim and Max after school* *bumps into a pole* Max: whoa, Markov? Are you oka- wait. You’re speed running Super Mario 64 again, aren’t you. Markov: … *blank stare* Max: yeah, okay. Please fly higher when we’re crossing the street, though?
  • Marinette has Operation Secret Garden code names for all of her friends, y’know, just in case.
  • Kagami is Nightshade, Zoe is Daffodil, Luka is Iris, Nino is Carnation, Kim is Morning Glory, Max is Hyacinth, Markov is Phlox, Ivan is Foxglove, Nath is Amaranth, Marc is Hibiscus, Chloe is Marigold, Sabrina is Zinnia, and Lila is Lilac (subtle). Good luck remembering who’s who now, Rose. I mean, Tulip. I mean, Rose.
  • Mylene is the secret prank master, but she doesn’t pull practical jokes very often, so she goes unnoticed. When Alix and Kim are in a heated prank war, Alix comes to her for help the way the hero of a martial arts movie will walk into an unassuming restaurant, say the secret code, and be ushered into the dojo basement to learn the ways of the hidden master.
  • Speaking of restaurant, the hc that Kim’s parents run a Vietnamese restaurant? Very good.
  • Nath is immune from pranks because he’s paranoid. No horror movies or weird unreality jokes either
  • Alya found Marc’s tumblr. She knows it’s his because it’s linked to his AO3 and she recognizes his writing. She reads it. A lot. His icon is Celestia Ludenberg over the rainbow pride flag. She will never tell him because if she did, he’d have a heart attack and die.
  • Chloe has a private spam insta that very few people are allowed to see
  • At first, Ivan and Adrien’s other friends from school are intimidated by Luka because,,, cool mature guy,,, but soon the tables turn and Luka is kinda intimidated by them because they could sit down, craft an elaborate bank robbery plan, carry it out successfully, and be home in time for dinner just for fun. They run around Paris doing dumb things and he’s trying so hard to mom friend them.
  • Marinette always uses the “class representative” excuse to be the leader of the group and take care of her classmates. Mireille is the class rep for Mendeleiev’s class and all she does on a normal day is take the attendance down to the office. Mari knows the details of everyone’s lives like Santa.
  • “I’ll start getting better grades if I just buckle down and study, really” “but I’m your class representative! Let me tutor you” “As your class representative, it’s my duty to attend your extracurricular sports competitions and performances” “Marinette, it’s a papercut. It’ll get better on its own” “what kind of class representative would I be if I let you walk around with the risk of infection? Let me clean that and put a bandaid on it”
  • Kim is really good at cooking. At first, nobody trusts him around sharp objects and fire, but he goes full dad mode at the stove. He loves the attention that comes with feeding a bunch of hungry teenagers and listening to their compliments.
  • If you’re feeling under the weather, Rose will be at your front door with a homemade care package as soon as she finds out.
  • I think this is canon? But Ivan shaves the slit onto his eyebrow ‘cause it looks cool. No scar or anything. Just badass aesthetic
  • Trans Nath trans Nath trans Nath
  • One of the biggest reasons why Max started building Markov is so that he wouldn’t be lonely at home when his mom goes to astronaut school, and later, space
  • Marc can get super competitive playing games. No one likes playing cards against him ‘cause he nearly always wins. Don’t even think about Monopoly. Full Nicole Watterson mode
  • Ivan’s family is Eastern European
  • Aurore is like the “Queen B” of Mendeleiev’s class, but her mean girl act is more sassy and iconic whereas Chloe is just a bully. Aurore can be self absorbed and entitled at times, but overall she’s pretty well liked. After she lost the weather girl competition, she started goin out of her way to be supportive of the people around her and hype them up.
  • When Ondine exists outside of the swimming pool, which she does, her street clothes are typically athletic, like leggings and jogging jackets. She wears a lot of flannels. Oh yeah, and canon reminder, she’s suuuper tall.
  • The canon idea that Juleka got held back one year is a result of retcon bs, but I like the hc that she was held back as a result of her anxiety. I also have an idea that Anarka noncommittally homeschooled the twins as kids, and Juleka ended up being a year behind the typical curriculum while Luka was fine.
  • Nath and Alix aren’t keen on going out with the whole friend group. They much prefer spending time with one or a few people at a time.
  • Adrien and Kagami are forced to go to all these rich people events chock full of Paris elite, and even though they’ve met all sorts of celebrities in person, they’re pretty done with them. They’re much more starstruck by their own friends than Jagged Stone, XY, or Prince Ali. Their autographed Kitty Section CDs (cover art by Marinette, burned onto blank disks on Max’s laptop) are more valuable to them than their autographed CDs of Clara Nightingale’s unreleased next album.
  • I have sooo many future headcanons that I think they deserve their own post, so I left them all out of this one. I will make a future hc post… in the future. >:)

If you made it to the end, here’s your virtual pound-it from me <3





I wanted to make a compilation of all theories that I have for the remaining episodes of the season but I am lazy so just spitballing now.

I think Coq Courage is actually Marc, and not Nathaniel. Which also kind of makes sense (At least for me lol). The miraculous of the rooster is actually a Thumb Ring, and I really can’t see Nathaniel wearing it?? However with Marc, it goes really well with his character design as well.


The hair is BLACK at the roots??

But that’s not just the thing. Marc is a shy kid, just like Juleka. And Roosters are LOUD. And his superhero name also quite emphasises on the “courage” aspect. Maybe the miraculous will help himgain confidence and speak out? Thoughts and more thoughts

Yeah. I a gree. If you look closely at his face you can notice that Coq Courage has an upturned nose, just Like Marc’s. And Nath has deeper set eyes.

1. EXCELLENT addition

2. His hair is red bc he loves his boyfriend <3

man smart ppl here well ima go back to the not smart ppl cave where i am the population see ya

Wait a damn minute ‘cause you guys are right, but I’m also right and that doesn’t check out. I went and collected hella screenshots to compare some stuff to try and comprehend what’s happening rn.

I saw @festering-bacteria ‘s post about this and they pointed out the difference in skin color between them, and how Gloob’s screenshot matches Nathaniel more closely. I agree with them, and I messaged them about some other stuff that I will support with the hella screenshots right now.

Okay, first of all these are their silhouettes in the intro. (I made the image weird and combined to meet the image limit without cutting the post). When I made my theory post about Coq Courage, I pointed out how suspicious it is that every visible silhouette, even Traquemoiselle’s, is centered around the character’s head (and torso, if it fits) except for his. His is centered around his torso and legs. I said they probably cropped his pose oddly to deliberately hide something. When Gloob released the Strike Back spoiler, I thought maybe they cut off his head because they thought we’d have a collective aneurism upon seeing his hairstyle and deemed it a spoiler. I’m still not 100% sure why they did that, but I’ll get back to it in a minute.

I messaged festering-bacteria that my strongest evidence of which one’s which are their body types. Marc has more of an upside down triangle body type whereas Nath is more rectangular. I think Marc’s body type fits the only image of a goat user we have while Nathaniel’s doesn’t.

On the other hand, we have three rooster user images: the silhouette in the intro, Gloob’s Alerta Miraculous, and the concept art Lindalee Rose posted a video of that one time.

It’s pretty incomprehensible in my opinion, but based on the typical concept art format, the leftmost rendition is his final canon design while the other two are old and discarded. I think he more closely resembles Nath, even if just by the pose.

Here are more images from the actual 3D show (sorry for the crusty quality, I pulled them off YouTube for the sake of convenience).

The top two show them with their legs bent in a similar way to the rooster hero in the intro. As you can see, Marc’s calf is lower than Nath’s and more… spread out? I guess? Marc’s leg also becomes thinner above the knee while Nath’s gets wider.

Last thing for this train of thought: the shapes of the kwamis’ eyes typically resemble the eyes of their holders, and they all have some sort of resemblance to their holders regardless. Plus, the color schemes of the kwamis match their color schemes/their akuma’s. Here are Nath and Marc’s official renders compared to Orikko and Ziggy.

Definitely think they match in this combination.


I cannot deny that the miraculous alert screenshot literally matches Marc’s profile from Gabriel Agreste almost exactly. So wtf is going on?

My best guess is that at some point between Kuro Neko and Strike Back, Ladybug gives the rooster miraculous to Nath and the goat miraculous to Marc, and at some point they swap. Why? Idk. But I feel like the evidence that Nath is intended to be the default rooster holder while Marc is the default goat holder is too strong. Based on the intro, when they do their initial transformation sequences in whichever episode they first appear in, that is the combination they’re in, but something may have caused them to trade.

Back to the ml alert, the rooster holder’s body is cut off by Minotaurox’s arm, so we can’t see if the suit matches the other two rooster images we’ve seen. If I’m on the right track, it’s possible that:

  • this swap is part of Ladybug’s big plan, but Rooster!Nath and Rooster!Marc are considered two different superheroes
  • this swap is part of Ladybug’s big plan, but Rooster!Marc is pretending to be Rooster!Nath to trick someone
  • the swap is something Nath and Marc did without Ladybug’s knowledge for whatever reason, and she’s being tricked as well

I also noticed that the rooster and goat suits in the intro look pretty similar with the fuzzy chests, and it seems like they just wanted to match with each other. The rooster suit is also really loose compared to the usual skintight suits. At first, this design choice reminded me of a post I saw about how Nath is heavily trans-coded which was really interesting. I can go find it if someone’s curious.

At the same time, this design choice, whether on a Watsonian or Doylian scale, would make it easier for them to swap miraculous without the differences in their body types being obvious. Both of them having something covering their shoulders and chest makes them look more similar, and the rooster hero having his thighs covered by those loose pants has the same effect. Also, if they have the hairstyles I think they have, that’d also help because despite having different head shapes, their hair would draw attention away from that while being super different from both of their normal hairstyles.

This whole thing is just conjecture, though. What I’m sure of is that you guys are right about the profiles, and I believe I’m right about the default rooster!Nath and goat!Marc.

As far as what the miraculous actually stand for, we can only guess. I would say that both Nath and Marc are shy and quiet, and could use some courage, and I wouldn’t say that the rooster miraculous matches Marc’s aesthetic better than Nath. The undisguised version? Sure. But the disguised version that is similar between Marinette and Chloe? I think that looks completely natural on Nath. On the other hand, I think symmetrical hair clips look much more natural on Marc, who has symmetrical hair, than Nath who has asymmetrical hair that would only look natural in its current position with one hair clip.

Sorry for writing an entire essay, but this set off my conspiracy brain. I’m very curious what you guys think.

Gabriel Agreste tingz

I put some of this in the tags of my last post but too many people are rbing and I’ve got more to say so here we go

  • The Ladyblog photos are so funny it’s like Ladybug got all the current holders together specifically for the photo op and told them to do whatever tf so Alya Cesiare, not that any of them know her, can put them on the Ladyblog. HC that HM and Mayura did the same to avoid Alya intentionally using the crummiest field photo possible of them. They’ve got the equipment, and if you’re gonna be on the Ladyblog, might as well look good
  • When I read the synopsis and trailer I wondered how Chloe was gonna film them without them noticing AND actually getting an acceptable angle with audio cause room 33 only has one door that they’re sitting in front of, so imagine my surprise when the ceiling tile crashes down. Did she drill a hole in it or something? Sabrina being the competent Totally Spy and Chloe flying around like a sack of potatoes cracked me up.
  • Okay to be perfectly honest I was kinda expecting Princess Adrien and Mariknight just based off Gabeleficent and the backgrounds we could see from the trailer, but zamn I wasn’t sure they’d actually do it
  • Marc: what if Marinette wrote Adrien a love letter and we delivered it so that she can’t panic and back out? Nath: what if Adrien wore a dress and Marinette had a big sword and they had hamster fairies and WE were fairies and Gabriel dressed like Billy Porter?
  • I think that if Chloe succeeded in showing Gabe the video he would be so distracted by his Malefisona that he’d forget to pull Adrien out of school. He’d be enthralled and probably just start plagiarizing designs off of middle schoolers again
  • The little fairy Marc and Nath are holding hands, I didn’t even notice at first
  • The goddamn. Hamsters. The hampters. Losing my mind
  • How did Nath even KNOW about the hamsters? Does Marinette talk about this around them? Does ADRIEN talk about this around them?
  • Marino is an icon but Nath carried the comic relief tonight idc idc
  • This was the comic relief this ep deserved between Felix’s big brainery and bad bitchery
  • I went in thinking whatever happens I’m ready to form ANY opinion of Felix, no matter how I felt before, and wow. It’s hard not to be impressed. Hit the slay button. He got ahold of The Braincell today
  • I’m- I’m not even gonna talk about the you know what in the you know where cause y’all have that covered. No surprises here though
  • I appreciated Zoe using her bitch powers for the greater good. Her presence in this episode felt more organic than it usually does imo. I hope she feels more and more natural as she’s allowed to participate in the plot over time
  • This question will probably be answered with subs but why was the party adults-only and so secure and confidential? What was it for? I’m guessing it must’ve been a design brand thing but what’s with the creepy masks, closed window shutters, and strict no tech rule? Sounds kinda horror movie-like. What was going on that was permitted to show on camera, just unreleased fashion? What is this, the MET gala?
  • I noticed that the comic logo changed from Nath! to Nath & Marc aw that’s neat
  • Marc’s hair thingy appeared and disappeared like five times over the episode and it bothered me so bad
  • Believe it or not Bob accidentally saved Adrien’s ass today? Tf?
  • When SM tried to akumatize Felix I was kinda shocked, thinking he’d pull some convoluted ass shapeshifting like “real Felix is the Collector and they’re protecting new sentifelix” but he broke the hold zoo wee mama. That would’ve been impossible for little kids to follow too lol. As of rn I still think that Felix is gonna be Risk in the season finale. I think SM is gonna get him eventually.
  • Edit: OKAY apparently when Gabe threatens to Thanos snap Felix he says, “Are you ready to take that risk, Félix? Think about your dear mother…” I am even more convinced.
  • He’s clearly SM’s enemy, but does that make him the heroes’ friend? I wonder how he’d react to having to work with them. I’m a supporter of future Peacock!Felix and wow what poetic irony we see there.
  • I didn’t even think about this until someone pointed it out, but the Gloob spoilers with the hand holding the butterfly and peacock miraculous and Gabriel cracking the coffin did NOT appear here. AAA. What if they’re from the episode the Rena Furtive clip is from? I hope Gloob is gonna give us whatever this juicy stuff is the week after they air this episode. Can’t wait for more info since we’re currently out of premiere airdates to look forward to.
  • Overall, I really liked this episode, probably more than Ephemeral. I’m satisfied!

Broke: Marc and Nathaniel will get their miraculous in the same episode

Woke: One of them will become a hero to save the other in the Obligatory Ship Episode while the other will get his miraculous another time

Bespoke: Both of their hero episodes will focus on other relationships they have, leaving The Ship Episode for… double akuma >:)

Is this a theory post or is it just What I Would’ve Done? Who knows. Anyways, have an essay.

Marc has gotten little to no screen time since his first appearance. There are even a ton of background characters who have him beat in the screen time department, which is pretty sad considering that he’s supposed to become a member of the major supporting cast. It makes me wonder how they’ll pull off making him a superhero when we know so little about him.

That’s why I like the theory that he’s related to Marinette. I think it would make sense if they have some sort of background that we, the audience, haven’t seen, so she knows him better than the viewers do. He’s the only “new” (Polaroid in the intro) character who she knew before his first appearance, and they were already friends, but they’re not so close that they hang out together or know about each other’s personal lives. I feel like their close-yet-distant dynamic is reminiscent of the typical relationship between cousins, as is Mari’s mentorship of “mini her”. Marc is a clear parallel to Marinette both in appearance and personality, and he looks up to Marinette even though she’s actually also kind of a mess.

They’re setting up this whole “you were a superhero even before you put on the mask” theme, and I just don’t know how they’d rationalize that with only one more token Marc appearance unless he suddenly becomes super plot relevant and supportive in the first half of the episode, so Ladybug recruits him in the second half.

I feel like if they had that background beyond just going to the same school it’d at least make sense why she’d trust him to be a hero, or why she’d see the potential in him. Otherwise it’s just like “I’m gonna help this guy I kinda vaguely know talk to his crush” then randomly, months later, “here, have a miraculous”.

Ok this next part sounds a little salty, so fair warning, but I don’t mean it to be that way. Just observations.

With the “you were already a superhero without the miraculous” thing, I feel a similar way about Nathaniel, not because he only got ten seconds of screentime, but because he got like twenty and spent at least a quarter of it being the bad guy. I’m not saying he’s evil for what he did in Reverser, but they haven’t explicitly followed up on that or shown him any development. Whenever there’s a conflict in the story, he runs away or ignores it, and he doesn’t go out of his way for other people unless everyone else is doing it too. Even in s4 alone, he ran away during Mega Leech, and he didn’t do anything overreactive to “help” Rose in Guiltrip. You could easily say he’s doing the right thing here by arguing that he’s making it easier for Ladybug by not becoming an obstacle or suggesting that he’s aware that Rose doesn’t want the attention she was getting, but since he never says anything, it feels like he’s just apathetic. At this point, I don’t know why Ladybug would choose him to be a superhero personality wise. Maybe the situation will call for it and he’ll be the only choice.

I don’t want this to sound like bashing because I do like him, but… in Reverser when Alix said she’d never leave him behind, I really stopped and wondered if he’d do something like that for her. It feels like everyone else has been steadily growing out of their bad traits across the seasons, yet he’s been exactly the same. I hope his hero episode is a Timebreaker 2.0 scenario so we can see him actively being the supportive friend for once instead of “Alix is his therapist”.

That promotional image with the Magic Charms seems like it’s composed of actual charms from the show now that we’ve seen Rocketear, the blue one. Some people speculate that the last one is for Timebreaker. It looks like it could be, but it’s also not a perfect match. The magenta bead isn’t the right shade, and the lines on the charm don’t really match anything on her costume. Either way I hope she comes back.

You know how every relationship problem the side characters have ends up being a parallel to a problem Adrienette/Ladynoir have? Well there’s something I noticed in the s4 intro that felt familiar.

While all the other Polaroid photos (Kagami, Zoe, and Luka) are nicely arranged between other photos, Marc’s is placed directly on top of Alix. It feels a little too… aggressive? to be meaningless, and maybe I’m reading to much into it, but seeing this felt like foreshadowing to me.

Alix being covered up reminded me of Chat Noir being inadvertently pushed to the side by Ladybug, who is spending more time with Rena Rouge and other allies to the point where Chat is starting to feel like he’s being left out on purpose. If Alix were to get reakumatized, I think the lesson of the day would parallel this problem.

What would happen: as time goes on, Nathaniel starts spending more time with Marc, and doesn’t make enough time for Alix. Nathaniel and Marc don’t even notice when this starts to bother her because they figure she’s friends with everyone so she’ll always have someone to hang out with. This may be true, but Alix misses hanging out one on one with Nath specifically. She doesn’t say anything, though, because she thinks her jealousy is immature and that her hurt feelings are no one’s fault but her own, so there’s no use bringing it up. She quietly puts up with being sidelined as long as she can, but eventually she can’t take it anymore and gets akumatized. If it’s Timebreaker, then maybe she wants to travel back to before the events of Reverser when it was just the two of them.

As I said above, I think a scenario like this would make for a good intro episode for Nath as a superhero. It would force him to be the one to resolve his own problems and help Alix at the same time. New hero episodes show the hero protecting something they care about, so it would make sense for his to be his best friend. He’d learn to consider other people’s feelings more, but the real lesson would be that Alix shouldn’t have been ashamed to talk about being left out. The big problem with Ladynoir is that Chat isn’t telling Ladybug what’s going on, and she doesn’t realize herself, so the problem only gets worse.

Before I move on to completely unrelated stuff, I said in the beginning of this post that I’d prefer if neither Marc nor Nath’s hero episodes were fighting each other. This is because of the Magical Charms. If one fights the other, then then akuma gets a charm and they can’t get akumatized together, which I find way more compelling then them fighting.

An episode like this could call back to their comic where their akuma forms become good. Maybe they could turn on Hawkmoth at the end of the fight as a parallel to the story, or maybe they could be antiheroes the whole time who think they’re like their hero self-inserts, but they’re actually still pretty villainous. I think them working together as akumas would be just the type of higher-level fight that Hawkmoth would create.

Now onto completely unrelated stuff that I want to mention in this post just because

Back to the Magic Charm teaser image, I included a pic of Robustus because that first charm pretty obviously will belong to him. That makes me excited because I love him, but he also reminded me of a possible parallel to major plot points. Most fans agree that there will be some sort of plot twist related to sentimonsters and the peacock miraculous. Ever since its first use on-screen, the show has shown us an incredible amount of detail regarding the peacock miraculous, as well as tons of examples of what sentimonsters are capable of. This is certainly foreshadowing something, because why else establish all these rules?

I’m thinking that Robustus 2.0 will delve into the question of what it means to be human. When Markov was first akumatized, his greatest wish was to be a real boy, but he realized that since he has a humanoid mind and real feelings, it doesn’t matter if he’s not physically human. If it’s revealed that someone we thought was human was secretly a sentimonster, then a repeat of these sentiments could reinforce the idea that they’re still human where it matters.

Last thing, and this is completely baseless, just a shot in the dark for no reason: what if the middle charm on the promo will belong to AJT, the mad scientist we saw in Rocketear? Since the show introduced a new, interesting minor character who isn’t related to any existing characters, she probably got akumatized at some point this season. I say that charm might be hers because the colors remind me of the yellow and green shades of her t-rexes.
