#procreate illustration


Commissioned art ❤️


Color jitter brush experiment

Rain digital painting study in procreate


Rain digital painting study in procreate

Here’s a video of how rough it looks close up and then zoomed out the image works!

If you’re stuck when painting a material like water, zoom up really close to the reference photo. Can really help you understand how color and light play off a surface.

Hope this helps!❤️

Walking back home

I started cutting my own hair a bit too young with scissors that were a bit too dull

Small Buddy drawing using Procreate. It works pretty much the same as Photoshop but I’m still trying to figure out how to handle the glows

I finished my first Procreate illustration yesterday. It’s a simple concept of a dodgeball monster, though it’s based on a card from a TCG I made as a kid

The Shadows in the Priest’s Room

“And so?” snapped Father Konstantin. “Blessed are those who linger only a little in this mire of wickedness before going into the presence of God. I only hope her soul is prepared when the meeting comes. Now, Brother, I would like to pray.”

Without a word, Rodion crossed himself and slipped out the door, blinking in the feeble daylight. Well, I am sorry for the girl, he thought.

And then, uneasily, How thick the shadows lie in that room.

jazz prophecy. from Summertime by Ella Fitzgerald.
