#moon in 4th house


The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction.

Important clues to the reason for perpetual emotional unrest can be found through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these take the form of constant changes or ups and downs in the areas of life rules by the house. It is in these areas in that we should aim to make deep attachments rather than superficial and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a true feeling of belonging and emotional fulfillment.

Your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within 10 degrees) of the Ascendent degree. You need emotional stimulation, movement and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled.

Your moods are very changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others. Because of your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things too personally, and react too quickly. Developing an awareness that others‘ emotions are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important.

You have a soft exterior and tend to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, you sometimes let your emotions overpower your reasoning and logic, and consequently, you are sometimes biased in your opinions. You are impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way you appear. Your feelings are on the surface and you can not hide your emotions.

When it comes to money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending habits one day, and frugal the next. You can be quite afraid of being in debt, and you need to feel secure and safe. This is likely also true of savings, as you fear being without.

Still, there are times when you can spend impulsively, on a whim, and this is likely when you are feeling emotionally frustrated. You might also hold onto people quite tightly. Vanity can be an issue. You are often looking for admiration, and you can be quite dependent on others for positive feedback until you learn to develop your own feelings of self-worth. You’re not as emotionally responsive as most people. You tend to hold back and wait before expressing yourself, and when you do it is with deliberation.

You are likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for your belongings give you a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to you. Antiques or things with sentimental value from your past are especially dear to you.

You may also cling rather tightly to both money and possessions, keeping them “in the family” rather then sharing freely with those outside of your immediate circle.

You are very responsive, communicative and curious. You can have a talent for imitating others and/or for picking up languages. You might either intellectualize your emotions rather than truly feel them and deal with them, or you communicate with excessive emotion. Some of you may do both at different times, and as you mature and develop, you learn to find balance.

Your opinions and ideas change often, and you might find that sometimes you adopt others’ points of view and express their ideas as if they were your own. This is not necessarily because you are a copy-cat, but because you sometimes fail to own your own thoughts, and you are so sensitive to others’ opinions. You might be quite nervous and restless, requiring frequent changes of scenery, even if the moment or travel takes place locally.

You often make decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something “feels right” or because you’ve always done it a certain way and you are uncomfortable changing it. Even when you think you’re being rational, your prejudices, intuitions, and feelings influence your thoughts a great deal. You are comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with you as well. You have good psychological insight into others.

You long for a sense of true belonging, but may be quite restless in your search. You might change residence frequently, or simply feel the need to make many changes in your home.

Moving frequently may be a healthy thing if it keeps you emotionally stimulated, but if you find that you do so on whims and later regret the changes, you might want to treat it as a symptom of emotional unrest - as a sign that you are in a constant search for the perfect mood setting, when in fact a feeling of belonging should be worked on from the inside out, not the outside in! Some of you might remain rather immature on an emotional level, never wanting to truly grow up and take care of yourself. Attachments to your past, traditions and family are strong.

You have strong attachments to your past, the places where you grew up, your heritage and family traditions. In fact, you may be unable to step out of the habits and roles you learned as a child. Your tie to your mother is very strong and you also seek mothering and protection from your spouse and other family members as well.

You love to share emotional experiences with loved ones and have a flair for the dramatic. Love affairs are magnetic and intense, and you don’t take them lightly by any means, although you may go through much change with regard to your romance. You are attached to children, wether they’re your own or not. Your creative hobbies are subject to relatively frequent changes, and you have innate artistic talent. You have a vivid imagination and are given to daydreaming often. There is a sense that you, are always in touch, or trying to get in touch, with your inner child.

If the Moon is challenged, you may have problems with impulsive shopping or gambling or with frequent love affairs that never fully satisfy you. In any of these cases, you are more attached to the game than the player, and this is something to work on if you are looking to find true fulfillment. You might take risks just for the fun of it, but in the process, you are being irresponsible to others and yourself.

You are emotionally expressive and often dramatize your feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. You can not hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and you don’t make any pretenses about your personal sympathies or antipathies.

You have a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which sometimes gets you into trouble, as you take risks on impulse or whim.

You have an emotional need to be useful, to work productively, to be organized and on top of things, and to lead a healthy life. If these matters are chaotic in your life, it’s a symptom of emotional unrest. You need a lot of variety on the job–to be stimulated and engaged in order to feel happy. Some of you might seem to change jobs often, forever in search of the “perfect fit” job. Acceptance that any job requires some level of routine is hard for you.

You are very sensitive, and especially aware of minor health annoyances or body aches and pains. Some of you have hypochondriac symptoms. Some attempt to get out of things they don’t want to do by emphasizing health problems or even exaggerate illnesses in order to gain sympathy. At your best, however, you’re a person who always helps out and shows your affection for others in practical ways in order to help them solve problems and improve their lives.

You have a sympathetic nature and instinctively reach out to people in need of help. You also have a deeply ingrained tendency to want to improve or “fix” other people’s lives, which can be annoying to the person who has no desire to be changed or “helped” in this way. For you, affection and caring must be expressed in tangible acts or service of some kind.

You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to have a companion for emotional support. You are not a person who would happily take in a movie by yourself, or dine alone, for example. A partner awakens feelings in you that you may never know you had, and you seem to need a partner to learn about your own needs and feelings.

You seek emotional fulfillment through relationships, but you may have many relationships one after another, each time believing that this is “the one.” Taking time between relationships is something that is hard for you to do, but quite necessary, as you tend to jump into relationships out of fear of being alone.

You are very adaptable to others’ needs, and usually quite likeable as a result. Be careful that you don’t become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is going to treat you the same way as you do them.

You depend a great deal upon other people for emotional support and you have a large “family” of friends that care about you and treat you as kin. The women in your life are particularly important to you, and your relationship with them powerfully influences your sense of security and happiness. You may be overly dependent and unsure of yourself without a close partner.

While you have a strong need for emotional security, you are also a person who is drawn to pushing your own limits, and many lifestyle changes can be the result of this need to challenge, or reinvent, yourself emotionally. You are always fascinated with how people work, taboos, secrets, and all that is forbidden or hidden. Sexual unrest, or an apparent need to constantly change sexual partners or to challenge yourself sexually, may be a symptom of emotional insecurity.

Connecting with another person intimately is an emotional need, but your changeable emotions might often get in the way of your goal. Jealousy and possessiveness might also be qualities you struggle with. At your best, however, you are a person who is intimate, deep, and intensely loyal to a partner.

Though you want closeness very much, you often close yourself off and do not really trust others who may wish to get to know you. You are very wholehearted in your feelings and responses to people, and you want all or nothing from the people you care for.

This is a position that can indicate a deep longing for stimulation above and beyond the everyday, mundane routine. You are a philosophical sort, interested and curious about the world, other people, and perhaps different cultures. You can be extremely restless and discontented if you don’t have a definite goal in mind.

You might find yourself longing to be somewhere else when you are unhappy, imagining that if you were to move or travel, you would be much happier. However, this attitude can only keep you from enjoying and improving upon the situation you are now in, only serving to make you feel more unhappy in the present and with your current circumstances.

Trying to avoid the attitude that “the grass is greener on the other side” will be important, while attending to your needs to get away from time to time will help scratch the seemingly incurable itch for something more.

You may have done extensive traveling in your early years, or in some way had a background which enables you to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.

You have a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things you have never experienced before. You want to completely immerse yourself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation. Emotionally, too, you are restless and something of a wanderer.

This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity, acknowledgement, and achievement. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and responsible life, but it can take time to get there.

You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to find the perfect fit. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often. Learning to set your own heartfelt goals is the challenge here, as it is unlikely you will find true happiness if you follow or adopt the expectations of others, which you are especially sensitive to.

You work well with the public and have an instinct for what the public wants and will respond to. Having a “nest” is not especially important to you, and you may invest more of your emotional energy into your career or public life than in your private life. Providing for and caring for others in a professional capacity is very likely.

This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and support from, friends and associations with groups. You look to acquaintances for support, and offer the same in return. A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection of inner emotional unrest. Waxing and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your relationships.

You are a person who is filled with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your future, and most of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. However, you might change your aspirations frequently, with your changing moods, and have a hard time settling on goals to work towards as a result.

You get a lot of emotional fulfillment through your involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for you. You make friends your family, and feel a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that you hold dear. You need people outside of your physical family to relate to and belong to.

This position of the Moon indicates an emotional attachment and sensitivity to all that is ethereal, groundless, and eternal. As sensitive as you are, you often have delayed reactions to your own emotional experiences. You need frequent moments of solitude in order to recharge yourself emotionally, and this need, while strong, can also lead to feelings of isolation and of being misunderstood.

While you are a perceptive person, you are often either flooded with emotions that are hard to define, or completely out of touch with what you are feeling. Either extreme keeps you from truly discovering your emotional needs. Negative expressions of this position are avoidance of responsibility, using hypersensitivity as an excuse to oneself (and perhaps to others) for not participating, or emotional immaturity. You are sympathetic to others’ suffering, but not always emotionally available to help.

Your own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to you, and it is often difficult for you to share with others what you are feeling. You frequently withdraw from contact with the world, and need a healing, peaceful environment in order to blossom and come out of yourself. You identify with the oppressed, disenfranchised or underdog in any situation and want to help them or care for them in some way.

soulful eyes. round faces. has a vibe that makes you feel like you’ve known them for awhile. warm presence, but can also be intense. most likely to make sure nobody is left out. loving. moody though. might care what others think. might bottle up their emotions, until it explodes and shocks everyone. taking care of your looks, changing your aesthetic, crying, and expressing yourself instead of bottling emotions will help you emotionally. can hide their emotions if they really want to/don’t feel comfortable around certain ppl. looks up to mother/feminine figures. looks just like their moms also and very attached to her lol. some of the sweetest ppl around.kids like them easily and quick

celebrities:Audrey Hepburn,Anna Nicole Smith,Leonardo DiCaprio,Jay-Z

likes to help the needy. generous. probably loves physical touch/hugs. probably makes soulful singers. might shop as a way to cope with being sad. gets sad if their bank account is low lol. listens to music to feel better. type to cry in a bath/shower. try not to be detached and cold. goes to spa to cheer up. eats unhealthy when their in a bad mood. might spend a lot of money on mother, like, but her a house, car, jewelry, etc.

celebrities:Drew Barrymore,Christina Aguilera, John Travolta,Ryan Reynolds

type to probably say “dhmu” on their snapchat story lmfao. likes to give advice, even when nobody asked for it. curious. probably looks at quotes often. rational. the “sensitive/crybaby” sibling. really close w/siblings & cousins. paragraphs can make these ppl happy. when sad take walks around your neighborhood. write in a diary, or on a piece of paper then rip it. can be restless. don’t bring up the past in arguments/try not to get too emotionally involved in quarrels. sees mom as intelligent, and/or a worrying type

celebrities:Jennifer Aniston,Zendaya,Dwayne Johnson,Jim Morrison

family-oriented. very attached to mom. mom was warm, and loving but could be clingy. adores children. homebodies, and doesn’t really get out of their comfort zones. should try new things, and go outside, atleast interact with nature. learn to let certain things stay in the past. over emotional. listen to old songs, or look through old photos, you’ll love the nostalgia. cooking your favorite dishes might cheer you up, esp with family. snuggle in bed. cry if you need to.

celebrities:Kim Kardashian, Shakira,Marlon Brando,Frank Sinatra

soft spot for kids. first child will most likely be a female and have moon/cancer placements. baking, napping, and even sewing might be their hobbies. probably likes babysitting. might not take cancer placements seriously relationship wise. focuses more on positive emotions than negative. can be emotionally underdeveloped though. should take more things seriously than they do. if they’re in a bad mood they should watch a comedy movie/show. spend time with little kids. throw a party. express yourself in creative ways like drawing, singing, etc. magnetic. mother might’ve been warm, playful, and bubbly. can also apply to paternal grandpa

celebrities:Lady Gaga,Britney Spears,Ben Affleck,Gordon Ramsey

softie for animals. loves to help others. considerate. work/school matters a lot to them, and when criticized at work/school, it might hurt your feelings. intuitive. can actually be affectionate. do yoga or meditation when stressed. organize, like use journals, to-do lists, etc. might be the type of person that likes to clean when in a bad mood. go to the spa. try not to be bossy. mother might’ve been critical but clever.

celebrities:Brigitte Bardot,Adele,Johnny Depp,Will Smith

attracts cancer/moon placements, but might also have enemies of these placements. attracts family oriented, and romantic partners, that can be possessive and clingy though. supportive. selfless. might be dependent. getting a makeover or dressing up might be a boost for your mood. settle quarrels with ppl you care about. express your feelings to friends or S/O. drawing might also improve your mood. mother might’ve been loving, yet overprotective.this can also apply to your maternal grandma.

celebrities:Marilyn Monroe,Megan Fox,Steve Jobs,David Bowie

emotionally intense. private. emotionally strong. loyal. protective of ppl they love and trust. sex makes these ppl feel better. tell someone you trust how you feel when down. might be the type of person that likes to be left alone when in a bad mood. a fan of nipple play. jealous. emotional. loves mother but might be intimidated by her.

celebrities:Taylor Swift,Paris Hilton,Jim Carrey,Zac Efron

chill. can say a positive thing about anyone. spiritual. experienced and wise. Philosophical. a comedy well cheer these placements up. go on a long trip to clear your head. can be childish or restless. sees mother as intelligent. mother might’ve been religious or spiritual.

celebrities:Angelina Jolie,Ariana Grande,Robert De Niro,Jeff Bezos

relatable. has an emotional or warm reputation charismatic. might want to go to work to get their mind off of things. making plans might make them happy. can be moody. type to make decisions based off of emotions then regret doing it later. mother might’ve been strict but wanted the best for you. mother also might’ve been hard-working and generous.

celebrities:Kylie Jenner,Céline Dion,Sylvester Stallone,Kurt Cobain

likes to participate in activism. wants to bring more equality and peace into the world. chill. friendly. friends or crushes might have cancer/moon placements. might be the mom friend or the friend that’s always there for their friends. hates being alone and socializing makes these peeps feel better. can be moody. chaotic lmao. mother was probably friendly, humble, yet erratic.

celebrities:Cameron Diaz,Elizabeth Taylor,Keanu Reeves,George Clooney

might be attached to their grandparents maybe even more than their actual parents. heart of gold. spiritual. selfless, and like to help others. listen to happy music, it’ll boost your mood. don’t always try to make yourself the victim. drawing might also put you in a better state of mind. don’t trust ppl so easily. stay away from things that can get easily addictive. sees mother as sweet, but naive.

celebrities:Rihanna,Scarlett Johansson,Harry Styles,Bob Marley


*looking at this iconic queen’s birth chart because I feel like it. do not plagiarize my writing or repost on any other forms of social media under any circumstances.*

Mariska is an Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, and Capricorn Rising. As I’ve indicated in previous posts, Liz Greene emphasizes the significance of cultivating your rising traits in order to live your life in the most authentic manner (sun). Mariska has had to embrace ambitious, respectful, and disciplined energy (Capricorn) in order to effectively embody her Aquarius sun attributes, such as being an innovator, rebel, and humanitarian. Since she has been acting for decades, the public can witness this energy at work.

Her role as detective Olivia Benson inspired her to start the Joyful Heart Foundation, which provides assistance to sexually abused women. This is a fantastic example of how Saturn rewards effort in such diverse ways when viewed from the perspective of Aquarius vs Capricorn. In this instance, her hard work and dedication earned her financial reward and also national praise and awards (Capricorn), but it also enabled her to connect, inspire, and mobilize the collective as she tries to relieve the suffering and maintain the dignity of those in need (aqua). I’m sure both aspects/sides of these rewards are emotionally fulfilling.

Since she is a Capricorn Rising, her chart ruler is her Aquarius Saturn at 22 degrees (Capricorn) in the 1st house. Since her chart ruler is in the first house, her actions and manifestations are oriented around herself, her perceptions of her identity, and how she views the world. The 22nd degree in the 1st house rules our early environment. Undeniably, she has received a great deal of attention from the public ever since she was a young child. Her early experiences have, if anything, shaped her into the person she is today. As cliché as it may sound, her chart ruler in the first house indicates that her mission in this life was to just be herself and be able to respond to the stimuli and responses of others around her.

Aqua at 22 degrees in Janduz’s interpretation of the 360 symbolic degrees symbolizes “A diligent, attentive, and observant personality. Teamwork is more beneficial than individual effort, and mutual assistance is a significant advantage.” The 22nd degree is sometimes referred to as the “kill or be killed” degree. And at just 3 years old, Mariska was fortunate to survive a car accident that ripped the entire roof off the car and killed all the adults inside. However, I do not believe we should fear-monger when it comes to this degree. This degree had unique value for Nikola Stojanovic, and while it is not in the lightest sense, it is still powerful. Mariska has had to overcome difficulty in many other aspects of her life, neither surrendering to it or allowing it to beat her, slaying her anxieties and worries. Death is a concept that extends beyond the physical realm. Death is a transformation. And you may go through transformations dozens of times over your lifetime. Only to return and re-invent yourself as something new. If you have the 22nd degree then you have the ability to continually reimagine who you are.

Our moon sign indicates how we self-soothe or how we require our comforts to be addressed. It can also represent the emotional energy we must exude in order to feel secure and stable enough to be productive. Mariska has a Taurus Moon at 20 degrees (a Scorpio degree) in the 4th house. Taurus moons require a great deal of sensory stimulation. They value consistency and might be creatures of habit when it comes to the things that make them happy or comfortable, whether it’s a favorite blanket or food. Her moon in the 4th house emphasizes the importance of having a sanctuary, and she may treasure her privacy in the way she has designed and set up her home and room. Beyond these sensory sensations and indulgences of the Taurus Moon, the Scorpio degree adds extra intensity and a demand for solitude to the equation. Her self-care would necessitate a secure environment to process and release these intense emotions. Additionally, it must be done in a manner that respects her privacy and tranquility.

However, when it comes to intense Plutonian and Martian energy, Mariska is no stranger to dealing with that. Like I stated, Mariska’s mother, Jayne Mansfield, an American actress, was in a car accident that instantly killed her, her boyfriend, and the driver. Mariska also has a Jupiter in Aries in the 3rd house. Asleep in the back of the vehicle, Mariska, then three-and-a-half years old, was left with a zigzag scar (Aries) on one side of her head. Her brothers (3h) also escaped (Jupiter) with minor injuries. It was a miracle they made it out alive. They got lucky. In addition, Mariska’s Taurus moon (the mother) is trine her Virgo Pluto (transformation) in the 8th house (death). She has a 4h moon opposite a 10h Neptune placement. And she’s stated that it always bothered and confused (Neptune) her growing up how she’s always been compared to her mom (moon), especially in regards to her career (10h). I bet that at one point in time, this had left Mariska incredibly confused about her identity, roots, and values (4h) and how exactly she was supposed to present herself (10h Neptune).

But anyway, back to her pluto energy! In an interview, Mariska stated, “I think I learned about crisis very young, and I learned very young that shit happens, and there are no guarantees, and we keep going. And that then we transform it. That’s my superpower.” WHEW. She literally said she transforms it in true Plutonian nature. And without a doubt, she meant every word. She has Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 8th house, so all her life, she’s has to deal with very sudden and unexpected situations (Uranus) that have entirely flipped her life upside down and acted as catalysts for intense transformation (pluto), especially in regards to the way she merges with others and views the darker aspects of the human psyche. Mariska also has a Scorpio MC, pluto opposite Chiron, pluto trine ascendant, pluto sextile north node, mercury trine pluto, and venus opposite pluto.

I feel this is also why she was such an incredible actress on Law and Order. Every episode consists of violent and horrific crimes for which the audience must accept that victims do not always receive the justice they deserve. And where one must admit that there are horrible, brutal, and cruel people in the world who have no regard for human life. Mariska was nonetheless… (I don’t want to say “strong enough” since I’m not too fond of the statement that those with Pluto placements can endure pain without feeling it, which is not true). She was, however, familiar with this sensation of loss, complex emotions, and critical analysis. It had been something she has had to grapple with her whole life, so I bet that being Olivia Benson has been one of the most meaningful experiences of her life.

Mariska’s Cancer North Node also happens to be in the sixth house. With her Capricorn South Node in the twelfth house, she may have spent a previous life focusing on being an introvert, researching the subconscious and spirituality, and uncovering the innermost depths of her thoughts and fears. In this life, however, that energy is intended to be palpable and expressed in the physical and material realm (6h). But in the ways that most emotionally fulfill her the most (cancer). This energy is reflected in how she serves others (6h), particularly those linked with feminine energy, such as women and children (cancer). And how she has supported the most vulnerable (cancer) members of our society, both on and off-screen, as part of her job (6h). But, again, the south node energy doesn’t just vanish. So her perceptive (12h) and disciplined and determined energy (Capricorn) undoubtedly contributed to her nurturing the types of experiences that she needed to cultivate to work with her karma and learn the lessons that were meant for her this lifetime (that south node-north node axis).

These were just some of the aspects and placements that stood out to me as I looked at her chart. I could go on and on regarding many other placements she has, but I’ll stop here. She’s a super badass lady. I think she’s great.

-rxmxa ✨

Hot take from a Moon in 4th native

Moon in 4th does not equate to having a “happy family” or “finding happines in family”

Not all 4th H Moon natives will experience family the same way…family will play an important role in the natives life yes,BUT…this doesnt mean it’s a good role or happy experience.

I could rant more about this, but I’m exhausted so…
