#suicide baiting tw












Also Aphobes:


this stuff is harrasment/ bullying, if you do this you are breaking the law in quiet a few countries and breaking tumblr rules of service, not only is it uncalled for and disgusting you are commiting a crime/breaking terms and conditions

if you see ANYONE (gay,straight,trans cis,black,white doesn’t matter) telling ANYONE to go die report it Immediately because it is crossing a line


This shit is absolutely disgusting. What sorry excuses of human beings willingly go out of their way to harass people because of their sexuality…….oh wait

And it’s still not over either. Check out some of this new and truly disgusting aphobic bullshit:

Apparently, being against telling ANYONE to go die or kill themselves is being pro-terf… (ughhhhh!!! i’m also against the death penalty, does that make me a super terf then?!?! like honestly, go read a book)

Oh and this:

So, hearing about the corrective rape experiences of aces is “annoying” bc “aces aren’t lgbt” according to the above aphobe, and so we all just need to shut up about it. JOY

Maybe the above is not a death threat or anything like that, but dehumanization like this is the exact type of shit that rationalizes and reinforces all this aphobic violence.

 And of course, here’s more aphobic hell (including racism & more death/suicide baiting):

What “exactly” is it that we have supposedly collectively done to deserve this kind of seething, violent hate?!?!?!???? Read those tags on the last one, it’s the things of nightmares!!

But yeah, no, of course, 

I mean, it’s not as if wishing to deny us aspecs our right to life (often in very violent ways) just because we’re aspec isn’t invalidating in any way…. /s

Aaaaand here’s some new stuff:

damn wtf did aces do to these people?! why so much hate towars em

Existing against their will, I suppose.

y’all have my apologies for not being super active on this blog lately, both for the lack of posting and not answering asks. i’ve been absent mainly because i’ve been dealing with Some Shit irl and haven’t really had the mental energy or the inclination to be on this blog but alsoi’ve gotten really just tired of the discourse on this site and disillusioned with tumblr as a platform as a whole.

i’ve posted plenty before about how the discourse people get so angry about on tumblr is not a reflection of real life views or issues or particularly important in the grand scheme of anything that actually matters in the world and how toxic this site is but lately i’ve particularly been feeling it. i spend time away from tumblr on other sites and out in the real world with people who don’t know about The Discourse and i enjoyit

andtheni come back here and see the shit everyone is so violently angry over and it’s just….so fucking senseless. it doesn’t matter. it amounts to nothing. it’s the same “voltron fandom threatening to kill voltron staff for the 20th time” / “the fic you read makes you a monster but watching an hbo show with the exact same content is okay” / “an ace was mean to me once so now i hate all asexuals” / etc etc etc bullshit fucking garbage over and over and over again. the people who know it’s bullshit call out it, they write essays detailing why those viewpoints are bs with sources and history and basic common fucking sense backing them up, and the people who are perpetuating that bullshit just keep on doing it, never listening, learning nothing

and tumblr as a platform continues to be shit, run by a staff who does not give a fuck about its userbase both in terms of their safety and the functionality staff offers them. the latest purging of blogs of people who have never broken a singleterm of service while people who suicide bait other users on a regular basis continue to be able to do that without being deleted is just another example of that. 

and i’m just super over it. i’m tired of the antiintellectualism on this site, i’m tired of being surrounded by people who can be so high on authoritarianism and  still think they’re the Wokest of The Woke, i’m tired of seeing and participating in the same foolish discourse over and over again with people who – let’s face it – are never going to change their mind until they want to no matter how many essays you write them about why they’re wrong, and i’m tired of people who legitimately think tumblr discourse is in any way a form of activism much less a meaningful form of it and who think spewing such vile hatred on this website towards anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest about anything is in any way enacting a positive change on the world or helping anyone in it.

i’m tired! we can talk about how problematic it is to tell people to “go outside!” but hey, i fucking went outside and it was nice! and then i turned to look back and realized what a toxic, echo-chamber of a bubble i had exited because normal society is not tumblr! normal people do not get so violent and vicious about the nonsense tumblr does to the degree that we do. hell, normal people are shocked and appalled at the thought of someone telling another person to kill themselves over a fucking cartoon because the idea is so foreign to them – it is not something that they see as a regular, every-day thing that happens in the environment they’re in at such a frequency that they’re used to it. 

so i’m just kinda tapping the hell out of this shit for the moment. 

i’mnotgoing to delete this blog (tumblr might still purge me though lmao) but i’m not going to be particularly active on it either and at some point in the near future i plan on transferring most of the content over to other platforms (which i’ll link y’all to when i do it, probably within the next few weeks) because i’m at the point where i hope tumblr finally dies and we all collectively fuck off away from it like we did with livejournal way back when too.

and like i recognize that this post reads very negatively, i’m not in a bad mood about any of this and i feel much lighter getting this out and i hope y’all understand where i’m coming from. 

thanks & have a goodnight!







Transmeds can be the most self-loathing, negative, “must-be-fun-at-parties” type of people

Make a trans positive post about trans people loving themselves, their bodies, their chests, and most especially, their genitals, stuff like that

and let’s say the post got some traction 

you will have some transmed clowns raiding the post, whining about howterriblebeing trans is, that theywantto [insert violent act] with their unwanted parts, how dysphoric they are and howdysphoric said post made them, and how no real DYSPHORIC trans person would make this post, nor feel and celebrate loving one’s assets.

Fuck that self-loathing, anti-trans bullshit. If you get dysphoric because another trans person is trying to celebrate transness, spread positivity, and help celebrate trans bodies, that’s a huge problem that you need to sort out. 

Stop projecting your self-hatred onto other trans people, on their trans positivity posts! And for the sake of all things good and holy, STOP being edgy and violent!

Damn bro is your fetish just posting nonstop about these strawmen

it’s literally not a strawman when I literally reblogged a post of transmeds doing exactly what this post described before

transmeds do this time after time. Kalebin Garbaje made a whole video about hOw DySpHoRiC a menstruating trans man made him, so nothing I say in my post is exaggerated

And I post “nonstop” about this because transmeds are actively hurting trans people, especially when they insist that a trans person “can’t love their features and their trans state” and “how this trans person/positive trans post made them dYsPhOrIc”.

And I’ll keep talking about it until you transmeds lay off. lmao

No idea who this kale guy is, but let’s break this down

>whining about how terrible being trans is and shit like that

Never actually seen that

>stop being edgy and violent

Wow that’s a bit pot and kettle now isnt it

tf are you talking about here??

As long as I continue seeing shit like “it is so fun wanting to peel my chest off and rip out my uterus with my bare hands whenever i see myself naked! what do you mean it’s not fun?! it’s so fun!” I’ll continue to call you transmeds out on it. That quote was on a post stating “being trans is fun”, and it came from some braindead transmed that just feels the compulsion to force their violent and downright depressing thoughts onto trans people. How fucking wonderful.

How are you involved in the transmed community, and you have never seen the pure shit other transmeds have been posting??? 

And no, I’m not edgy and violent. I don’t know where tf you got that from. You are literally claiming that I’m “violent and edgy” despite the fact that 1) i’m not lmao and 2) i’m against the very thing you think I am

Don’t pull that pot n kettle shit, you bum bitch

I’m not saying you are the one that’s violent and edgy, I’m saying your whole ideology is comprised of people who think rape threats and telling people to kill themselves is ok

I list myself as “anti transmed” because I’m against transmedicalism, but I believe in a medley of things, really. I’m independent, and I don’t bind myself to any ideology, as opposed to you transmeds insisting that I’m a “tucute”.

If I find people against transmedicalism telling others to kill themselves, or wishing other objectively horrible things onto people, I won’t associate myself with them. There’s a notable enemy of transmeds that tells transmeds to die, and I don’t fuck with them.



wow! unfollowing now. was a big fan of this relationship involving cannibalism, manipulation, gaslighting, murder and medical malpractice.  had no idea there was a ten year age gap

if you tag this post as “antis” blow up and die

Thanks bestie, hope you’re having a swell day
