#modern phantom of the opera


Welcome to the blog dedicated to my webcomic, A Ghost on the Roof!

It is a story loosely based on the novel The Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux, set in modern times.

After I post the first pages of chapter one on September 1st, I will continue to post one page a week, on Sundays. Of course, if life gets in the way the updates may be delayed but I am determined to keep posting regularly. For information, the whole story is 18 chapters long.

I hope you will enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed creating it, and that you will follow me on this journey!

Klaus Scrimshaw ( @klausscrimshaw)

Hey everyone!

As some of you may know, “Ghost on the Roof” made its debut on Webtoon Canvas a year and a half ago, and last year they reached out to me to become a Webtoon Originals!

Since then, the comic went on preproduction for a relaunch and it will be making its return on Webtoon, March 10th at 5 pm PST !

Sadly, that means this version on Tumblr will be deleted. I wanted to thank all of my faithful tumblr readers since this is the platform I started posting Ghost on the Roof on, and none of this would have been possible without your support. From the bottom of my heart : Thank you!!!!

I hope to see you all soon on Webtoon! ☺️

[If you’d like to be updated on my future endeavours, you can follow me on Instagram (@k_scrimshaw) !]

Hello everyone! I was kindly asked to be interviewed (still can’t believe it omg) by couchpotatoartist and here’s the result! Please also check out her podcasts World of Webcomic on YouTube and her webtoon “Soul Match”!

(Also please keep in mind that English is not my first language during the podcast tried my best)

My Phantom of the opera inspired webcomic is finally available on Webtoon! Click here to read ✨

I’ll keep posting regularly on tumblr but I know that for some people using webtoon is easier :) It would mean a lot if you’d check out the webtoon version tho!

Thanks a lot for the support I’ve received since I started this project, I hope you’ll stick around for more Also don’t hesitate to comment or send asks! I highly value your feedback haha

- Klaus


Hey everyone!

As some of you may know, “Ghost on the Roof” made its debut on Webtoon Canvas a year and a half ago, and last year they reached out to me to become a Webtoon Originals!

Since then, the comic went on preproduction for a relaunch and it will be making its return on Webtoon, March 10th at 5 pm PST !

Sadly, that means this version on Tumblr will be deleted. I wanted to thank all of my faithful tumblr readers since this is the platform I started posting Ghost on the Roof on, and none of this would have been possible without your support. From the bottom of my heart : Thank you!!!!

I hope to see you all soon on Webtoon! ☺️

[If you’d like to be updated on my future endeavours, you can follow me on Instagram (@k_scrimshaw) !]


Chapter III /end

First page-Previous page - Next page

No update next week! I need to prepare chapter 4 a little more than anticipated, hope you enjoyed chapter 3 with the introduction of Jo :)


Hello everyone! I was kindly asked to be interviewed (still can’t believe it omg) by couchpotatoartist and here’s the result! Please also check out her podcasts World of Webcomic on YouTube and her webtoon “Soul Match”!

(Also please keep in mind that English is not my first language during the podcast tried my best)
