


Someone pointed out recently that while Morgoth hated Elves above all others, Sauron actually hated Men more.

And a lot of that probably has to do with who their main opponents were at the height of their respective powers, Beren slipping through Sauron’s fingers and going on to get him in serious trouble with his master, etc etc.

But I kinda love it as just a disdain driven by their personalities. Like Morgoth is discord and chaos and elves are made to be in harmony with the song and preserve it and have this wholesome pure vibe, even when they maybe don’t deserve it, while men can screw the theme of iluvitar all on their own he barely has to lift a finger.

Meanwhile Sauron is very much control and order, and he finds elves are predictable and organized and pretty much stay in their lane, which he obviously has to destroy to get his own agenda through, but he can respect it. Whereas men are DISGUSTING WILD CARDS who can suddenly throw a wrench in his plans because Iluvitar gave them the ability to change the song, and Sauron hates free will, it makes everything messy.

And I enjoy this because I imagine an afternoon durring the Seige of Angband, when their most important endeavor is waiting for Glaurung to get big enough to break the elves’ lines, and Sauron and Morgoth just sitting around taking a break from torturing some thralls, having an idle debate over which of the children is worse, elves or men.

And Hurin stops Morgoth from destroying the last stronghold of elves and Sauron is sitting there radiating the MOST “I told you so” energy. And Morgoth can’t have that so he’s like “Nah b, men have so much chaos in their hearts already, watch how I can use this one to cause even more destruction than I dreamed even while I torture him” and then Turin’s curse starts wrecking shit, causes the fall of Nargathrond, delivers the Nauglamir to Thingol setting in motion the fall of the girdle, and Sauron is like ‘ok… you played that well.”

But then Hurin doesn’t break and Turin kills Glaurung and Sauron is like “You see. This is why men suck.”

And then- Peredhil start being a thing.

And Sauron and Morgoth are both like “Oh. Oh hell no. Do NOT like that.”

*Earendil smashes Ancalagon through Thangorodrim like an especially destructive basketball dunk*

Sauron, putting on his best begging for mercy form “Don’t like that shit at ALL”

Sauron / MelkorCOMISSIONS OPEN !8$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)10$ ONSauron / MelkorCOMISSIONS OPEN !8$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)10$ ON

Sauron / Melkor


  • 8$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
  • 10$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
  • 16$ TWO  characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
  • 20$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
  • 25$-ONE character  FULL BODY WITH COLOR
  • 40$-TWO characters  FULL BODY   with COLOR
  • 50$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol  + COLOR + FULL BODY  

i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated

*only paypal

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5/9 so far!i’ll put them available for print on society6 once I complete them! :)

5/9 so far!

i’ll put them available for print on society6 once I complete them! :)

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Nixed the dragon, too much effort!

Did 2 versions for the dark lord though, so that’s something… hahah

Follow me over at IG too!


WIP2 - Melkor

I feel black gold works for the OG dark lord no? Lol

still the only Melkor i’ve drawn that i like

still the only Melkor i’ve drawn that i like

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An@officialtolkiensecretsanta pinch hit for @lemurious! Thanks again for your patience, friend, and I hope you enjoy!!

Summary:Nerdanel learns that Feanor is arguing with someone at the gates of Formenos before dinner-time, and she goes to investigate the rumors herself. (aka, how that one “Get thee gone from my gate, thou gaol-crow of Mandos!” scene could have gone quite differently!)

Rating:Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply

Word count:1848

[Read on Ao3 here!]

A cut-up version of art. With a minimum of blood and injuries

Sauron and Melkor <333Sauron and Melkor <333

Sauron and Melkor <333

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Melkor and Sauron : > I Draw them for the first time. Okay, this isn’t the most original de

Melkor and Sauron : > I Draw them for the first time. Okay, this isn’t the most original design… But that’s how I always imagined them! Sau with a luxuriant golden mane of hair, Melkor with straightened perfectly smooth hair

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I am not shure ill finish it. I did to mutch xD For my first time animating i did good i guess xD. Hah

#the silmarillion    #sauron    #mairon    #mandos    #yavanna    #melkor    #morgoth    #annatar    #we are number one    #animation    #fanimation    #fanart    #artists on tumblr    #tumblr artist    #tumblr art    #jrr tolkien    #tolkien    #hobbit    #lord of the rings    #valar gods    

I. Hmmm i dot know. have this. ill finish it soon xD

#we are number one    #the silmarillion    #sauron    #melkor    #morgoth    #mairon    #yavanna    #mandos    #animation    #storyboard    #dark lords    #silmarillion    #hobbit    
My handwritting is terrible xD Mel: ‘’ are you…ugh…a real villian ?Saus: ‘’ tehnically

My handwritting is terrible xD 

Mel: ‘’ are you…ugh…a real villian ?

Saus: ‘’ tehnically not yet. ‘’

Ill make an animation of melkor singing we are number one xD ill just need a bit time xD cause all super villians need time xD

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