#mod posts


Blog update

Hey guys I’m sorry I haven’t updated in so long, but you wouldn’t believe how busy I’ve been. I’m studying abroad, and preparing for it kind of took over my life, and now that I’m here I don’t really have time to do anything but enjoy it!

I’ll be back in the USA in about four weeks so I most likely won’t get back to posting until then. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you guys, but time kind of snuck up on me!

You guys are never gonna guess who I saw in concert tonight

Inside you are two wolves

One follows @desi-culture-is to laugh at the relatability of it all, especially the trauma

One is kind of really concerned about how much relatable trauma gets posted to @desi-culture-is and wants to make 18492 support posts any time a @desi-culture-is post crosses their dash

You are the PBG mod

I wanted to give you all a heads up that I’m moving apartments over the next 2 weeks, and I’m also starting to take classes in the evening. As a result, my activity and response speed will be slower until I have fewer things on my plate.

I know there are a couple of asks in the inbox right now that I haven’t gotten to. I’ll answer those sometime this weekend. If I get any asks this week, I likely won’t answer those until Sept 15th or so.

In the meantime, I appreciate your patience with me, and your ongoing support of this blog <3 Please remember that you’re always welcome to submit your own posts and encouragement!

y’all have my apologies for not being super active on this blog lately, both for the lack of posting and not answering asks. i’ve been absent mainly because i’ve been dealing with Some Shit irl and haven’t really had the mental energy or the inclination to be on this blog but alsoi’ve gotten really just tired of the discourse on this site and disillusioned with tumblr as a platform as a whole.

i’ve posted plenty before about how the discourse people get so angry about on tumblr is not a reflection of real life views or issues or particularly important in the grand scheme of anything that actually matters in the world and how toxic this site is but lately i’ve particularly been feeling it. i spend time away from tumblr on other sites and out in the real world with people who don’t know about The Discourse and i enjoyit

andtheni come back here and see the shit everyone is so violently angry over and it’s just….so fucking senseless. it doesn’t matter. it amounts to nothing. it’s the same “voltron fandom threatening to kill voltron staff for the 20th time” / “the fic you read makes you a monster but watching an hbo show with the exact same content is okay” / “an ace was mean to me once so now i hate all asexuals” / etc etc etc bullshit fucking garbage over and over and over again. the people who know it’s bullshit call out it, they write essays detailing why those viewpoints are bs with sources and history and basic common fucking sense backing them up, and the people who are perpetuating that bullshit just keep on doing it, never listening, learning nothing

and tumblr as a platform continues to be shit, run by a staff who does not give a fuck about its userbase both in terms of their safety and the functionality staff offers them. the latest purging of blogs of people who have never broken a singleterm of service while people who suicide bait other users on a regular basis continue to be able to do that without being deleted is just another example of that. 

and i’m just super over it. i’m tired of the antiintellectualism on this site, i’m tired of being surrounded by people who can be so high on authoritarianism and  still think they’re the Wokest of The Woke, i’m tired of seeing and participating in the same foolish discourse over and over again with people who – let’s face it – are never going to change their mind until they want to no matter how many essays you write them about why they’re wrong, and i’m tired of people who legitimately think tumblr discourse is in any way a form of activism much less a meaningful form of it and who think spewing such vile hatred on this website towards anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest about anything is in any way enacting a positive change on the world or helping anyone in it.

i’m tired! we can talk about how problematic it is to tell people to “go outside!” but hey, i fucking went outside and it was nice! and then i turned to look back and realized what a toxic, echo-chamber of a bubble i had exited because normal society is not tumblr! normal people do not get so violent and vicious about the nonsense tumblr does to the degree that we do. hell, normal people are shocked and appalled at the thought of someone telling another person to kill themselves over a fucking cartoon because the idea is so foreign to them – it is not something that they see as a regular, every-day thing that happens in the environment they’re in at such a frequency that they’re used to it. 

so i’m just kinda tapping the hell out of this shit for the moment. 

i’mnotgoing to delete this blog (tumblr might still purge me though lmao) but i’m not going to be particularly active on it either and at some point in the near future i plan on transferring most of the content over to other platforms (which i’ll link y’all to when i do it, probably within the next few weeks) because i’m at the point where i hope tumblr finally dies and we all collectively fuck off away from it like we did with livejournal way back when too.

and like i recognize that this post reads very negatively, i’m not in a bad mood about any of this and i feel much lighter getting this out and i hope y’all understand where i’m coming from. 

thanks & have a goodnight!

hello polygondescriptions gang! sorry for my absence, i’ve been busy with school & taking care of myself, but rest assured i’m still the #1 simone de rochefort stan account and will have some new reblogs & descriptions in the next couple weeks

Reqs are now closed! There are currently 21 reqs in right now! Once the majority are done it will open again.


Hey yall. I’m trying to figure out what to do with this whole tag ban thing. Obv every one of my posts is tagged with stimb0ard and I have no clue if it will be marked explicit. I’ll see what I can do :(

OK!! Everything is sorted now, sorry for such a long break! I’m back, and before I work on the inbox, we have new DNI banners! They have the same phrase but now with more colors to fit boards better! Feel free to check them out under the cut in the pinned post. They’re free to use with credit if you want aswell ^^

Hey yall. I’m trying to figure out what to do with this whole tag ban thing. Obv every one of my posts is tagged with stimb0ard and I have no clue if it will be marked explicit. I’ll see what I can do :(

Hi everyone! Sorry for mild inactivity for the past week, but I’ve been struggling through getting my courses for university together, and I register them (and managed to get the times I wanted) just now! So I’m officially a Uni Gal in September!

Mod Sumia

fireemblemfemslash: Happy pride month here’s the closest you’re ever gonna get to seeing mod sumia’s


Happy pride month here’s the closest you’re ever gonna get to seeing mod sumia’s face

Bringing this back from last year gjgkkgktm

Post link

Happy Pride Month!!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy time!!! Lots of love!!! ❤ -mod sumia

I started replaying fe13 again bc it’s been like a year since I touched it and it has good memories but a few maps in I remembered I have to sacrifice one of the girls to marry Chrom and it is a taxing decision for me (every time I try to get him with the maiden it always auto marries Sully instead and I am despairing) -mod sumia

hey everybody, mod morgan here! it’s sure been a hot minute since either of us mods have been here, huh? apologies for that! the reason why is because neither of us particularly enjoyed fates so our love of the franchise kinda died over the years, and unfortunately this blogs activity died along with it. but it still always held a special place in our hearts!

some small little updates also before i continue, i updated our info in our about section (since the info was only relevant to us two years ago whoops) and something i feel needs to be said is that i no longer identify as a lesbian! turns out both my boyfriend and i were trans! ain’t that just the way! also, mod sumia and i are doing good, still as close of friends as ever! we’re both in university right now (in the same fine arts program!) so life is pretty busy, but we’re hangin in there! 

so yes! the point i’m getting to here is that i’ve been getting back into fire emblem through three houses (making very slow progress with the golden deer route..), and i’ve been liking it a lot, so i’m gonna be trying to reblog things occasionally to this blog when i find em! i don’t have a whole lot of free time these days and i don’t actually follow many fire emblem blogs, so if you guys could tag us in any writing, art, or other content you find, we would greatly appreciate it to give some life back to this blog! 

thank you, and i hope you’ve all been well!

- mod morgan

( I don’t usually reply to comments anymore just because I’m usually very busy irk buuuut if you guys have any questions please feel free to send them my way! Please nothing regarding the long pride post though, I’ve received a lot of hate from people on that post and have had a lot of requests for flags I’ve already done (I understand that it has a lot of notes and with tumblr’s blog search function being shit it can be hard to find specific flags but I just don’t have the energy for that today) so I’d rather the questions not be about that. but I’m down to answer some questions! )

Sorry we’re a little late with this announcement. We’ve been a bit busy this year, but we just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who participated and extend an extra thank you to our wonderful pinch hitters! You guys are amazing and we really appreciate the extra effort!

However, I’m sad to say that this is the last year we (Mod D and Mod J) will be modding this event. The last 7 years have been awesome, but there’s a lot of work that goes into pulling off this event every year, and it’s time for us to step down.

As for the future of Zecret Santa, don’t worry! We already have a wonderful new mod lined up to take over next year–we’re handing over all the logins so the  tumblr and email will be the same if you need to get in contact.

We are looking for another mod (or two) to co-mod, so if you’re interested please reach out either on Tumblr or via email.

Thank you again, be kind to each other and we hope 2022 treats you well!

All the best!

Mod J & Mod D

Hey y’all. I haven’t been around for a while because of general life busy things (I got a new job! I moved like 500 miles away! So many things!)

But also, in the wake of the monumental changes on tumblr, I had something weird happen on my account. I got an email warning me about uploading adult content, but it was addressed to the wrong user and I haven’t uploaded anything here in a month. Currently trying to figure out what’s going on.

I hope all of you are faring well in this Tumblrocalypse.

I agree with comments but have a question: why have some people rejected MOGAI?


Honestly? Because despite it’s intent to be an equal footing label for all LGBTQ+ people, it came to be more heavily associated with aspec people and nonbinary people - particularly those using more complex or difficult to understand identities. It’s basically been dragged through the mud by exclusionists for all the usual respectability politics and bullying bullshit.

And maybe that’s harsh and my memory just sucks, but I genuinely don’t recall any sincere arguments against it from around the time. If I’m being charitable, there’s maybe one honest misconception that got spread due to a mix up with another alternative community label, and beyond that, just mockery.

Anyways I love being queer and I love queers.

I love that you can get a room of queers together and you have “just-queer” queers, transhet queers, aro queers, lesbian queers, bi queers, nonbinary queers, gay queers, ace queers, etc etc etc.

I love that there’s no “you must be this queer to ride” nonsense.

I love that regardless, we’re all just as queer, and we have each other’s backs.

Queer is ambiguous. That’s a strength, not a weakness.






I truly love how queer can mean “Eh I’m some flavour of Not-Cishet but I don’t care to know the specifics beyond that” but also “I absolutely do know the specifics but we will be here all damn day if we get into it” and like. Everything in between. I think that’s incredibly powerful of us tbh.

Yeah! Covering from “the specifics don’t matter to me” to “the specifics don’t matter to YOU” and all the space in between!

I don’t know abou the rest of you, but to me that sounds like the term ‘Queer’ is just shorthand for 'not Straight’ and is basically worthless.

Well, aside from the fact that intersex and trans people can be straight and still be queer… The ambiguity is the point for a lot of us also. A declaration of 'no one is entitled to know exactly how I am outside the expected norm’.

Queer also has a long history of being explicitly a political label as much as an LGBT+ one, but tbh that’s not something I have the spoons to get into rn.

A label is supposed to mean something. How good is a label that effectively boils down to the literary equivalent of a shrug?

Se my previous post for your answer.

If you were actually curious and engaging in good faith, you would find so much already written on that exact question by so many queers going back decades. Since you’re not, I see no need to waste my breath. Have a nice day.




I truly love how queer can mean “Eh I’m some flavour of Not-Cishet but I don’t care to know the specifics beyond that” but also “I absolutely do know the specifics but we will be here all damn day if we get into it” and like. Everything in between. I think that’s incredibly powerful of us tbh.

Yeah! Covering from “the specifics don’t matter to me” to “the specifics don’t matter to YOU” and all the space in between!

I don’t know abou the rest of you, but to me that sounds like the term ‘Queer’ is just shorthand for 'not Straight’ and is basically worthless.

Well, aside from the fact that intersex and trans people can be straight and still be queer… The ambiguity is the point for a lot of us also. A declaration of 'no one is entitled to know exactly how I am outside the expected norm’.

Queer also has a long history of being explicitly a political label as much as an LGBT+ one, but tbh that’s not something I have the spoons to get into rn.







Queer Creator Showcase

Alright here we go! Queer Creator Showcase year 2!

For everyone who missed it last year, this a mini-pride month event open to all creators who identify as queer or part of the queer community. All kinds of creative works - drawings, crochet, music, writing, etc - are welcome. It’s also open to all skill levels, whether you started on your medium last week or last decade.

Some quick rules/guidelines:

  • You may include a maximum of 5 pieces, across all medium. Ex: 5 poems, 2 drawings and 3 plush toys, etc.
  • Please submit all pieces in a single post. 
  • Ideally, post it on your own blog and tag me (@queercutlureis) in it. If you can’t, for whatever reason, please shoot me a DM and we’ll figure something out.
  • Please keep it SFW! No sexual and/or kinky content, thank you!*
  • Please feel free to introduce yourself and your work! A few lines about who you are, what themes you’re interested in, what draws you to your medium(s) would be lovely! But of course, no pressure if you’re not comfortable with this.
  • Related to the previous - feel free to include a link to your commission listings, soundcloud, etsy, patreon, etc. 
  • I’ll be accepting submissions from now (17th of May) until the 20th of June, to give everyone plenty of time to get things together. The showcase will begin on the 1st of June and end on the 30th of June.

*No shame in this, as always! It’s just for my own personal comfort, running it on my own as a sex repulsed person.

are we allowed to reblog posts and tag you in the reblog? i have a side blog full of poetry that i’d love to submit - i can tag you on there on on this acc


Yes, that would be fine =)

are storytimes allowed? Like really queer ones?


Like youtube/tiktok videos? I don’t see why not!

But also, to clarify - the creations you submit do not have to center queer themes. If that’s the kind of work you create, great! But being queer is enough.

May I ask what constitutes sexual?we have a poem we wrote that has things about cuddling and touching each otehrs skin but it’s sfw and nonsexual, would that be okay?


Yes, that sounds fine! Skin contact and cuddling is okay. When I say nothing sexual, I pretty much mean works depicting or implying actual sex. Artistic nudity would also be fine.

I was planning on drawing something… problem is, it’s body horror. Can i include it in this showcase, or should i refrain and send something else?


If the drawing is preceded with a brief trigger warning, specifically a description of what kind of body horror (ex. “eye horror, blood”), and placed under a readmore, that would be fine.

Are you allowed to submit fanart?

Yes! Fanworks and transformative works in general are absolutely welcome! =D

Hey everyone,

Just a note that unfortunately, the queue has run out. I am working on a new gif series, but it may be some time before I can post anything.

I would really appreciate it if anyone who makes any posts related to Sarah Parish uses the #sarahparishedit or #queensarahparish tag so that I can find and queue them! Feel free also to use the submit feature to share your favourite photos.

And as always, the ask is open for any gif requests.

Thank you ❤️

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!I decided this year to give back to all of my wonderful followe

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

I decided this year to give back to all of my wonderful followers on this blog of mine, so linked below will be 28 desktop wallpapers featuring the μ’s, Aqours, and NijiGaku girls in some of my favorite SIFAS outfits!

Wallpapers are all 1920 x 1080

Transparent renders come from @lovelive-allstars-rendersandIdol Story.


Post link